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 * Laravel Steam Login.
 * @link      https://www.maddela.org
 * @link      https://github.com/kanalumaddela/laravel-steam-login
 * @author    kanalumaddela <git@maddela.org>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Maddela
 * @license   MIT

namespace kanalumaddela\LaravelSteamLogin;

use function array_merge;
use function config;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Fluent;
use function json_decode;
use const JSON_ERROR_NONE;
use function json_last_error;
use function simplexml_load_string;
use function sprintf;
use SteamID;
use function ucfirst;

 * @property string steamId
 * @property string steamId2
 * @property string steamId3
 * @property string accountUrl
 * @property string profileDataUrl
 * @property int    accountId
 * @property string name
 * @property string avatar
class SteamUser extends Fluent
     * Steam Community URL using 64bit steamId.
     * @var string
    const STEAM_PROFILE = 'https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/%s';

     * Steam Community URL using custom id.
     * @var string
    const STEAM_PROFILE_ID = 'https://steamcommunity.com/id/%s';

     * Steam API GetPlayerSummaries URL.
     * @var string
    const STEAM_PLAYER_API = 'https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=%s&steamids=%s';

     * personaStates.
    protected static $personaStates = [
        'Looking to trade',
        'Looking to play',

     * Profile data retrieval method to use.
     * @var string
    protected $method = 'xml';

     * URL to use when retrieving a user's profile.
     * @var string
    protected $profileDataUrl;

     * xPaw instance.
     * @var \SteamID
    protected $xPawSteamId;

     * Guzzle instance.
     * @var \GuzzleHttp\Client
    protected $guzzle;

     * Guzzle response.
     * @var \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
    protected $response;

     * SteamUser constructor. Extends SteamID and constructs that first.
     * @param string|int        $steamId
     * @param GuzzleClient|null $guzzle
    public function __construct($steamId, GuzzleClient $guzzle = null)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE !== 8) {
            trigger_error('64 bit PHP is required to handle SteamID conversions', E_USER_ERROR);

        $xPawSteamId = new SteamID($steamId);

        $this->attributes['steamId'] = $this->attributes['steam64'] = $xPawSteamId->ConvertToUInt64();
        $this->attributes['steamId2'] = $xPawSteamId->RenderSteam2();
        $this->attributes['steamId3'] = $xPawSteamId->RenderSteam3();
        $this->attributes['accountId'] = $xPawSteamId->GetAccountID();
        $this->attributes['accountUrl'] = sprintf(self::STEAM_PROFILE, $this->attributes['steamId']);
        $this->attributes['profileDataUrl'] = sprintf(self::STEAM_PROFILE.'/?xml=1', $this->attributes['steamId']);
        $this->xPawSteamId = $xPawSteamId;


        $this->guzzle = $guzzle ?? new GuzzleClient();
        $this->method = config('steam-login.method', 'xml') === 'api' ? 'api' : 'xml';
        $this->profileDataUrl = $this->method === 'xml' ? $this->attributes['profileDataUrl'] : sprintf(self::STEAM_PLAYER_API, config('steam-login.api_key'), $this->attributes['steamId']);


     * magic method __toString using Fluent toJson().
     * @return string
    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->toJson();

     * Get xpaw SteamID instance.
     * @return \SteamID
    public function getXpawSteamID(): ?SteamID
        return $this->xPawSteamId;

     * Retrieve a user's steam info set its attributes.
     * @return $this
    public function getUserInfo(): self

        return $this;

     * Retrieve a user's profile info from Steam via API or XML data.
    protected function userInfo()
        try {
            $this->response = $this->guzzle->get($this->profileDataUrl, ['connect_timeout' => config('steam-login.timeout')]);
            $body = $this->response->getBody()->getContents();

            switch ($this->method) {
                case 'api':
                    $data = $this->parseApiProfileData($body);
                case 'xml':
                    $data = $this->parseXmlProfileData($body);
                    $data = [];

            $this->attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $data);
        } catch (GuzzleException $e) {

    protected static function parseApiProfileData($body): array
        $json = @json_decode($body, true);
        $json = $json['response']['players'][0] ?? null;

        if (empty($body) || $json === null || json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
            return [];

        $offlineStates = [
            0 => true,
            4 => true,

        return [
            'name'            => $json['personaname'],
            'realName'        => $json['realname'] ?? null,
            'profileUrl'      => $json['profileurl'],
            'isPublic'        => $json['communityvisibilitystate'] === 3,
            'privacyState'    => $json['communityvisibilitystate'] === 3 ? 'Public' : 'Private',
            'visibilityState' => $json['communityvisibilitystate'],
            'isOnline'        => !isset($offlineStates[$json['personastate']]),
            'onlineState'     => isset($data['gameid']) ? 'In-Game' : (!isset($offlineStates[$json['personastate']]) ? 'Online' : 'Offline'),
            'joined'          => $json['timecreated'] ?? null,
            'avatarIcon'      => $json['avatar'],
            'avatarSmall'     => $json['avatar'],
            'avatarMedium'    => $json['avatarmedium'],
            'avatarFull'      => $json['avatarfull'],
            'avatarLarge'     => $json['avatarfull'],
            'avatar'          => $json['avatarfull'],

    protected static function parseXmlProfileData($body): array
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($body, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

        if (empty($body) || $xml === false || isset($xml->error)) {
            return [];

        return [
            'name'            => (string) $xml->steamID,
            'realName'        => isset($xml->realName) ? (string) $xml->realName : null,
            'profileUrl'      => sprintf((isset($xml->customURL) ? static::STEAM_PROFILE : static::STEAM_PROFILE_ID), $xml->customURL ?? $xml->steamID64),
            'isPublic'        => $xml->privacyState === 'public',
            'privacyState'    => $xml->privacyState === 'public' ? 'Public' : 'Private',
            'visibilityState' => (int) $xml->visibilityState,
            'isOnline'        => $xml->onlineState !== 'offline',
            'onlineState'     => $xml->onlineState === 'in-game' ? 'In-Game' : ucfirst($xml->onlineState),
            'joined'          => isset($xml->memberSince) ? strtotime($xml->memberSince) : null,
            'avatarIcon'      => (string) $xml->avatarIcon,
            'avatarSmall'     => (string) $xml->avatarIcon,
            'avatarMedium'    => (string) $xml->avatarMedium,
            'avatarFull'      => (string) $xml->avatarFull,
            'avatarLarge'     => (string) $xml->avatarFull,
            'avatar'          => (string) $xml->avatarFull,

     * Return Guzzle response of retrieving player's profile data.
     * @return Response
    public function getResponse(): Response
        return $this->response;