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Test Coverage
This software is work in progress and has not been released yet!  [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/learnery/learnery.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/learnery/learnery) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/learnery/learnery.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/learnery/learnery)


Learnery is a rails engine you can use in your rails app to organize
open learning events, like railsbridge, barcamps, user groups,
meetups, hackathons.  You can adapt it to your
liking and deploy the app to heroku in a few simple steps.

This README contains info on

* [Installation](#installation)
  * a) [Clone an example app](#clone-an-example-app)
  * b) [Build your own app from scratch](#build-your-own-app-from-scratch)
  * [Deploying To Heroku](#deploying-to-heroku)  for both a) and b)
* [Adapting the look and feel of your app](#adapting-the-look-and-feel-of-your-app)
* [Internationalization (I18n)](#internationalization-i18n)
* [Configuring OAuth Authorizations](#configuring-oauth-authorizations)
* [Continuous Deployment](#continuous-deployment)
* [DEVELOPING THE LEARNERY RAILS ENGINE](#developing-the-learnery-rails-engine)


Before you start, make sure you have rails 4.0.0 installed:

    $ rails -v
    Rails 4.0.0       # <--- higher numbers are also ok
    Rails 3.2.13      # <--- first number smaller than 4 is not ok

To use learnery, you have to have a rails application. This application uses learnery as a rail engine.
There's two ways to do that:

a) Clone one of the example apps and work from there
b) Build your own app from scratch

a) Clone an example app

Pick one of our four example app:

* [Repository](https://github.com/learnery/learnery-default)
* [Demo](http://learnery-staging.herokuapp.com/)
* Screenshot: 
![learnery in default app](http://learnery.github.io/images/screenshot-1.png)

* [Repository](https://github.com/learnery/learnery-webdev)
* [Demo](http://learnery-staging-webdev.herokuapp.com/)
* Screenshot:
![learnery in  webdev app](http://learnery.github.io/images/screenshot-2.png)

* [Repository](https://github.com/learnery/learnery-coderdojo)
* [Demo](http://learnery-staging-coderdojo.herokuapp.com/)
* Screenshot:
![learnery in coderdojo app](http://learnery.github.io/images/screenshot-3.png)

* [Repository](https://github.com/learnery/learnery-railsgirls)
* [Demo](http://learnery-staging-railsgirls.herokuapp.com/)
* RailsGirls
![learnery in railsgirls app](http://learnery.github.io/images/screenshot-4.png)

If you have a github account:

* fork the example apps repository to your own github account
* clone your own repository to your development machine

If you do not have a github account:

* clone the example app directly

b) Build your own app from scratch

create a new app:

    $ rails new your-app-name
    $ cd your-app-name

and use learnery from within it: add the learnery gem to your Gemfile  (outside any "group")

     # add this line to Gemfile within the rails application
     gem 'learnery', :git => 'git://github.com/learnery/learnery.git', branch: 'stable'

run bundler:

    $ bundle

generate the initial theme files

    $ rails generate learnery:theme

If you have own files in your rails app and want to see what the generator does, you can run it in test mode first ("pretend")

    $ rails generate  learnery:theme -p

then, install the migrations for the learnery engine and run them:

    $ rake learnery:install:migrations
    $ rake db:migrate

mount the learnery engine in config/routes.rb: add this line somewhere between the
<YOURAPPNAME>::Application.routes.draw do
and the last end

    mount Learnery::Engine => "/", as: "learnery"

to use pretty, bootstrap-styled errer messages in forms add
the following initializer.  (You can create initializers by
creating a file in config/initializers with a new name and extension .rb
we recommend using config/initializers/bootstrap_field_error.rb)

    # config/initializers/bootstrap_field_error.rb
    # from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341545/rails-actionviewbase-field-error-proc-moving-up-the-dom-tree
    # fix display of errors in form to go well with bootstrap
    ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html_tag, object|
      html = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html_tag)
      html = html.at_css("input") || html.at_css("textarea")
      unless html.nil?
        css_class = html['class'] || ""
        html['class'] = css_class.split.push("error").join(' ')
        html_tag = html.to_s + "<span class='help-inline'>" + object.error_message.join(". ") + "</span>"

finally, start the server locally:

    $ rails server

Deploying To Heroku

You can deploy to heroku: (if you don't have a heroku account yet, go to [https://get.heroku.com](https://get.heroku.com) and get one first)

    heroku create
    git push heroku master
    heroku run rake db:migrate
    heroku open

congratulations, your site is online!

### Adapting the look and feel of your app

Here are the most important files to edit:

    ├── assets
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── *            <-- add your images here
    │   │   └── favicon.ico
    │   └── stylesheets
    │       ├── style.css.less      <---    add custom css here
    │       └── variables.css.less  <--- 3) change the colors
    └── views
        ├── layouts                 <--- ignore! do not write your own application-layout!
        └── learnery
            ├── pages
            │   ├── *.html.md       <--- add "static" pages here
            │   └── about.html.md
            └── theme
                ├── _footer.html.erb
                ├── _site_description.html.erb  <--- 2) add a short descriptive text about your events
                ├── _site_links.html.erb        <---
                └── _site_name.html.erb         <--- 1) add your sites name

We recommend you start by

1. adding your sites name
2. adding a short descriptive text
3. changing the colors

For advanced users: If you want to change the layout of the whole page
you can do so by adding a file app/views/learnery/shared/_main_layout.html.erb
it's probably best to [copy it from one of the example apps](https://github.com/learnery/learnery-coderdojo/blob/master/app/views/learnery/shared/_main_layout.html.erb) and work from there.

### Internationalization (I18n)

The engine comes with german and english texts.
To switch to german edit your config/application.rb

    # in file config/application.rb
    config.i18n.default_locale = :de

To add a new language, say :fi, create a file
config/locales/learnery.fi.yml by copying the current
english or german version from github:

We accept pull requests for new languages!

### Configuring OAuth Authorizations

Learnery has oauth authorizations for twitter, github and steam.
To active them on your page, you have to register you app and 
get oauth keys from the providers, then make them known 
to your app via environment variables on the server.

If you don't want to use all oauth providers, configure them in

    Rails.application.config.oauth_providers = [:github, :twitter, :steam]

#### Configuring Twitter Authorization

If you want to use Twitter Authorization, you need to register 
your app / instance of learnery with twitter at https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
Make sure to provide a callback URL in the settings section.

To test locally, set the environment variables before running rails server (pick up your keys from http://dev.twitter.com !)


And finally make these keys known to heroku with

    heroku config:set --app learnery-staging TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=xxx TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=xxx

#### Github

 * [Link to App Registration](https://github.com/settings/applications)
 * Github keys:

#### Steam

 * [Link to App Registration Page](http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)
 * Steam Key:

### Continuous Deployment

The app contains a script that deploys to heroku automatically from travis ci:


Before you use trevis, run the first deploy to your heroku from your own, complete repo like this:

    export HEROKU_API_KEY=xxxx
    export TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT="0"
    export LEARNERY_THEME=default

    bundle exec ci/deploy.rb <herokuappname>

This is necessary because travis ci truncates the git repository.


on Github, with [issues](https://github.com/learnery/learnery/issues?state=open)



Things we may want to cover:

* Ruby version

    1.9.3 and 2.0.0 should both work

* System dependencies

   see gemfile

* Configuration

* Database creation

* Database initialization

* How to run the test suite


* Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

* Deployment instructions

    git push heroku master