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3 hrs
Test Coverage
# This is used to run hooks

from enum import Enum
import os, subprocess
from linuxmusterLinuxclient7 import logging, constants, user, config, computer, environment, setup, shares

class Type(Enum):
    Enum containing all hook types

    Boot = 0
    """The onBoot hook
    Shutdown = 1
    """The on Shutdown hook
    LoginAsRoot = 2
    """The onLoginAsRoot hook
    Login = 3
    """The onLogin hook
    SessionStarted = 4
    """The onSession started hook
    LogoutAsRoot = 5
    LoginLogoutAsRoot = 6

remoteScriptNames = {
    Type.Boot: "",
    Type.Login: "",
    Type.SessionStarted: "",
    Type.Shutdown: ""

_remoteScriptInUserContext = {
    Type.Boot: False,
    Type.Login: True,
    Type.SessionStarted: True,
    Type.Shutdown: False

def runLocalHook(hookType):
    Run all scripts in a local hookdir

    :param hookType: The type of hook to run
    :type hookType: hooks.Type
    """"=== Running local hook on{0} ===".format(
    hookDir = _getLocalHookDir(hookType)
    if os.path.exists(hookDir):
        for fileName in sorted(os.listdir(hookDir)):
            filePath = hookDir + "/" + fileName
            _runHookScript(filePath)"===> Finished running local hook on{0} ===".format(

def runRemoteHook(hookType):
    Run hookscript from sysvol

    :param hookType: The type of hook to run
    :type hookType: hooks.Type
    """"=== Running remote hook on{0} ===".format(
    rc, hookScripts = _getRemoteHookScripts(hookType)

    if rc:
        _runHookScript(hookScripts[1])"===> Finished running remote hook on{0} ===".format(

def runHook(hookType):
    Executes hooks.runLocalHook() and hooks.runRemoteHook()

    :param hookType: The type of hook to run
    :type hookType: hooks.Type

def getLocalHookScript(hookType):
    """Get the path of a local hookscript

    :param hookType: The type of hook script to get the path for
    :type hookType: hooks.Type
    :return: The path
    :rtype: str
    return "{0}/on{1}".format(constants.scriptDir,

def shouldHooksBeExecuted(overrideUsername=None):
    """Check if hooks should be executed

    :param overrideUsername: Override the username to check, defaults to None
    :type overrideUsername: str, optional
    :return: True if hooks should be executed, fale otherwise
    :rtype: bool
    # check if linuxmuster-linuxclient7 is setup
    if not setup.isSetup():"==== Linuxmuster-linuxclient7 is not setup, exiting ====")
        return False

    # check if the computer is joined
    if not computer.isInAD():"==== This Client is not joined to any domain, exiting ====")
        return False

    # Check if the user is an AD user
    if overrideUsername == None:
        overrideUsername = user.username()

    if not user.isUserInAD(overrideUsername):"==== {0} is not an AD user, exiting ====".format(user.username()))
        return False
    return True

# --------------------
# - Helper functions -
# --------------------

def _prepareEnvironment():
    dictsAndPrefixes = {}

    rc, networkConfig =
    if rc:
        dictsAndPrefixes["Network"] = networkConfig

    rc, userConfig = user.readAttributes()
    if rc:
        dictsAndPrefixes["User"] = userConfig

    rc, computerConfig = computer.readAttributes()
    if rc:
        dictsAndPrefixes["Computer"] = computerConfig

    environment = _dictsToEnv(dictsAndPrefixes)

def _getLocalHookDir(hookType):
    return "{0}/on{1}.d".format(constants.etcBaseDir,

def _getRemoteHookScripts(hookType):
    if not hookType in remoteScriptNames:
        return False, None

    rc, networkConfig =

    if not rc:
        logging.error("Could not execute server hooks because the network config could not be read")
        return False, None

    if _remoteScriptInUserContext[hookType]:
        rc, attributes = user.readAttributes()
        if not rc:
            logging.error("Could not execute server hooks because the user config could not be read")
            return False, None
        rc, attributes = computer.readAttributes()
        if not rc:
            logging.error("Could not execute server hooks because the computer config could not be read")
            return False, None

        domain = networkConfig["domain"]
        school = attributes["sophomorixSchoolname"]
        scriptName = remoteScriptNames[hookType]
        logging.error("Could not execute server hooks because the computer/user config is missing attributes")
        return False, None

    rc, sysvolPath = shares.getLocalSysvolPath()
    if not rc:
        logging.error("Could not execute server hook {} because the sysvol could not be mounted!\n")
        return False, None

    hookScriptPathTemplate = "{0}/{1}/scripts/{2}/{3}/linux/{4}".format(sysvolPath, domain, school, "{}", scriptName)

    return True, [hookScriptPathTemplate.format("lmn"), hookScriptPathTemplate.format("custom")]

# parameter must be a dict of {"prefix": dict}
def _dictsToEnv(dictsAndPrefixes):
    environmentDict = {}
    for prefix in dictsAndPrefixes:
        for key in dictsAndPrefixes[prefix]:
            if type(dictsAndPrefixes[prefix][key]) is list:
                environmentDict[prefix + "_" + key] = "\n".join(dictsAndPrefixes[prefix][key])
                environmentDict[prefix + "_" + key] = dictsAndPrefixes[prefix][key]

    return environmentDict

def _runHookScript(filePath):
    if not os.path.isfile(filePath):
        logging.warning("* File {0} should be executed as hook but does not exist!".format(filePath))
    if not os.access(filePath, os.X_OK):
        logging.warning("* File {0} is in hook dir but not executable!".format(filePath))
        return"== Executing script {0} ==".format(filePath))

    result =[filePath])"==> Script {0} finished with exit code {1} ==".format(filePath, result))

def _writeEnvironment(environment):
    for key in environment:
        os.putenv(key, environment[key])