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Test Coverage
package jobs

import (




const (
    mempool = "MEMPOOL"

var mempoolSyncIsRunning = false
var mempoolBlock *model.Block

// MempoolSync synchronizes the memory pool of lbrycrd. Transactions are processed against a special block with the
// Hash of the mempool constant. Transactions are processed recursively since transactions in the pool can be dependent
// on one another. The dependent transactions are always processed first.
func MempoolSync() {
    if !mempoolSyncIsRunning {
        mempoolSyncIsRunning = true
        defer metrics.JobLoad.WithLabelValues("mempool_sync").Dec()
        defer metrics.Job(time.Now(), "mempool_sync")
        // Need to lock block processing to avoid race condition where we are saving a mempool transaction after a block
        // has already started processing transactions. The mempool transaction could overwrite the block transaction
        // incorrectly.
        defer processing.BlockLock.Unlock()
        logrus.Debug("Mempool Sync Started")
        if mempoolBlock == nil {
            var err error
            mempoolBlock, err = getMempoolBlock()
            if err != nil {
                logrus.Error("MempoolSync:", err)
        txSet, err := lbrycrd.GetRawMempool()
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("MempoolSync:", errors.Err(err))
        lastBlock, err := model.Blocks(qm.OrderBy(model.BlockColumns.Height+" DESC"), qm.Limit(1)).OneG()
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("MempoolSync:", err)
        // Grabbing stale transactions to clean up the mempool state in chainquery ie invalidated double spends.
        staleTxs, err := model.Transactions(
            // We only want to get the old transactions sitting in mempool. Txs leave the mempool before they are sent as
            // a block. So we could end up deleting a tx, before we process it in a block, which for a claim update would
            // delete the original claim. There is still a change this could happen if a claim update tx sits in the
            // mempool for more than an hour.
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("MempoolSync:", err)

        running, err := processTxSet(txSet, lastBlock, staleTxs)
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Debug("MempoolSync Error:", err)

        mempoolSyncIsRunning = running

func getMempoolBlock() (*model.Block, error) {
    mempoolBlock, err := model.Blocks(qm.Where(model.BlockColumns.Hash+" = ?", "MEMPOOL")).OneG()
    if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
        return nil, errors.Err(err)
    if mempoolBlock != nil {
        return mempoolBlock, nil

    mempoolBlock = &model.Block{
        Height:        0,
        Confirmations: 0,
        Hash:          mempool,
        BlockTime:     0,
        Bits:          "",
        BlockSize:     0,
        Chainwork:     "",
        Difficulty:    0,
        MerkleRoot:    "",
        NameClaimRoot: "",
        Nonce:         0,
        VersionHex:    "",

    err = mempoolBlock.InsertG(boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Err(err)

    return mempoolBlock, nil

func processTxSet(txSet lbrycrd.RawMempoolVerboseResponse, lastBlock *model.Block, staleTxs model.TransactionSlice) (bool, error) {
    currTxMap := make(map[string]*model.Transaction)
    for _, tx := range staleTxs {
        currTxMap[tx.Hash] = tx

    for txid, txDetails := range txSet {
        delete(currTxMap, txid)
        //Are we at the top of the chain?
        shouldProcessMempoolTransaction := lastBlock.Height+1 >= uint64(txDetails.Height)
        if shouldProcessMempoolTransaction {
            for _, dependentTxID := range txDetails.Depends {
                err := processMempoolTx(dependentTxID, *mempoolBlock)
                if err != nil {
                    return false, errors.Err(err)
                delete(currTxMap, dependentTxID)
            err := processMempoolTx(txid, *mempoolBlock)
            if err != nil {
                return false, errors.Err(err)
        } else {
            go func() {
                logrus.Info("Daemon is not caught up to mempool transactions, delaying mempool sync 1 minute...")
                time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
                mempoolSyncIsRunning = false
            return true, nil
    for _, tx := range currTxMap {
        err := tx.DeleteG()
        if err != nil {
            return false, errors.Err(err)

    return false, nil

func processMempoolTx(txid string, block model.Block) error {
    exists, err := model.Transactions(qm.Where(model.TransactionColumns.Hash+"=?", txid)).ExistsG()
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Err(err)
    if !exists {
        txjson, err := lbrycrd.GetRawTransactionResponse(txid)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Err(err)
        txjson.BlockHash = block.Hash
        return errors.Err(processing.ProcessTx(txjson, block.BlockTime, block.Height))
    return nil