import { inherit } from '../utils/Creator'
import { Vec3 } from '../math/Vec3'
import { Constraint } from './Constraint'
// ..................................................
// BoundingPlaneConstraint
// ..................................................
export { BoundingPlaneConstraint }
@module constraints
Defines an infinite bounding plane which constrains all particles in the system.
var origin = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0]
var normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
var bounds = BoundingPlaneConstraint.create(origin, normal)
var plane = BoundingPlaneConstraint.create(origin, normal, Infinity)
@class BoundingPlaneConstraint
@extends Constraint
@param {Array (Vec3)} origin Plane origin
@param {Array (Vec3)} normal Plane normal / orientation
@param {Float} [distance] Maximum positive distance to affect particles
function BoundingPlaneConstraint(origin, normal, distance) {
Positive distance from plane within which particles will be constrained.
A value of `Infinity` will constrain all particles to be inline with the plane, while
the default of `0` constrains all particles to space in front of the plane
relative to its `origin` and orientation `normal`.
@property distance
@type Float
@default 0
this.distance = distance || 0
Damping factor to apply to particles being constrained to bounds
@property friction
@type Float
@default 0.05
this.friction = 0.05
Vec3 buffer which stores plane origin and normal
@property bufferVec3
@type Float32Array (Vec3)
this.bufferVec3 = Vec3.create(2)
Create instance, accepts constructor arguments.
@method create
inherit(BoundingPlaneConstraint, Constraint)
Global constraint flag
@property _isGlobal
@type Bool
BoundingPlaneConstraint.prototype._isGlobal = true
Set origin
@method setOrigin
@param {Float} x
@param {Float} y
@param {Float} z
BoundingPlaneConstraint.prototype.setOrigin = function (x, y, z) {
Vec3.set(this.bufferVec3, 0, x, y, z)
Set normal (automatically normalizes vector)
@method setNormal
@param {Float} x
@param {Float} y
@param {Float} z
BoundingPlaneConstraint.prototype.setNormal = function (x, y, z) {
Vec3.set(this.bufferVec3, 1, x, y, z)
Vec3.normalize(this.bufferVec3, 1)
BoundingPlaneConstraint.prototype.applyConstraint = function (index, p0, p1) {
var friction = this.friction
var b0 = this.bufferVec3
var ix = index, iy = ix + 1, iz = ix + 2
// OP (O -> P)
var opX = p0[ix] - b0[0]
var opY = p0[iy] - b0[1]
var opZ = p0[iz] - b0[2]
// N
var nX = b0[3]
var nY = b0[4]
var nZ = b0[5]
// Project OP onto normal vector N
var pt = opX * nX + opY * nY + opZ * nZ
if (pt > this.distance) { return; }
p0[ix] -= nX * pt
p0[iy] -= nY * pt
p0[iz] -= nZ * pt
p1[ix] -= (p1[ix] - p0[ix]) * friction
p1[iy] -= (p1[iy] - p0[iy]) * friction
p1[iz] -= (p1[iz] - p0[iz]) * friction