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'use strict';

var _ = require('underscore'),
    async = require('async'),
    Connection = require('./connection'),
    r = require('rethinkdb');

 * Default configuration.
 * @type {{
 * migrate: string
 * }}
var defaults = {
    // If setting syncable, you should consider the migrate option,
    // which allows you to set how the sync will be performed.
    // It can be overridden globally in an app (config/adapters.js) and on a per-model basis.
    // drop   => Drop schema and data, then recreate it
    // alter  => Drop/add columns as necessary, but try
    // safe   => Don't change anything (good for production DBs)
    migrate: 'alter'

 * Constructs a new RethinkDBAdapter instance.
 * A RethinkDBAdapter instance provides and interface for interacting with a Rethink database.
 * @param {object} options Configuration options for the new instance.
 * @constructor
function RethinkDBAdapter(options) {

    // Private variables //
    var collections = {},
        connection = new Connection(options);

    // Private functions //
    function _getDef(collectionName) {
        return collections[collectionName];

    function _setDef(collectionName, definition) {
        collections[collectionName] = definition;

     * Configure this RethinkDBAdapter instance with the given options.
     * @param {object} options Configuration options for this instance.
     * @param {boolean} [strict] If true, reset configuration to the defaults before applying the new options.
     * @private
    function _configure(options, strict) {
        var errorPrefix = 'RethinkDBAdapter.configure(options, strict): options';

        if (!_.isObject(options)) {
            throw new Error(errorPrefix + ': must be an object!');
        } else if (options.migrate && !_.isString(options.migrate)) {
            throw new Error(errorPrefix + '.migrate: must be a string!');

        connection.configure(options, strict);

    function _connectionRun(query, cb) {, cb);

    function _connectionDrain(cb) {

    function _connectionDestroyAllNow() {

    // Public methods //
    this.getDef = _getDef;
    this.setDef = _setDef;
    this.configure = _configure;
    this.definitions = function () {
        return collections;

    // Methods which allow us to keep our connection completely private.
    this.connectionRun = _connectionRun;
    this.connectionDrain = _connectionDrain;
    this.connectionDestroyAllNow = _connectionDestroyAllNow;

    // Setup //
    this.syncable = true;
    this.defaults = _.clone(defaults);

 * Register a Collection with this adapter. This will create the necessary table if it doesn't exist.
 * @param {object} newCollection New Collection to register with this adapter.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.registerCollection = function registerCollection(newCollection, cb) {

    var collectionName = newCollection.identity,
        collection = this.getDef(collectionName);

    if (!collection) {
        collection = _.clone(newCollection);
        this.setDef(collectionName, collection);

    this.define(collectionName, collection, function (err) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            cb(null, collection);

 * Close all connections. Called when a Collection is unregistered.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.teardown = function teardown(cb) {

    var _this = this;

    _this.connectionDrain(function () {

 * Create the table in the database for the given collection.
 * @param {string} collectionName Name of collection whose table is to be created.
 * @param {object} definition Collection definition.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.define = function define(collectionName, definition, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName),
        _this = this,
        tableCreateOptions = {},
        secondaryIndexQueries = [];


    // Remove any autoIncement keys, RethinkDB won't support them without
    // a hacky additional collection
    for (var key in definition) {
        if (definition.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            for (var k in definition[key]) {
                if (definition[key].hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                    if (definition[key][k].autoIncrement) {
                        delete definition[key][k].autoIncrement;

    collection.secondary_indices = collection.secondary_indices || [];

    for (var schemaKey in collection.definition) {
        if (collection.definition.hasOwnProperty(schemaKey)) {
            var attribute = collection.definition[schemaKey];
            // Detect if the primary key should be something other than 'id'
            if (attribute.primaryKey && !collection.primaryKey) {
                collection.primaryKey = schemaKey;
            // Detect the secondary indices (for the uniqueness constraint) that need to be created
            if (attribute.unique && !attribute.primaryKey) {
                secondaryIndexQueries.push((function (index) {
                    return function (cb) {
                        _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).indexCreate(index), cb);
    tableCreateOptions.primaryKey = collection.primaryKey || 'id';

    // Create the table if it doesn't exist
        function (next) {
            _this.connectionRun(r.tableList(), next);
        function (tableList, next) {
            if (tableList && _.indexOf(tableList, collectionName) === -1) {
                _this.connectionRun(r.tableCreate(collectionName, tableCreateOptions), function (err, result) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else if (result.created !== 1) {
                        next('Failed to create table: ' + collectionName);
                    } else {
            } else {
    ], function (err) {
        if (err) {
        } else if (secondaryIndexQueries.length) {
            async.series(secondaryIndexQueries, cb);
        } else {


 * Return the schema of the given collection.
 * @param {string} collectionName Name of collection whose schema is to be returned.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
 * @returns {*} Schema of the given collection.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.describe = function describe(collectionName, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName);
    var schema = Object.keys(collection.definition).length === 0 ?
        null : collection.definition;
    return cb(null, schema);

 * Drop the table for the given collection from the database.
 * @param {string} collectionName Collection whose table should be dropped.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.drop = function drop(collectionName, cb) {

    var _this = this;

    // Drop the table if it exists
    this.connectionRun(r.tableList(), function (err, tableList) {
        if (tableList && _.indexOf(tableList, collectionName) !== -1) {
            _this.connectionRun(r.tableDrop(collectionName), function (err, result) {
                if (err) {
                } else if (result.dropped !== 1) {
                    cb('Failed to drop table: ' + collectionName);
                } else {
        } else {

 * Create a new record in the given collection.
 * @param {string} collectionName Name of collection of new record.
 * @param {object} values Attributes for new record.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.create = function create(collectionName, values, cb) {

    var queries = [],
        collection = this.getDef(collectionName),
        _this = this;

    function insert(err) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).insert(values, { return_vals: true }), function (err, cursor) {
                if (err) {
                } else if (cursor.errors !== 0) {
                    cb(cursor.first_error || 'insert failed');
                } else {
                    cb(null, cursor.new_val);

    // Check uniqueness constraint for all unique attributes
    // The table must have a secondary index for each unique attribute
    for (var key in collection.definition) {
        if (collection.definition.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var attribute = collection.definition[key];
            if (attribute.unique && !attribute.primaryKey) {
                queries.push((function (index) {
                    return function (cb) {
                        _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).getAll(values[index] || '', { index: index }).count(), function (err, result) {
                            if (err) {
                            } else {
                                if (result > 0) {
                                    cb('Unique constraint failure!');
                                } else {

    if (queries.length) {
        async.series(queries, insert);
    } else {

RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.find = function find(collectionName, options, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName),
        _this = this;

    options = options || {};
    options.where = options.where || {};

    var single = false;
    // Detect whether we can use a single-row operation
    if (options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']) {
        single = 'primaryKey';
    } else {
        _.each(collection.secondary_indices, function (secondary_index) {
            if (options.where[secondary_index]) {
                single = secondary_index;

    if (single) {
        if (single === 'primaryKey') {
            // Find the record based on the collection's primary key
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']), function (err, document) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    cb(null, [document]);
        } else {
            // Find the record based on one of the secondary indices we found.
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[single], {
                index: single
            }), function (err, document) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    cb(null, [document]);
    } else {
        // Could not use a single-row operation, have to use a filter
            function (next) {
                var query = r.table(collectionName);
                if (!_.isEmpty(options.where)) {
                    query = query.filter(options.where);
                if (options.limit) {
                    query = query.limit(parseInt(options.limit, 10));
                _this.connectionRun(query, next);
            function (cursor, next) {
        ], cb);

 * Return the number of records in the given collection that meet the given criteria.
 * @param {string} collectionName Name of the collection to search.
 * @param {object} options Options for search. Can include a criteria object.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.count = function count(collectionName, options, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName);

    options = options || {};
    options.where = options.where || {};

    if (options.where) {
        if (options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id'] && options.limit === 1) {
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']).count(), cb);
        } else {
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).filter(options.where).count(), cb);
    } else {
        this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).count(), cb);

RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.update = function update(collectionName, options, values, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName),
        _this = this;

    if (_.isArray(values)) {
        var queries = [];
        _.each(values, function (value) {
            queries.push((function (val) {
                return function (local_cb) {
                    collection.update(collectionName, options, val, local_cb);
        // Perform parallel queries and merge together the results
        async.parallel(queries, cb);
    } else {
        options = options || {};
        options.where = options.where || {};
        var single = false;

        // We need to detect whether we can use the RethinkDB .get(...) method immediately,
        // or if we first need to use .filter(...)
        if (options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']) {
            single = 'primaryKey';
        } else {
            _.each(collection.secondary_indices, function (secondary_index) {
                if (options.where[secondary_index]) {
                    single = secondary_index;

        if (single) {
            if (single === 'primaryKey') {
                // Update the record by its primary key
                    function (next) {
                        _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']).update(values, { returnVals: true }), function (err, cursor) {
                            if (err) {
                            } else if (cursor.errors > 0) {
                            } else {
                                next(null, cursor.new_val);
                ], cb);
            } else {
                // Update the record by a secondary index
                    function (next) {
                        _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[single], {
                            index: single
                        }).update(values, { returnVals: true }), function (err, cursor) {
                            if (err) {
                            } else if (cursor.errors > 0) {
                            } else {
                                next(null, cursor.new_val);
                ], cb);
        } else {
            // Here the user gave us a criteria object that does not resolve to a unique item.
            // So we retrieve the primary keys of the rows in the table that meet the criteria,
            // then call adapter.update(...) on each individual key–resulting in recursion 1-level deep.
                function (next) {
                    _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).filter(options.where).pluck(collection.primaryKey || 'id'), next);
                function (cursor, next) {
                function (ids, next) {
                    var queries = [];
                    _.each(ids, function (id) {
                        queries.push((function (primaryKey) {
                            return function (local_cb) {
                                collection.update(collectionName, {
                                    where: primaryKey
                                }, values, local_cb);
                    // Perform parallel queries and merge together the results
                    async.parallel(queries, next);
            ], cb);

 * Delete a record or many records from the database.
 * @param {string} collectionName Name of collection from which to delete the record(s);
 * @param {object} options Options for the query. May include a criteria object.
 * @param {function} cb Callback function.
RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.destroy = function destroy(collectionName, options, cb) {

    var collection = this.getDef(collectionName);

    options = options || {};
    options.where = options.where || {};

    if (options.where) {
        if (options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']) {
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).get(options.where[collection.primaryKey || 'id']).delete(), cb);
        } else {
            this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).filter(options.where).delete(), cb);
    } else {
        this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).delete(), cb);

RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.createEach = function createEach(collectionName, values, cb) {

    var _this = this;

        function (next) {
            _this.connectionRun(r.table(collectionName).insert(values), next);
        function (result, next) {
            _this.connectionRun(r.expr(result.generated_keys).map(r.table(collectionName).get(r.row)), next);
        function (cursor, next) {
    ], cb);

// TODO: RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.findOrCreate
// TODO: RethinkDBAdapter.prototype.findOrCreateEach

module.exports = RethinkDBAdapter;