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* @file Contains miscellaneous helpers used throughout the project.

var _ = require('lodash'),

        'SENTRY_DSN', 'PORT', 'NODE_ENV'],

    updateFields = ['$set', '$unset', '$rename'],

     * Generates an error handler for the provided type.
     * @param {String} type - The type of the error, assigned to the name property of the err instance.
     * @returns {Function} - A function that returns an error for the specified message and status, under the type.
    error = function (type) {
        return function (message, status) {
            var stack,
                err = new Error(message);

            err.name = type;
            status && (err.status = status);

            stack = err.stack.split('\n');
            stack.splice(1, 1); // remove the element at index 1

            err.stack = stack.join('\n');

            return err;

 * Returns the pluralized equivalent of the provided string.
 * @param {String} str - The string to be pluralized.
 * @returns {String} - The pluralized equivalent of the provided string.
exports.pluralize = function (str) {
    if (!_.isString(str)) { return ''; }

    return _.endsWith(str, 'y') ? str.slice(0, -1) + 'ies' : str + 's';

* Checks for environment sanity right before the app starts.
exports.checkVars = function () {
    var subset = _(process.env).pick(REQUIRED_VARS).keys().value(), // eslint-disable-line no-process-env
        missingVars = _.difference(REQUIRED_VARS, subset).toString();

    if (!_.isEmpty(missingVars)) {
        throw new Error(`${missingVars.toString()} environment variable(s) missing!`);

 * Creates an exportable model pseudo class that can be stubbed with helpers.
 * @param {Object} modelName - The name of the model to be created.
 * @param {Object} db - An instance of a MongoDB connection that can be used for making queries.
 * @returns {Object} A model pseudo class that can be used for various CRUD operations.
exports.makeModel = function (modelName, db) {
    if (!(modelName && db)) { return {}; }

    var defaults = {},
        attributes = [],
        model = require(path.resolve(`./database/${modelName}`)), // eslint-disable-line global-require
        config = model && model.config,
        autoEditedAt = config && config.autoEditedAt,
        autoCreatedAt = config && config.autoCreatedAt,
        collection = db.collection(_.toLower(modelName)),
        prune = function (datum, field) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
            return _(datum && datum[field] || datum).pick(attributes).merge(field === '$set' && autoEditedAt && {
                editedAt: new Date().toISOString()
        sanitiseInsert = function (datum) {
            return _(datum).pick(attributes).defaults(defaults).merge(autoCreatedAt && {
                createdAt: new Date().toISOString()
        sanitiseUpdate = function (datum) {
            var result = _.pick(datum, updateFields);

            if (_.isEmpty(result)) { return { $set: prune(datum) }; }

            _.forEach(updateFields, function (field) {
                var pruned = prune(result, field);

                // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
                !_.isEmpty(pruned) && (result[field] = pruned);

            return result;

    Object.freeze(config && config.rest);

    _.forEach(model.fields, function (field) {
        var name = field && field.key || field;

        // Consider adding support for mandatory fields as well, although that is kind of anti noSQL
        _.isString(name) && attributes.push(name);

        // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
        field && field.default && (defaults[name] = field.default);

    return !_.isEmpty(model) && _.assignIn(_.pick(model, 'config'), collection, _.defaults(model.helpers, {

         * Asynchronously inserts one record for the current model into it's corresponding collection.
         * @param {Object} datum - The record to be inserted.
         * @param {?Function} callback - The function invoked to mark the end of record insertion.
         * @returns {Promise|*} A promise that can be used to resolve further tasks.
        insertOne: function (datum, callback) {
            return collection.insertOne(sanitiseInsert(datum), callback);

         * Inserts multiple records for the current model into it's corresponding collection.
         * @param {Object[]} data - The Array of records to be inserted.
         * @param {Function} callback - The function invoked to mark the end of the record creation process.
         * @returns {Promise} - A Promise to handle task chaning.
        insertMany: function (data, callback) {
            return collection
                .insertMany(_.map(data, sanitiseInsert), callback);

         * Updates the first record that matches the provided query.
         * @param {Object} filter - The set of attributes to filter by.
         * @param {Object} datum - The set of changes to be made to the matched record in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} datum.$set - Sets to be made to the matched record in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} datum.$unset - Unsets to be made to the matched record in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} datum.$rename - Renames to be made to the matched record in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} options - The options for the current updateOne operation.
         * @param {?Function} callback - The function invoked to mark the completion of the update process.
         * @returns {Promise|*} - The promise instance for further task chaining.
        updateOne: function (filter, datum, options, callback) {
            _.isFunction(options) && (callback = options) && (options = {});
            _.isFunction(datum) && (callback = datum) && (options = {}) && (datum = filter) && (filter = {});

            return collection.updateOne(filter, sanitiseUpdate(datum), options, callback);

         * Updates all records that match the provided query.
         * @param {Object} filter - The set of attributes to filter by.
         * @param {Object} data - The set of changes to be made to the matched records in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} data.$set - Sets to be made to the matched records in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} data.$unset - Unsets to be made to the matched records in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} data.$rename - Renames to be made to the matched records in the current collection.
         * @param {?Object} options - The options for the current updateMany operation.
         * @param {?Function} callback - The function invoked to mark the completion of the update process.
         * @returns {Promise|*} - The promise instance for further task chaining.
        updateMany: function (filter, data, options, callback) {
            _.isFunction(options) && (callback = options) && (options = {});
            _.isFunction(data) && (callback = data) && (options = {}) && (data = filter) && (filter = {});

            return collection.updateMany(filter, sanitiseUpdate(data), options, callback);

exports.error = _.transform(['missingId'], function (result, type) {
    result[type] = error(type); // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
}, {});