# Helps managing uniform navigation.
# Relies on Twitter Bootstrap's nav-bar (use `navigation_group` and `navigation_item`); extended using YAMM ( so it allows creating mega menus (use `navigation_mega`).
# It assumes there is a `has_breadcrumb?` helper available: if the `target` of the current navigation group or item has a breadcrumb, it's marked up as active (visually using `.active` class, semantically using visually hidden text).
module NavigationHelper
# Creates a navigation group.
# Always needs a `group_title` and a `target` URL.
# The first `navigation_item` of each group is auto-generated; while its `target` URL always is the one of the group, its title depends on the third parameter `item_title`:
# - If `item_title` is left empty, the first `navigation_item` has the title "Overview"; a visual divider is added below it.
# - If `item_title` is given a value, the first `navigation_item` has the given value as title.
# All other `navigation_item`s need to be provided as a block.
# The group's state is automatically set to active, if ther helper method `has_breadcrumb?` returns `true` for the given `target` URL.
def navigation_group(group_title, target, item_title = nil, &block)
group_title = group_title.html_safe
divider = nil
if item_title.nil?
item_title = t('layouts.navigation.overview')
divider = content_tag :li, nil, class: 'divider', role: 'decoration'
has_breadcrumb = has_breadcrumb?(target_path(target))
content_tag :li, class: "dropdown #{:active if has_breadcrumb}" do
link = link_to '#', class: 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-expanded': false do
group_title += content_tag(:span, " (#{t('layouts.navigation.current_group')})", class: 'sr-only') if has_breadcrumb
group_title + content_tag(:b, nil, class: :caret)
dropdown = content_tag :ul, class: 'dropdown-menu' do
overview = navigation_item item_title, target, active: current_page?(target_path(target))
overview + divider + capture(self, &block)
link + dropdown
# Creates a navigation item (always needs to be called within a `navigation_group` block).
# Accepts the following argument combinations:
# - `title` and `target`
# - `target` with a block (used as title)
# The options hash accepts the following keys:
# - `:active` sets the forces active state (used internally by `navigation_group`)
# The item's state is automatically set to active, if ther helper method `has_breadcrumb?` returns `true` for the given `target` URL.
def navigation_item(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
if args.size == 2
title = args[0]
target = args[1]
elsif args.size == 1 && block_given?
title = capture(self, &block)
target = args[0]
raise "You must pass as arguments either a title and a target, or only a target plus a block!"
title = title.html_safe
options[:active] = has_breadcrumb?(target_path(target)) if options[:active].nil?
title += content_tag(:span, " (#{t('layouts.navigation.current_item')})", class: 'sr-only') if options[:active]
content_tag :li, class: "#{:active if options[:active]}" do
link_to title, target
# Creates a navigation mega menu.
# Always needs a `group_title` and a `target` URL.
# The mega menu's content needs to be provided as a block.
# The item's state is automatically set to active, if ther helper method `has_breadcrumb?` returns `true` for the given `target` URL.
def navigation_mega(group_title, target, &block)
group_title = group_title.html_safe
content_tag :li, class: "dropdown #{:active if has_breadcrumb?(target)}" do
active = current_page?(target)
link = link_to '#', class: 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-expanded': false do
group_title += content_tag(:span, " (#{t('layouts.navigation.current_group')})", class: 'sr-only') if active
group_title + content_tag(:b, nil, class: :caret)
dropdown = content_tag :div, class: 'dropdown-menu yamm-content' do
capture(self, &block)
link + dropdown
def target_path(target)