# Form errors accessibilizer.
# Searches for Twitter Bootstrap form groups (`.form-group`) and describes the inputs with their individual help blocks (`.help-block`) using `aria-describedby`.
# Also sets the focus to the first invalid input.
class App.FormAccessibilizer
class FormGroup
constructor: (formGroup) ->
$formGroup = $(formGroup)
@input = $formGroup.find(':input')
@helps = $formGroup.find('.help-block')
@hasError = $formGroup.hasClass('has-error')
constructor: (el) ->
@$el = $(el)
formGroups = @prepareFormGroups(@$el)
prepareFormGroups: ($el) ->
$el.find('.form-group').map (key, formGroup) ->
new FormGroup(formGroup)
describeInputsWithHelpBlocks: (formGroups) ->
for formGroup in formGroups
input_id = formGroup.input.attr('id')
help_ids = []
# Map would be nice, but map with index doesn't seem to work:
for help, i in formGroup.helps
id_parts = [input_id, 'help']
id_parts.push(i + 1) if formGroup.helps.length > 1 # Add a counter if there is more than one help block
id = id_parts.join '_'
$(help).attr('id', id)
help_ids.push id
if help_ids.length > 0
formGroup.input.attr('aria-describedby', help_ids.join(' '))
setFocusToFirstInvalidInput: (formGroups) ->
for formGroup in formGroups
if formGroup.hasError
formGroup.input.focus() # Set focus to first input