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package lbrycrd

import ""

// ClaimNameResult models the data from the claimtrie of lbrycrd.
type ClaimNameResult struct {
    Name   string        `json:"name"`
    Claims []ClaimResult `json:"claims,omitempty"`

// ClaimResult models the static data of a claim in the claimtrie
type ClaimResult struct {
    ClaimID  string  `json:"claimId"`
    TxID     string  `json:"txId"`
    Sequence uint64  `json:"n"`
    Amount   float64 `json:"amount"`
    Height   uint64  `json:"height"`
    Value    string  `json:"effectiveValue"`

// GetBlockHeaderResponse models the data from the getblockheader command when
// the verbose flag is set.  When the verbose flag is not set, getblockheader
// returns a hex-encoded string.
type GetBlockHeaderResponse struct {
    Hash              string  `json:"hash"`
    Confirmations     uint64  `json:"confirmations"`
    Height            int32   `json:"height"`
    Version           int32   `json:"version"`
    VersionHex        string  `json:"versionHex"`
    MerkleRoot        string  `json:"merkleroot"`
    NameClaimRoot     string  `json:"nameclaimroot"`
    Time              int64   `json:"time"`
    MedianTime        int64   `json:"mediantime"`
    Nonce             uint64  `json:"nonce"`
    Bits              string  `json:"bits"`
    Difficulty        float64 `json:"difficulty"`
    ChainWork         string  `json:"chainwork"`
    NTx               int32   `json:"nTx"`
    PreviousBlockHash string  `json:"previousblockhash,omitempty"`
    NextBlockHash     string  `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`

// GetBlockResponse models the data from the getblock command when the
// verbose flag is set.  When the verbose flag is not set, getblock returns a
// hex-encoded string.
type GetBlockResponse struct {
    Hash              string   `json:"hash"`
    Confirmations     uint64   `json:"confirmations"`
    StrippedSize      int32    `json:"strippedsize"`
    Size              int32    `json:"size"`
    Weight            int32    `json:"weight"`
    Height            int64    `json:"height"`
    Version           int32    `json:"version"`
    VersionHex        string   `json:"versionHex"`
    MerkleRoot        string   `json:"merkleroot"`
    NameClaimRoot     string   `json:"nameclaimroot"`
    Tx                []string `json:"tx"`
    Time              int64    `json:"time"`
    MedianTime        int64    `json:"mediantime"`
    Nonce             uint64   `json:"nonce"`
    Bits              string   `json:"bits"`
    Difficulty        float64  `json:"difficulty"`
    ChainWork         string   `json:"chainwork"`
    NTx               int32    `json:"nTx"`
    PreviousBlockHash string   `json:"previousblockhash"`
    NextBlockHash     string   `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`

// GetBlockVerboseResponse models the data from the getblock command when the
// verbose flag is set.  When the verbose flag is not set, getblock returns a
// hex-encoded string.
type GetBlockVerboseResponse struct {
    Hash              string        `json:"hash"`
    Confirmations     int64         `json:"confirmations"`
    StrippedSize      int32         `json:"strippedsize"`
    Size              int32         `json:"size"`
    Weight            int32         `json:"weight"`
    Height            int64         `json:"height"`
    Version           int32         `json:"version"`
    VersionHex        string        `json:"versionHex"`
    MerkleRoot        string        `json:"merkleroot"`
    NameClaimRoot     string        `json:"nameclaimroot"`
    Tx                []TxRawResult `json:"tx,omitempty"`
    Time              int64         `json:"time"`
    MedianTime        int64         `json:"mediantime"`
    Nonce             uint64        `json:"nonce"`
    Bits              string        `json:"bits"`
    Difficulty        float64       `json:"difficulty"`
    ChainWork         string        `json:"chainwork"`
    NTx               int32         `json:"nTx"`
    PreviousBlockHash string        `json:"previousblockhash"`
    NextBlockHash     string        `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`

// TxRawResult models the data from the getrawtransaction command.
// TxRawResult models the data from the getrawtransaction command.
type TxRawResult struct {
    Txid          string `json:"txid"`
    Hash          string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
    Version       int32  `json:"version"`
    Size          int32  `json:"size,omitempty"`
    Vsize         int32  `json:"vsize,omitempty"`
    Weight        int32  `json:"weight"`
    LockTime      uint64 `json:"locktime"`
    Vin           []Vin  `json:"vin"`
    Vout          []Vout `json:"vout"`
    Hex           string `json:"hex"`
    BlockHash     string `json:"blockhash,omitempty"`
    Confirmations uint64 `json:"confirmations,omitempty"`
    Time          int64  `json:"time,omitempty"`
    Blocktime     int64  `json:"blocktime,omitempty"`

// Vout models parts of the tx data.  It is defined separately since both
// getrawtransaction and decoderawtransaction use the same structure.
type Vout struct {
    Value        float64                    `json:"value"`
    N            uint64                     `json:"n"`
    ScriptPubKey btcjson.ScriptPubKeyResult `json:"scriptPubKey"`

// Vin models parts of the tx data.  It is defined separately since
// getrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, and searchrawtransaction use the
// same structure.
type Vin struct {
    Coinbase  string             `json:"coinbase"`
    TxID      string             `json:"txid"`
    Vout      uint64             `json:"vout"`
    ScriptSig *btcjson.ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
    Sequence  uint64             `json:"sequence"`
    Witness   []string           `json:"witness"`

// ClaimsForNameResult models the claim list for a name in the claimtrie of lbrycrd.
type ClaimsForNameResult struct {
    NormalizedName       string    `json:"normalizedName"`
    Claims               []Claim   `json:"claims"`
    LastTakeOverHeight   int32     `json:"lastTakeoverHeight"`
    SupportsWithoutClaim []Support `json:"supportsWithoutClaim"`

// Claim models the data of a claim both static and dynamic. Used for claimtrie sync.
type Claim struct {
    Name            string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
    Value           string    `json:"value"`
    Address         string    `json:"address"`
    ClaimID         string    `json:"claimId"`
    TxID            string    `json:"txId"`
    N               int32     `json:"n"`
    Height          int32     `json:"height"`
    ValidAtHeight   int32     `json:"validAtHeight"`
    Amount          uint64    `json:"amount"`
    EffectiveAmount uint64    `json:"effectiveAmount"`
    PendingAmount   uint64    `json:"pendingAmount"`
    Supports        []Support `json:"supports,omitempty"`
    Bid             uint64    `json:"bid"`
    Sequence        int       `json:"sequence"`

// Support models the support information for a claim in the claimtrie of lbrycrd.
type Support struct {
    Address       string `json:"address"`
    TxID          string `json:"txId"`
    N             int32  `json:"n"`
    Height        int32  `json:"height"`
    ValidAtHeight int32  `json:"validAtHeight"`
    Amount        uint64 `json:"amount"`

// GetRawMempoolVerboseResult models the data returned from the getrawmempool
// command when the verbose flag is set.  When the verbose flag is not set,
// getrawmempool returns an array of transaction hashes.
type GetRawMempoolVerboseResult struct {
    Vsize           int     `json:"vsize"`
    Size            int     `json:"size"`
    Weight          int     `json:"weight"`
    Fee             float64 `json:"fee"`
    ModifiedFee     float64 `json:"modifiedfee"`
    Time            int     `json:"time"`
    Height          int     `json:"height"`
    DescendantCount int     `json:"descendantcount"`
    DescendantSize  int     `json:"descendantsize"`
    DescendantFees  float64 `json:"descendantfees"`
    AncestorCount   int     `json:"ancestorcount"`
    AncestorSize    int     `json:"ancestorsize"`
    AncestorFees    float64 `json:"ancestorfees"`
    WtxID           string  `json:"wtxid"`
    Fees            struct {
        Base       float64 `json:"base"`
        Modified   float64 `json:"modified"`
        Ancestor   float64 `json:"ancestor"`
        Descendant float64 `json:"descendant"`
    } `json:"fees"`
    Depends []string `json:"depends"`
    SpentBy []string `json:"spentby"`