@Adg = {}
class Adg.Base
uniqueIdCount = 1
config =
debug: false
hiddenCssClass: 'adg-visually-hidden'
# Constructor. Should not be overridden; use @init() instead.
# - Arg1: The DOM element on which the script should be applied (will be saved as @$el)
# - Arg2: An optional hash of options which will be merged into the global default config
constructor: (el, options = {}) ->
@$el = $(el)
@config = config
for key, val of options
@config[key] = val
# Dummy, must be overridden in inheriting classes.
init: ->
@throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole 'Classes extending App must implement method init()!'
# Executes the given selector on @$el and returns the element. Makes sure exactly one element exists.
findOne: (selector) ->
result = @$el.find(selector)
switch result.length
when 0 then @throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole "No object found for #{selector}!", result: result
when 1 then $(result.first())
else @throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole "More than one object found for #{selector}!", result: result
name: ->
# "adg-#{}"
addAdgDataAttribute: ($target, name, value = '') ->
$target.attr(@adgDataAttributeName(name), value)
removeAdgDataAttribute: ($target, name) ->
adgDataAttributeName: (name = null) ->
result = "data-#{@name()}"
result += "-#{name}" if name
uniqueId: (name) ->
[@name(), name, uniqueIdCount++].join '-'
labelOfInput: ($inputs) ->
$ (i, input) =>
$input = $(input)
id = $input.attr('id')
$label = @findOne("label[for='#{id}']")[0]
if $label.length == 0
$label = $input.closest('label')
@throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole "No corresponding input found for input!", input: $input if $label.length == 0
show: ($el) ->
# TODO Would be cool to renounce CSS and solely use the hidden attribute. But jQuery's :visible doesn't seem to work with it!?
# @throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole("Element is still hidden, although hidden attribute was removed! Make sure there's no CSS like display:none or visibility:hidden left on it!", element: $el) if $':hidden')
hide: ($el) ->
$el.attr('hidden', '')
throwMessageAndPrintObjectsToConsole: (message, elements = {}) ->
console.log elements
throw message
text: (text, options = {}) ->
text = @config["#{text}Text"]
for key, value of options
text = text.replace "[#{key}]", value