package lbrycrd
import (
//GetGenesisBlock performs a jsonrpc that returns the structured data as a GetBlockResponse.
//If LBRYcrd contains this block it will be returned.
func GetGenesisBlock() (*GetBlockVerboseResponse, *GetBlockResponse, error) {
genesisHash, err := GetBlockHash(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Err(err)
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getblock", "lbrycrdprofile")
verboseResponse := new(GetBlockVerboseResponse)
response := new(GetBlockResponse)
err = call(&verboseResponse, "getblock", genesisHash, 2)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Err(err)
return verboseResponse, response, call(&response, "getblock", genesisHash)
//GetBlock performs a jsonrpc that returns the structured data as a GetBlockResponse.
//If LBRYcrd contains this block it will be returned.
func GetBlock(blockHash string) (*GetBlockResponse, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getblock", "lbrycrdprofile")
response := new(GetBlockResponse)
return response, call(&response, "getblock", blockHash)
//GetBlockHash performs a jsonrpc that returns the hash of the block as a string.
func GetBlockHash(i uint64) (*string, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getblockhash", "lbrycrdprofile")
rawresponse, err := callNoDecode("getblockhash", i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value := rawresponse.(string)
return &value, nil
// GetBlockCount returns the highest block LBRYcrd is aware of.
func GetBlockCount() (*uint64, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getblockcount", "lbrycrdprofile")
rawresponse, err := callNoDecode("getblockcount")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value, err := decodeNumber(rawresponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
intValue := uint64(value.IntPart())
return &intValue, nil
// GetRawTransactionResponse returns the raw transactions structured data. This will not always work. LBRYcrd must have
//-txindex turned on otherwise only transactions in the memory pool can be returned.
func GetRawTransactionResponse(hash string) (*TxRawResult, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getrawtransaction", "lbrycrdprofile")
response := new(TxRawResult)
return response, call(&response, "getrawtransaction", hash, 1)
// GetBalance returns the balance of a wallet address.
func GetBalance() (*float64, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getbalance", "lbrycrdprofile")
rawresponse, err := callNoDecode("getbalance")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value, err := decodeNumber(rawresponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
floatValue, _ := value.Float64()
return &floatValue, nil
// GetClaimsInTrie gets all the claims current active in the claim trie
func GetClaimsInTrie() ([]ClaimNameResult, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getclaimsintrie", "lbrycrdprofile")
response := new([]ClaimNameResult)
return *response, call(&response, "getclaimsintrie")
// GetClaimsForName gets all the claims for a name in the claimtrie.
func GetClaimsForName(name string) (ClaimsForNameResult, error) {
response := new(ClaimsForNameResult)
return *response, call(&response, "getclaimsforname", name)
// RawMempoolVerboseResponse models the object of mempool results
type RawMempoolVerboseResponse map[string]GetRawMempoolVerboseResult
// GetRawMempool gets all the transactions in the mempool
func GetRawMempool() (RawMempoolVerboseResponse, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "getrawmempool", "lbrycrdprofile")
response := new(RawMempoolVerboseResponse)
return *response, call(&response, "getrawmempool", true)
// ClaimName creates a claim transaction for lbrycrd.
func ClaimName(name string, hexValue string, amount float64) (string, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "claimname", "lbrycrdprofile")
rawresponse, err := callNoDecode("claimname", name, hexValue, amount)
if err != nil {
return "", err
value, ok := rawresponse.(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Err("response is not a string")
return value, nil
//GenerateBlocks generates n blocks in regtest. Will error in mainnet or testnet.
func GenerateBlocks(count int64) ([]string, error) {
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "generate", "lbrycrdprofile")
var response []string
return response, call(&response, "generate", count)