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package jobs

import (


const syncTransactionValues = "SyncTransactionValues: "
const syncAddressBalances = "SyncAddressBalances: "
const syncClaimsInChannel = "SyncClaimsInChannel: "

//SyncAddressBalancesJob runs the SyncAddressBalances as a background job.
func SyncAddressBalancesJob() {
    go func() {
        defer metrics.JobLoad.WithLabelValues("address_balance_sync").Dec()
        defer metrics.Job(time.Now(), "address_balance_sync")
        rowsAffected, err := SyncAddressBalances()
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error(syncAddressBalances, err)
        if rowsAffected > 0 {
            logrus.Warn(syncAddressBalances+" rows affected ( ", rowsAffected, " )")

// SyncClaimsInChannelJob runs the SyncClaimsInChannel as a background job.
func SyncClaimsInChannelJob() {
    go func() {
        defer metrics.JobLoad.WithLabelValues("claims_in_channel_sync").Dec()
        defer metrics.Job(time.Now(), "claims_in_channel_sync")
        err := SyncClaimCntInChannel()
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error(syncClaimsInChannel, err)

//TransactionValueSync synchronizes the transaction value column due to a bug in mysql related to triggers.
func TransactionValueSync() {
    defer metrics.JobLoad.WithLabelValues("transaction_value_sync").Dec()
    defer metrics.Job(time.Now(), "transaction_value_sync")
    _, err := SyncTransactionValue()
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Error(syncTransactionValues, err)

//TransactionValueASync runs the SyncAddressBalances as a background job.
func TransactionValueASync() {
    go TransactionValueSync()

//SyncAddressBalances will update the balance for every address if needed based on the transaction address table and
// returns the number of rows changed. Due to mysql bug
func SyncAddressBalances() (uint64, error) {
    const batchSize = 10000
    addressesAdjusted := uint64(0)
    lastAddressID := uint64(0)
    latestAddress, err := model.Addresses(qm.OrderBy(model.AddressColumns.ID+" DESC"), qm.Limit(1)).OneG()
    if err != nil {
        return addressesAdjusted, errors.Err(err)
    lastAddressID = latestAddress.ID
    for lastAddressID < addressesAdjusted {
        adjusted, err := syncAddressBalanceSet(lastAddressID, batchSize)
        if err != nil {
            return addressesAdjusted, errors.Err(err)
        addressesAdjusted += adjusted
        lastAddressID += batchSize
    return addressesAdjusted, nil

func syncAddressBalanceSet(from uint64, batchSize uint64) (uint64, error) {
    addressTbl := model.TableNames.Address
    transactionAddressTbl := model.TableNames.TransactionAddress
    addressBalance := addressTbl + "." + model.AddressColumns.Balance
    addressID := addressTbl + "." + model.AddressColumns.ID
    taCreditAmount := model.TransactionAddressColumns.CreditAmount
    taDebitAmount := model.TransactionAddressColumns.DebitAmount
    taAddressID := model.TransactionAddressColumns.AddressID
    result, err := boil.GetDB().Exec(`
        UPDATE `+addressTbl+`
        SET `+addressBalance+` = (
                SELECT COALESCE( SUM( ta.`+taCreditAmount+` - ta.`+taDebitAmount+` ),0.0) 
                FROM `+transactionAddressTbl+` ta 
                WHERE ta.`+taAddressID+` = `+addressID+`)
        WHERE `+addressID+` > ? AND `+addressID+` < ?`, from, from+batchSize)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, errors.Prefix(syncAddressBalances, err)

    if result == nil {
        println("result is nil.")
    rowsAffected, err := result.RowsAffected()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, errors.Prefix(syncAddressBalances, err)
    return uint64(rowsAffected), nil


//SyncTransactionValue will sync up the value column of all transactions based on the transaction address table and
// returns the number of rows affected.
func SyncTransactionValue() (int64, error) {

    transactionTbl := model.TableNames.Transaction
    transactionAddressTbl := model.TableNames.TransactionAddress
    blockTbl := model.TableNames.Block
    transactionValue := transactionTbl + "." + model.TransactionColumns.Value
    transactionBlockHashID := transactionTbl + "." + model.TransactionColumns.BlockHashID
    transactionID := transactionTbl + "." + model.TransactionColumns.ID
    taCreditAmount := model.TransactionAddressColumns.CreditAmount
    taTransactionID := model.TransactionAddressColumns.TransactionID
    blockHash := blockTbl + "." + model.BlockColumns.Hash
    blockHeight := blockTbl + "." + model.BlockColumns.Height

    query := `
        UPDATE ` + transactionTbl + ` 
        INNER JOIN ` + blockTbl + ` ON ` + blockHash + ` = ` + transactionBlockHashID + `
        SET ` + transactionValue + ` =  (
            SELECT COALESCE( SUM( ta.` + taCreditAmount + ` ),0.0) 
            FROM ` + transactionAddressTbl + ` ta
            WHERE ta.` + taTransactionID + ` = ` + transactionID + ` )
        WHERE ` + blockHeight + ` BETWEEN ? AND ?`

    var from int
    var to int
    var affected int64

    latestBlock, err := model.Blocks(qm.Select(model.BlockColumns.Height), qm.OrderBy(model.BlockColumns.Height+" DESC")).OneG()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, errors.Prefix(syncTransactionValues, err)
    if latestBlock.Height == 0 {
        return 0, errors.Prefix(syncTransactionValues, errors.Err("latest height = 0"))
    latestHeight := int(latestBlock.Height)
    updateIncrement := 5000
    if updateIncrement >= latestHeight {
        updateIncrement = latestHeight
    for i := 0; i < latestHeight/updateIncrement; i++ {
        from = i * updateIncrement
        to = (i + 1) * updateIncrement
        if to > latestHeight {
            to = latestHeight
        result, err := boil.GetDB().Exec(query, from, to)
        if err != nil {
            return 0, errors.Prefix(syncTransactionValues, err)
        rowsAffected, err := result.RowsAffected()
        if err != nil {
            return 0, errors.Prefix(syncTransactionValues, err)
        affected = affected + rowsAffected

    if affected > 0 {
        logrus.Warn(syncTransactionValues+" rows affected ( ", affected, " )")

    return affected, nil


// SyncClaimCntInChannel will sync up the number of claims that are part of a particular channel. This can be used as a
// calculated column in the claim table to get this figure fast in a query.
func SyncClaimCntInChannel() error {
    latestBlock, err := model.Blocks(qm.Select(model.BlockColumns.Height), qm.OrderBy(model.BlockColumns.Height+" DESC")).OneG()
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, err)
    logrus.Infof("running SyncClaimCntInChannel for latest height of %d", latestBlock.Height)
    if latestBlock.Height == 0 {
        return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, errors.Err("latest height = 0"))
    latestHeight := int(latestBlock.Height)
    updateIncrement := 5000

    t := model.TableNames
    c := model.ClaimColumns
    query := `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ` + t.Claim + ` WHERE ` + t.Claim + `.` + c.PublisherID + ` = ?`
    for i := 0; i < latestHeight; i = i + updateIncrement {
        from := i
        to := i + updateIncrement
        if to > latestHeight {
            to = latestHeight
        channelsToProcess, err := model.Claims(
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, err)
        logrus.Debugf("processing %d channels in batch from height %d to height %d", len(channelsToProcess), from, to)
        for _, channel := range channelsToProcess {
            result := boil.GetDB().QueryRow(query, channel.ClaimID)
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, err)
            var cnt null.Uint64
            err := result.Scan(&cnt)
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, err)
            if channel.ClaimCount == int64(cnt.Uint64) {
            channel.ClaimCount = int64(cnt.Uint64)
            channel.ModifiedAt = time.Now()
            err = channel.UpdateG(boil.Whitelist(c.ClaimCount, c.ModifiedAt))
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Prefix(syncClaimsInChannel, err)

    return nil
