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45 mins
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package apiactions

import (


    v ""

// ChainQueryStatusAction returns status information of the chainquery application. Currently, tables' name and size.
func ChainQueryStatusAction(r *http.Request) api.Response {

    status, err := db.GetTableStatus()
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err}
    return api.Response{Data: status}

// AddressSummaryAction returns address details: received, spent, balance
func AddressSummaryAction(r *http.Request) api.Response {
    params := struct {
        Address string
    err := api.FormValues(r, &params, []*v.FieldRules{
        v.Field(&params.Address, v.Required),
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err, Status: http.StatusBadRequest}
    summary, err := db.GetAddressSummary(params.Address)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err, Status: http.StatusInternalServerError}
    return api.Response{Data: summary}

//MaxSQLAPITimeout sets a timeout, in seconds, on queries placed against the SQL API.
var MaxSQLAPITimeout int

// SQLQueryAction returns an array of structured data matching the queried results.
func SQLQueryAction(r *http.Request) api.Response {
    query := r.FormValue("query")
    query = strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(query), "select ", fmt.Sprintf("select /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(%d) */", MaxSQLAPITimeout*1000), 1)
    logrus.Debugf("Query: %s", query)
    start := time.Now()
    result, err := db.APIQuery(query)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err, Status: http.StatusBadRequest}
    if time.Since(start) > time.Duration(MaxSQLAPITimeout)*time.Second {
        return api.Response{Error: errors.Err(``+
            `Queries must take less than %d seconds or they are cancelled, to give everyone a chance to use the API since this is a `+
            `public API. If you have a query you really want/need please create an issue in the chainquery repo. We are always happy `+
            `to add indices to make queries faster.`, MaxSQLAPITimeout), Status: http.StatusBadRequest}
    return api.Response{Data: result}

// IndexAction returns Hello World!
func IndexAction(r *http.Request) api.Response {
    return api.Response{Data: "Hello World!"}

// AutoUpdateCommand is the path of the shell script to run in the environment chainquery is installed on. It should
// stop the service, download and replace the new binary from, start the
// service.
var AutoUpdateCommand = ""

// AutoUpdateAction takes a travis webhook for a successful deployment and runs an environment script to self update.
func AutoUpdateAction(r *http.Request) api.Response {
    err := travis.ValidateSignature(true, r)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err, Status: http.StatusBadRequest}

    webHook, err := travis.NewFromRequest(r)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Response{Error: err}

    if webHook.Commit == meta.GetVersion() {
        logrus.Warning("same commit version, skipping automatic update.")
        return api.Response{Data: "same commit version, skipping automatic update."}
    isMatch := webHook.IsMatch("master", "chainquery", "lbryio")
    if !isMatch {
        logrus.Warning("skipping...webhook does not match")
        return api.Response{}
    logrus.Info("Received Update Webhook:", fmt.Sprintf(" branch %s, repo %s, owner %s, isMatch %t", webHook.Branch, webHook.Repository.Name, webHook.Repository.OwnerName, isMatch))
    shouldUpdate := webHook.Status == 0 && !webHook.PullRequest
    if shouldUpdate { // webHook.ShouldDeploy() doesn't work for chainquery autoupdate.
        if AutoUpdateCommand == "" {
            err := errors.Base("auto-update triggered, but no auto-update command configured")
            return api.Response{Error: err}
        logrus.Info("chainquery is auto-updating...prepare for shutdown")
        // run auto-update asynchronously
        go func() {
            time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // leave time for handler to send response
            cmd := exec.Command(AutoUpdateCommand)
            out, err := cmd.Output()
            if err != nil {
                errMsg := "auto-update error: " + errors.FullTrace(err) + "\nStdout: " + string(out)
                if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
                    errMsg = errMsg + "\nStderr: " + string(exitErr.Stderr)
        return api.Response{Data: "Successful launch of auto update"}

    message := "Auto-Update should not be deployed for one of the following:" +
        " CI Status-" + webHook.StatusMessage +
        ", IsPullRequest-" + strconv.FormatBool(webHook.PullRequest) +
        ", TagName-" + webHook.Tag
    return api.Response{Data: message}