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Test Coverage
## Remove node_modules cli


This is the CLI that allows removing unused by days count node_modules.
Zero dependencies, ~100% test coverage. ✨

## Table of Contents

- [Installation And Usage](#installation-and-usage)
- [Arguments](#arguments)
- [Example Structure](#example-structure)
- [Example Commands](#example-commands)
- [Future Goals](#goals)
- [Contribution](#contribution)

## <a name="installation-and-usage"></a>Installation and Usage

Prerequisites: [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) (`^12.22.0`, `^14.17.0`, or `>=16.0.0`) built with SSL support. (If you are using an official Node.js distribution, SSL is always built in.)

You can install using npm:

npm i -g rm-nmless

After that, you can execute by the command line using:


See the [Arguments](#arguments) for more information.

## <a name="arguments"></a>Arguments

Allowed methods:

_**check**_ - check and print folders which should be deleted. (_default method_)

rm-nm check

_**execute**_ - delete folders and print deleted folders.

rm-nm execute

Allowed arguments:

_**path**_ - path to folder with projects. See [Structure](#structure) and [Examples](#example-commands) for more information.


_**days**_ - how many days passed after the last editing. Any number value, if that will be zero it equal to _all the time_. (Default 14 days)


_**verbose**_ - where parse ended, print additional information about a files




## <a name="structure"></a>Example Structure

projects <-- path to this folder
│   │   node_modules <-- will be deleted
│   │   ...
│   │   node_modules <-- will be deleted
│   │   ...
│   │   node_modules <-- will be deleted
│   │   ...


## <a name="commands"></a>Example Commands

Default usage:

rm-nm check --path=../../ --days=7
rm-nm execute --path=../../ --days=7

or without path:

rm-nm check <- would be used current  folder

- **path** also can be like this:

rm-nm check --path=.

or this:

rm-nm check --path=~ <-- parse user directory

or event this:

rm-nm check --path=/ <-- parse root directory

- also you can use like this to check:

rm-nm --path=../../ --days=7

- you can also use without days(default 14d), like this:

rm-nm check --path=../../
rm-nm execute --path=../../

- days = 0, says that the last changed irrelevant:

rm-nm --path=../../ --days=0 <-- will be deleted all node_modules which will be found

## <a name="goals"></a>Future Goals

- Providing more information about projects.

## <a name="contribution"></a>Contribution

Show your ❤️ and support by giving a ⭐. Any suggestions, issues or PR's are welcome!