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Test Coverage
[Short description of problem/suggestion here]

* Reproduction/enhancement Steps

1. [First Step]
2. [Second Step]
3. [Other Steps...]

* Expected/suggested behaviour


* Observed behaviour

[Describe observed behaviour here]

* Screenshots and GIFs

![Screenshots and GIFs which follow reproduction steps to demonstrate the problem](url)

**Package version:** [Enter express-boilerplate version here]
**OS and version:** [Enter OS name and version here]

* Additional information

* Problem started happening recently, didn't happen in an older version of express-boilerplate: [ ]
* Problem can be reliably reproduced, doesn't happen randomly: [ ]
* Problem happens with all files and projects, not only some files or projects: [ ]

<!-- This document has been heavily inspired from https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#template-for-submitting-bug-reports -->