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2 days
Test Coverage
let kuro
let _msg
let _stickers = {}
let _table = 'stickers'
let assets = './files/stickers'
const fs = require('fs')
const axios = require('axios')
const FormData = require('form-data')
const concat = require('concat-stream')

exports.init = function(bot) {
    kuro = bot

    // Create sticker folder if it doesn't exist
    fs.existsSync(assets) || fs.mkdirSync(assets)

    // Create the table where we will be storing this module's data
    bot.db.schema.createTableIfNotExists(_table, (table) => {
    }).then(() => {
        // Lets load up the existing stickers
        bot.db.table(_table).then((rows) => {
            for (let row of rows) {
                if (row.url !== '' && row.url !== undefined) {
                    _stickers[row.name] = row.url
                } else {
                    _stickers[row.name] = row.file
    .catch((error) => { kuro.error(error) })

exports.run = function(msg, args) {
    _msg = msg

    if (!(args instanceof Array)) {
        if (_stickers.hasOwnProperty(args)) return this.sendSticker(args)
        return _msg.delete()

    let newargs = []
    for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {

    // Subcommand?
    if (args[0] === 'add') return this.add(newargs)
    if (args[0] === 'del') return this.del(newargs)
    if (args[0] === 'ren') return this.ren(newargs)
    if (args[0] === 'list') return this.list()
    if (args[0] === 'migrate') return this.migrate()

    // Not a subcommand, let's see if it's a sticker
    if (_stickers.hasOwnProperty(args[0])) return this.sendSticker(args[0])

    // Ded

exports.sendSticker = function(name) {
    if (_stickers[name].startsWith('http')) {
            embed: {
                image: { url: _stickers[name] },
                color: 3290683
    } else {
        let file = `${assets}/${_stickers[name]}`
        fs.access(file, fs.constants.R_OK, (err) => {
            if (err) return _msg.edit(`**Error:**\n${err}`)

            let img = fs.readFileSync(file)
            return _msg.channel.sendFile(img, _stickers[name])

exports.add = function(args) {
    if (args[0] === undefined) {
        kuro.edit(_msg, 'No name provided.')

    let name = args[0]

    // Is the name of the sticker already used?
    if (_stickers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        kuro.edit(_msg, 'Name already in use.')

    // Prepare the destination container
    let dest = `${assets}/${name}`
    let url = ''

    // Stupid discord renaming stuff, breaks everything
    let discordFilename = ''
    if (args[1] !== undefined) {
        url = args[1]
    } else {
        if (typeof _msg.attachments.first() !== 'undefined') {
            if ('proxyURL' in _msg.attachments.first()) {
                url = _msg.attachments.first().proxyURL
                discordFilename = _msg.attachments.first().filename

    if (url === '') {
        // Welp, couldn't figure out a url
        kuro.edit(_msg, 'You didnt supply either a url nor attachment, or there was an error with the attachment.')

    // Try and gather the extension of the file
    let re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/
    let ext = re.exec(url)[1]

    if (discordFilename !== '') {
        ext = re.exec(discordFilename)[1]

    if (ext === undefined) {
        kuro.edit(_msg, 'The file you are linking or trying to attach doesn\'t have an extension. Kuro needs that thingy. pls fam')

    dest = `${dest}.${ext}`
    this.downloadImage(name, url, dest, ext)

exports.del = function(args) {
    if (args[0] === undefined) return kuro.edit(_msg, 'No name provided.')

    if (args[0] in _stickers) {
            .where('name', args[0])
            .then(() => {
                delete (_stickers[args[0]])
                return kuro.edit(_msg, 'The sticker was removed.', 1000)
            .catch((e) => { kuro.edit(_msg, `Error: \n${e}`, 0) })
    } else {
        return kuro.edit(_msg, 'There is no sticker by that name.')

exports.ren = function(args) {
    if (args[0] === undefined) return kuro.edit(_msg, 'No source sticker supplied.')
    if (args[1] === undefined) return kuro.edit(_msg, 'No destination sticker supplied.')

    if (args[0] in _stickers) {
            .where('name', args[0])
            .update({ name: args[1] })
            .then(() => {
                _stickers[args[1]] = _stickers[args[0]]
                delete (_stickers[args[0]])
                return kuro.edit(_msg, 'Sticker renamed.', 1000)
            .catch((e) => { kuro.edit(_msg, `Error: \n${e}`, 0) })
    } else {
        return kuro.edit(_msg, 'There is no sticker by that name.')

exports.list = function() {
    let list = ''
    for (let sticker in _stickers) {
        if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(_stickers, sticker)) {
            list = `${list}${sticker}, `

    list = list.substr(0, list.length - 2)
    return kuro.edit(_msg, `**__Stickers list__**\n\`\`\`\n${list}\n\`\`\``, 10000)

exports.downloadImage = function(name, url, dest, ext) {
    let saveFile = require('request')
        .on('error', (err) => {
            _msg.edit(`***Error:*** ${err}`)

    saveFile.on('finish', () => {
        this.uploadImage(name, dest, ext)

exports.uploadImage = function(name, dest, ext) {
    const fd = new FormData()

    fd.append('files[]', fs.createReadStream(dest))
    fd.pipe(concat({ encoding: 'buffer' }, data => {
        axios.post('https://safe.moe/api/upload', data, { headers: fd.getHeaders() })
        .then((response) => {
            if (response.data.success === false) {
                console.error('Error uploading to safe.moe: ', response.description)
                kuro.error('Error saving sticker. Check logs')
                return this.saveStickerToDB(name, ext, '')

            return this.saveStickerToDB(name, ext, response.data.files[0].url)
        .catch((err) => console.log(err))

exports.saveStickerToDB = function(name, ext, url) {
        name: name,
        file: `${name}.${ext}`,
        url: url
    .then(() => {
        _stickers[name] = `${name}.${ext}`
        if (url !== '') _stickers[name] = url
        kuro.edit(_msg, 'Sticker added', 1000)

exports.migrate = function() {
    console.log('Starting migration')
    _msg.edit('*Starting migration to kuro v4.1.0, this might take a while depending how many stickers you have. Check the console.*')

    try {

        kuro.db.schema.table(_table, (table) => {
        }).then(() => {
            // Done for now
            kuro.db.table(_table).then((rows) => {
                console.log('Found ' + rows.length + ' stickers, starting the upload to safe.moe')

                let counter = 1
                for (let row of rows) {
                    if (row.url === '' || row.url === undefined || row.url === null) {
                        const fd = new FormData()

                        fd.append('files[]', fs.createReadStream(`${assets}/${row.file}`))
                        fd.pipe(concat({ encoding: 'buffer' }, data => {
                            axios.post('https://safe.moe/api/upload', data, { headers: fd.getHeaders() })
                            .then((response) => {
                                if (response.data.success === false) {
                                    console.error('Error uploading to safe.moe: ', response.description)
                                } else {
                                    kuro.db.table(_table).where('id', row.id).update(
                                        { url: response.data.files[0].url }
                                    .then(() => {
                                        console.log('Finished uploading ' + counter + '/' + rows.length + ': ' + row.name)
                                        _stickers[row.name] = response.data.files[0].url
                                        if (counter > rows.length) {
                                            console.log('Migration finished, you can keep using Kuro like you normally would')
                                            _msg.edit('*Migration finished, you can keep using Kuro like you normally would*')
                            .catch((err) => console.log(err))

        .catch((error) => { kuro.error(error) })
    } catch (e) {

exports.stickerCount = function() {
    return Object.keys(_stickers).length