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35 mins
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 * @file Contains re-usable social authentication code.

var passport = require('passport'),
    facebook = require('passport-facebook').Strategy,
    google = require('passport-google-oauth2').Strategy,

    AUTH_STRATEGIES = { GOOGLE: google,    FACEBOOK: facebook },

     * Handles all the heavy lifting related to social authentication.
     * @param {Object} req - The request object.
     * @param {String} token - The dynamic auth token.
     * @param {String} refresh - The static refresh token.
     * @param {Object} profile - The set of user profile details.
     * @param {Function} done - The callback that marks the end of the passport process routing.
    passportCallback = function (req, token, refresh, profile, done) {
        process.nextTick(function () {
            User.find({ _id: req.signedCookies.user }).limit(1).next(function (err, doc) {
                if (err) { return done(err); }
                if (doc && doc.authStrategy === profile.provider && profile.id === doc.profile) {
                    return done(null, doc); // user found, return that user

                return User.insertOne(User({
                    _id: profile.emails[0].value,
                    name: profile.displayName,
                    authStrategy: profile.provider,
                    profile: profile.id,
                    token: token,
                    refreshToken: refresh
                }), done);

_.forEach(AUTH_STRATEGIES, function (Strategy, name) {
    passport.use(new Strategy[name]({ // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
        enableProof: true, // thwarts man in the middle attacks
        passReqToCallback: true, // allows us to pass in the req from our route
        clientID: process.env[`${name}_ID`], // eslint-disable-line no-process-env
        clientSecret: process.env[`${name}_SECRET`], // eslint-disable-line no-process-env
        profileFields: ['id', 'email', 'displayName'],
        callbackURL: `<>${_.toLower(name)}/callback` // eslint-disable-line no-process-env
    }, passportCallback));

module.exports = passport;