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5 days
Test Coverage
import { DisputeKitClassic, KlerosCore, PNK, RandomizerRNG, BlockHashRNG, SortitionModule } from "../typechain-types";
import request from "graphql-request";
import env from "./utils/env";
import loggerFactory from "./utils/logger";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import hre = require("hardhat");

const { ethers } = hre;
const WAIT_FOR_RNG_DURATION = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
const ITERATIONS_COOLDOWN_PERIOD = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds
const HIGH_GAS_LIMIT = { gasLimit: 50_000_000 }; // 50M gas
const HEARTBEAT_URL = env.optionalNoDefault("HEARTBEAT_URL_KEEPER_BOT");
const SUBGRAPH_URL = env.require("SUBGRAPH_URL");
const MAX_JURORS_PER_DISPUTE = 1000; // Skip disputes with more than this number of jurors
const DISPUTES_TO_SKIP = env
  .optional("DISPUTES_TO_SKIP", "")
  .map((s) => s.trim());

const loggerOptions = env.optionalNoDefault("LOGTAIL_TOKEN_KEEPER_BOT")
  ? {
      transportTargetOptions: {
        target: "@logtail/pino",
        options: { sourceToken: env.require("LOGTAIL_TOKEN_KEEPER_BOT") },
        level: env.optional("LOG_LEVEL", "info"),
      level: env.optional("LOG_LEVEL", "info"), // for pino-pretty
  : {};
const logger = loggerFactory.createLogger(loggerOptions);

const getContracts = async () => {
  const core = (await ethers.getContract("KlerosCore")) as KlerosCore;
  const sortition = (await ethers.getContract("SortitionModule")) as SortitionModule;
  const randomizerRng = (await ethers.getContract("RandomizerRNG")) as RandomizerRNG;
  const blockHashRNG = (await ethers.getContract("BlockHashRNG")) as BlockHashRNG;
  const disputeKitClassic = (await ethers.getContract("DisputeKitClassic")) as DisputeKitClassic;
  const pnk = (await ethers.getContract("PNK")) as PNK;
  return { core, sortition, randomizerRng, blockHashRNG, disputeKitClassic, pnk };

type Contribution = {
  contributor: {
    id: string;
  choice: string;
  rewardWithdrawn: boolean;
  coreDispute: {
    currentRoundIndex: string;

type Dispute = {
  period: string;
  id: string;
  currentRoundIndex: string;

type CustomError = {
  reason: string;
  code: string;
  errorArgs: any[];
  errorName: string;
  errorSignature: string;

enum Phase {
  STAKING = "staking",
  GENERATING = "generating",
  DRAWING = "drawing",
const PHASES = Object.values(Phase);

const getNonFinalDisputes = async (): Promise<Dispute[]> => {
  const nonFinalDisputesRequest = `{
    disputes(where: {period_not: execution}) {
  // TODO: use a local graph node if chainId is HARDHAT
  const result = await request(SUBGRAPH_URL, nonFinalDisputesRequest);
  const { disputes } = result as { disputes: Dispute[] };
  return disputes;

const getAppealContributions = async (disputeId: string): Promise<Contribution[]> => {
  const appealContributionsRequest = (disputeId: string) => `{
    contributions(where: {coreDispute: "${disputeId}"}) {
      contributor {
      ... on ClassicContribution {
      coreDispute {
  // TODO: use a local graph node if chainId is HARDHAT
  const result = await request(SUBGRAPH_URL, appealContributionsRequest(disputeId));
  const { contributions } = result as { contributions: Contribution[] };
  return contributions;

const getDisputesWithUnexecutedRuling = async (): Promise<Dispute[]> => {
  const disputesWithUnexecutedRuling = `{
    disputes(where: {period: execution, ruled: false}) {
  // TODO: use a local graph node if chainId is HARDHAT
  const result = (await request(SUBGRAPH_URL, disputesWithUnexecutedRuling)) as { disputes: Dispute[] };
  return result.disputes;

const getUniqueDisputes = (disputes: Dispute[]): Dispute[] => {
  return [...new Map(disputes.map((v) => [v.id, v])).values()];

const getDisputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn = async (): Promise<Dispute[]> => {
  const disputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn = `{
    classicContributions(where: {rewardWithdrawn: false}) {
      coreDispute {
  // TODO: use a local graph node if chainId is HARDHAT
  const result = (await request(SUBGRAPH_URL, disputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn)) as {
    classicContributions: { coreDispute: Dispute }[];
  const disputes = result.classicContributions
    .filter((contribution) => contribution.coreDispute.period === "execution")
    .map((dispute) => dispute.coreDispute);
  return getUniqueDisputes(disputes);

const handleError = (e: any) => {
  logger.error(e, "Failure");

const isRngReady = async () => {
  const { randomizerRng, blockHashRNG, sortition } = await getContracts();
  const currentRng = await sortition.rng();
  if (currentRng === randomizerRng.address) {
    const requesterID = await randomizerRng.requesterToID(sortition.address);
    const n = await randomizerRng.randomNumbers(requesterID);
    if (Number(n) === 0) {
      logger.info("RandomizerRNG is NOT ready yet");
      return false;
    } else {
      logger.info(`RandomizerRNG is ready: ${n.toString()}`);
      return true;
  } else if (currentRng === blockHashRNG.address) {
    const requestBlock = await sortition.randomNumberRequestBlock();
    const lookahead = await sortition.rngLookahead();
    const n = await blockHashRNG.callStatic.receiveRandomness(requestBlock.add(lookahead));
    if (Number(n) === 0) {
      logger.info("BlockHashRNG is NOT ready yet");
      return false;
    } else {
      logger.info(`BlockHashRNG is ready: ${n.toString()}`);
      return true;
  } else {
    logger.error("Unknown RNG at ", currentRng);
    return false;

const passPhase = async () => {
  const { sortition } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  try {
    await sortition.callStatic.passPhase();
  } catch (e) {
    const error = e as CustomError;
    logger.info(`passPhase: not ready yet because of ${error?.reason ?? error?.errorName ?? error?.code}`);
    return success;
  const before = await sortition.phase();
  try {
    const gas = (await sortition.estimateGas.passPhase()).mul(150).div(100); // 50% extra gas
    const tx = await (await sortition.passPhase({ gasLimit: gas })).wait();
    logger.info(`passPhase txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {
    const after = await sortition.phase();
    logger.info(`passPhase: ${PHASES[before]} -> ${PHASES[after]}`);
    success = before !== after; // true if successful
  return success;

const passPeriod = async (dispute: { id: string }) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  try {
    await core.callStatic.passPeriod(dispute.id);
  } catch (e) {
    const error = e as CustomError;
      `passPeriod: not ready yet for dispute ${dispute.id} because of error ${
        error?.reason ?? error?.errorName ?? error?.code
    return success;
  const before = (await core.disputes(dispute.id)).period;
  try {
    const gas = (await core.estimateGas.passPeriod(dispute.id)).mul(150).div(100); // 50% extra gas
    const tx = await (await core.passPeriod(dispute.id, { gasLimit: gas })).wait();
    logger.info(`passPeriod txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {
    const after = (await core.disputes(dispute.id)).period;
    logger.info(`passPeriod for dispute ${dispute.id}: ${before} -> ${after}`);
    success = before !== after; // true if successful
  return success;

const drawJurors = async (dispute: { id: string; currentRoundIndex: string }, iterations: number) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  try {
    await core.callStatic.draw(dispute.id, iterations, HIGH_GAS_LIMIT);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error(`Draw: will fail for ${dispute.id}, skipping`);
    return success;
  try {
    const tx = await (await core.draw(dispute.id, iterations, HIGH_GAS_LIMIT)).wait();
    logger.info(`Draw txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
    success = true;
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {
    const roundInfo = await core.getRoundInfo(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex);
    logger.info(`Drawn jurors (last 20): ${roundInfo.drawnJurors.slice(-20)}`);
  return success;

const executeRepartitions = async (dispute: { id: string; currentRoundIndex: string }, iterations: number) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  try {
    await core.callStatic.execute(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex, iterations, HIGH_GAS_LIMIT);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error(`Execute: will fail for ${dispute.id}, skipping`);
    return success;
  try {
    const tx = await (await core.execute(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex, iterations, HIGH_GAS_LIMIT)).wait();
    logger.info(`Execute txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
    success = true;
  } catch (e) {
  return success;

const executeRuling = async (dispute: { id: string }) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  try {
    await core.callStatic.executeRuling(dispute.id);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error(`ExecuteRuling: will fail for ${dispute.id}, skipping`);
    return success;
  try {
    const gas = (await core.estimateGas.executeRuling(dispute.id)).mul(150).div(100); // 50% extra gas
    const tx = await (await core.executeRuling(dispute.id, { gasLimit: gas })).wait();
    logger.info(`ExecuteRuling txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
    success = true;
  } catch (e) {
  return success;

const withdrawAppealContribution = async (
  disputeId: string,
  roundId: string,
  contribution: Contribution
): Promise<boolean> => {
  const { disputeKitClassic: kit } = await getContracts();
  let success = false;
  let amountWithdrawn = BigNumber.from(0);
  try {
    amountWithdrawn = await kit.callStatic.withdrawFeesAndRewards(
  } catch (e) {
      `WithdrawFeesAndRewards: will fail for dispute #${disputeId}, round #${roundId}, choice ${contribution.choice} and beneficiary ${contribution.contributor.id}, skipping`
    return success;
  if (amountWithdrawn.isZero()) {
      `WithdrawFeesAndRewards: no fees or rewards to withdraw for dispute #${disputeId}, round #${roundId}, choice ${contribution.choice} and beneficiary ${contribution.contributor.id}, skipping`
    return success;
  try {
      `WithdrawFeesAndRewards: appeal contribution for dispute #${disputeId}, round #${roundId}, choice ${contribution.choice} and beneficiary ${contribution.contributor.id}`
    const gas = (
      await kit.estimateGas.withdrawFeesAndRewards(disputeId, contribution.contributor.id, roundId, contribution.choice)
      .div(100); // 50% extra gas
    const tx = await (
      await kit.withdrawFeesAndRewards(disputeId, contribution.contributor.id, roundId, contribution.choice, {
        gasLimit: gas,
    logger.info(`WithdrawFeesAndRewards txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
    success = true;
  } catch (e) {
  return success;

const executeDelayedStakes = async () => {
  const { sortition } = await getContracts();

  // delayedStakes = 1 + delayedStakeWriteIndex - delayedStakeReadIndex
  const delayedStakesRemaining = BigNumber.from(1)
    .add(await sortition.delayedStakeWriteIndex())
    .sub(await sortition.delayedStakeReadIndex());

  const delayedStakes = delayedStakesRemaining.lt(MAX_DELAYED_STAKES_ITERATIONS)
    ? delayedStakesRemaining

  if (delayedStakes.eq(0)) {
    logger.info("No delayed stakes to execute");
    return true;
  logger.info(`Executing ${delayedStakes} delayed stakes, ${delayedStakesRemaining} remaining`);
  let success = false;
  try {
    await sortition.callStatic.executeDelayedStakes(delayedStakes);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error(`executeDelayedStakes: will fail because of ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
    return success;
  try {
    const gas = (await sortition.estimateGas.executeDelayedStakes(delayedStakes)).mul(150).div(100); // 50% extra gas
    const tx = await (await sortition.executeDelayedStakes(delayedStakes, { gasLimit: gas })).wait();
    logger.info(`executeDelayedStakes txID: ${tx?.transactionHash}`);
  } catch (e) {
  return success;

const getMissingJurors = async (dispute: { id: string; currentRoundIndex: string }) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  const { nbVotes, drawnJurors } = await core.getRoundInfo(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex);
  return nbVotes.sub(drawnJurors.length);

const isDisputeFullyDrawn = async (dispute: { id: string; currentRoundIndex: string }): Promise<boolean> => {
  return (await getMissingJurors(dispute)).eq(0);

const getNumberOfMissingRepartitions = async (
  dispute: { id: string; currentRoundIndex: string },
  coherentCount: BigNumber
) => {
  const { core } = await getContracts();
  const { repartitions, drawnJurors } = await core.getRoundInfo(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex);
  return coherentCount.eq(0)
    ? drawnJurors.length - repartitions.toNumber()
    : 2 * drawnJurors.length - repartitions.toNumber();

const filterDisputesToSkip = (disputes: Dispute[]) => {
    `Skipping disputes: ${disputes
      .filter((dispute) => DISPUTES_TO_SKIP.includes(dispute.id))
      .map((dispute) => dispute.id)}`
  return disputes.filter((dispute) => !DISPUTES_TO_SKIP.includes(dispute.id));

const mapAsync = <T, U>(array: T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => Promise<U>): Promise<U[]> => {
  return Promise.all(array.map(callbackfn));

const filterAsync = async <T>(
  array: T[],
  callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => Promise<boolean>
): Promise<T[]> => {
  const filterMap = await mapAsync(array, callbackfn);
  return array.filter((value, index) => filterMap[index]);

const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const sendHeartbeat = async () => {
    logger.debug("Sending heartbeat");
  } else {
    logger.debug("Heartbeat not set up, skipping");

async function main() {
  const { core, sortition, disputeKitClassic } = await getContracts();

  const getBlockTime = async () => {
    return await ethers.provider.getBlock("latest").then((block) => {
      return BigNumber.from(block.timestamp);

  const hasMinStakingTimePassed = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
    const minStakingTime = await sortition.minStakingTime();
    const blockTime = await getBlockTime();
    return await sortition.lastPhaseChange().then((lastPhaseChange) => {
      return blockTime.sub(lastPhaseChange).gt(minStakingTime);

  const hasMaxDrawingTimePassed = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
    const maxDrawingTime = await sortition.maxDrawingTime();
    const blockTime = await getBlockTime();
    return await sortition.lastPhaseChange().then((lastPhaseChange) => {
      return blockTime.sub(lastPhaseChange).gt(maxDrawingTime);

  const isPhaseStaking = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
    return PHASES[await sortition.phase()] === Phase.STAKING;

  const isPhaseGenerating = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
    return PHASES[await sortition.phase()] === Phase.GENERATING;

  const isPhaseDrawing = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
    return PHASES[await sortition.phase()] === Phase.DRAWING;

  logger.info("Starting up");

  await sendHeartbeat();

  logger.info(`Current phase: ${PHASES[await sortition.phase()]}`);

  // Retrieve the disputes which are in a non-final period
  let disputes = await getNonFinalDisputes().catch((e) => handleError(e));
  if (!disputes) {
  let disputesWithoutJurors = await filterAsync(disputes, async (dispute) => {
    return !(await isDisputeFullyDrawn(dispute));

  // Just a sanity check
  const numberOfDisputesWithoutJurors = await sortition.disputesWithoutJurors();
  if (!numberOfDisputesWithoutJurors.eq(disputesWithoutJurors.length)) {
    logger.error("Discrepancy between SortitionModule.disputesWithoutJurors and KlerosCore.disputes");
    logger.error(`KlerosCore.disputes without jurors = ${disputesWithoutJurors.length}`);
    logger.error(`SortitionModule.disputesWithoutJurors = ${numberOfDisputesWithoutJurors}`);

  // Skip some disputes
  disputes = filterDisputesToSkip(disputes);
  disputesWithoutJurors = filterDisputesToSkip(disputesWithoutJurors);
  for (var dispute of disputes) {
    logger.info(`Dispute #${dispute.id}, round #${dispute.currentRoundIndex}, ${dispute.period} period`);
  logger.info(`Disputes needing more jurors: ${disputesWithoutJurors.map((dispute) => dispute.id)}`);
  if ((await hasMinStakingTimePassed()) && disputesWithoutJurors.length > 0) {
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    //                DRAWING ATTEMPT                  //
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    logger.info("Attempting to draw jurors");
    if (await isPhaseStaking()) {
      await passPhase();
    if (await isPhaseGenerating()) {
      let maxDrawingTimePassed = false;
      do {
        logger.info("Waiting for RNG to be ready");
        await delay(WAIT_FOR_RNG_DURATION);
        maxDrawingTimePassed = await hasMaxDrawingTimePassed();
      } while (!(await isRngReady()) && !maxDrawingTimePassed);
      await passPhase();
    if (await isPhaseDrawing()) {
      let maxDrawingTimePassed = await hasMaxDrawingTimePassed();
      for (dispute of disputesWithoutJurors) {
        if (maxDrawingTimePassed) {
          logger.info("Max drawing time passed");
        let numberOfMissingJurors = await getMissingJurors(dispute);
        if (numberOfMissingJurors.gt(MAX_JURORS_PER_DISPUTE)) {
          logger.warn(`Skipping dispute #${dispute.id} with too many jurors to draw`);
        do {
          const drawIterations = Math.min(MAX_DRAW_ITERATIONS, numberOfMissingJurors.toNumber());
            `Drawing ${drawIterations} out of ${numberOfMissingJurors} jurors needed for dispute #${dispute.id}`
          if (!(await drawJurors(dispute, drawIterations))) {
            logger.info(`Failed to draw jurors for dispute #${dispute.id}, skipping it`);
          await delay(ITERATIONS_COOLDOWN_PERIOD); // To avoid spiking the gas price
          maxDrawingTimePassed = await hasMaxDrawingTimePassed();
          numberOfMissingJurors = await getMissingJurors(dispute);
        } while (!numberOfMissingJurors.eq(0) && !maxDrawingTimePassed);
      // At this point, either all disputes are fully drawn or max drawing time has passed

  // ----------------------------------------------- //
  //            BACK TO STAKING PHASE                //
  // ----------------------------------------------- //
  for (let i = 0; i < 3 && !(await isPhaseStaking()); i++) {
    await passPhase();

  await sendHeartbeat();

  logger.info(`Current phase: ${PHASES[await sortition.phase()]}`);

  for (var dispute of disputes) {
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    //                  PASS PERIOD                    //
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    await passPeriod(dispute);

  // Get all the disputes whose ruling is not yet executed
  const unexecutedDisputes = await getDisputesWithUnexecutedRuling();
  logger.info(`Disputes not yet executed: ${unexecutedDisputes.map((dispute) => dispute.id)}`);

  // Get all disputes with contributions not yet withdrawn
  const disputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn = await getDisputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn();
    `Disputes with contributions not yet withdrawn: ${disputesWithContributionsNotYetWithdrawn.map(
      (dispute) => dispute.id

  // Disputes union and deduplicate
  const unprocessedDisputesInExecution = filterDisputesToSkip(
  logger.info(`Disputes not fully executed: ${unprocessedDisputesInExecution.map((dispute) => dispute.id)}`);

  for (var dispute of unprocessedDisputesInExecution) {
    const { period } = await core.disputes(dispute.id);
    if (period !== 4) {
      logger.info(`Skipping dispute #${dispute.id} because it is not in the execution period`);

    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    //             REPARTITIONS EXECUTION              //
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    const coherentCount = await disputeKitClassic.getCoherentCount(dispute.id, dispute.currentRoundIndex);
    let numberOfMissingRepartitions = await getNumberOfMissingRepartitions(dispute, coherentCount);
    do {
      const executeIterations = Math.min(MAX_EXECUTE_ITERATIONS, numberOfMissingRepartitions);
      if (executeIterations === 0) {
        `Executing ${executeIterations} out of ${numberOfMissingRepartitions} repartitions needed for dispute #${dispute.id}`
      if (!(await executeRepartitions(dispute, executeIterations))) {
        logger.info(`Failed to execute repartitions for dispute #${dispute.id}, skipping it`);
      numberOfMissingRepartitions = await getNumberOfMissingRepartitions(dispute, coherentCount);
      await delay(ITERATIONS_COOLDOWN_PERIOD); // To avoid spiking the gas price
    } while (numberOfMissingRepartitions != 0);

    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    //               RULING EXECUTION                  //
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    const { ruled } = await core.disputes(dispute.id);
    const { ruling } = await core.currentRuling(dispute.id);
    if (!ruled) {
      logger.info(`Executing ruling ${ruling} for dispute #${dispute.id}`);
      await executeRuling(dispute);
    } else {
      logger.info(`Ruling already executed for dispute #${dispute.id}`);

    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    // ----------------------------------------------- //
    let contributions = await getAppealContributions(dispute.id).catch((e) => handleError(e));
    if (!contributions) {
    // Remove contributions already withdrawn and those for other rounds
    contributions = contributions.filter((contribution) => {
      return !contribution.rewardWithdrawn && contribution.coreDispute.currentRoundIndex === dispute.currentRoundIndex;
    // Remove duplicates which may have a different contribution amount for the same round, choice and beneficiary
    contributions = [...new Set(contributions)];
    for (let contribution of contributions) {
      // Could be improved by pinpointing exactly which round requires a withdrawal, just try all of them for now.
      for (let round = BigNumber.from(dispute.currentRoundIndex); round.gte(0); round = round.sub(1)) {
        await withdrawAppealContribution(dispute.id, round.toString(), contribution);
        await delay(ITERATIONS_COOLDOWN_PERIOD); // To avoid spiking the gas price

  logger.info(`Current phase: ${PHASES[await sortition.phase()]}`);

  // ----------------------------------------------- //
  //             EXECUTE DELAYED STAKES              //
  // ----------------------------------------------- //

  if (await isPhaseStaking()) {
    await executeDelayedStakes();

  await sendHeartbeat();

  logger.info("Shutting down");
  await delay(2000); // Some log messages may be lost otherwise

  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {
  .finally(() => {