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( function ( mw, $ ) {

     * Handles highlighting parts of the page when reciting.
     * @class ext.wikispeech.Highlighter
     * @constructor

    function Highlighter() {
        var self = this;
        self.highlightTokenTimer = null;
        self.utteranceHighlightingClass =
        self.utteranceHighlightingSelector =
            '.' + self.utteranceHighlightingClass;

         * Highlight text associated with an utterance.
         * Adds highlight spans to the text nodes from which the
         * tokens of the utterance were created. For first and last node,
         * it's possible that only part of the text is highlighted,
         * since they may contain start/end of next/previous
         * utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to add
         *  highlighting to.

        this.highlightUtterance = function ( utterance ) {
            var textNodes, span;

            textNodes = utterance.content.map( function ( item ) {
                return mw.wikispeech.storage.getNodeForItem( item );
            } );
            span = $( '<span></span>' )
                .addClass( self.utteranceHighlightingClass )
                .get( 0 );
            $( self.utteranceHighlightingSelector ).each( function ( i ) {
                // Save the path to the text node, as it was before
                // adding the span. This will no longer be the correct
                // path, once the span is added. This enables adding
                // token highlighting within the utterance
                // highlighting.
                this.textPath = utterance.content[ i ].path;
            } );

         * Wrap text nodes in an element.
         * Each text node is wrapped in an individual copy of the
         * wrapper element. The first and last node will be partially
         * wrapped, based on the offset values.
         * @param {HTMLElement} wrapper The element used to wrap the
         *  text nodes.
         * @param {TextNode[]} textNodes The text nodes to wrap.
         * @param {number} startOffset The start offset in the first
         *  text node.
         * @param {number} endOffset The end offset in the last text
         *  node.

        this.wrapTextNodes = function (
        ) {
            var $nodesToWrap, firstNode, i, lastNode, node;

            $nodesToWrap = $();
            firstNode = textNodes[ 0 ];
            if ( textNodes.length === 1 ) {
                // If there is only one node that should be wrapped,
                // split it twice; once for the start and once for the
                // end offset.
                firstNode.splitText( startOffset );
                firstNode.nextSibling.splitText( endOffset + 1 - startOffset );
                $nodesToWrap = $nodesToWrap.add( firstNode.nextSibling );
            } else {
                firstNode.splitText( startOffset );
                // The first half of a split node remains as the
                // original node. Since we want the second half, we add
                // the following node.
                $nodesToWrap = $nodesToWrap.add( firstNode.nextSibling );
                for ( i = 1; i < textNodes.length - 1; i++ ) {
                    node = textNodes[ i ];
                    // Wrap all the nodes between first and last
                    // completely.
                    $nodesToWrap = $nodesToWrap.add( node );
                lastNode = textNodes[ textNodes.length - 1 ];
                lastNode.splitText( endOffset + 1 );
                $nodesToWrap = $nodesToWrap.add( lastNode );
            $nodesToWrap.wrap( wrapper );

         * Highlight a token in the original HTML.
         * What part of the HTML to wrap is calculated from a token.
         * @param {Object} token The token used to calculate what part
         *  to highlight.

        this.startTokenHighlighting = function ( token ) {
            self.removeWrappers( '.ext-wikispeech-highlight-word' );
            self.highlightToken( token );
            self.setHighlightTokenTimer( token );

         * Highlight a token in the original HTML.
         * What part of the HTML to wrap is calculated from a token.
         * @param {Object} token The token used to calculate what part
         *  to highlight.

        this.highlightToken = function ( token ) {
            var span, textNodes, startOffset, endOffset;

            span = $( '<span></span>' )
                .addClass( 'ext-wikispeech-highlight-word' )
                .get( 0 );
            textNodes = token.items.map( function ( item ) {
                var textNode;

                if ( $( self.utteranceHighlightingSelector ).length ) {
                    // Add the the token highlighting within the
                    // utterance highlightings, if there are any.
                    textNode = self.getNodeInUtteranceHighlighting(
                } else {
                    textNode = mw.wikispeech.storage.getNodeForItem( item );
                return textNode;
            } );
            startOffset = token.startOffset;
            endOffset = token.endOffset;
            if (
                $( self.utteranceHighlightingSelector ).length &&
                    token.items[ 0 ] === token.utterance.content[ 0 ]
            ) {
                // Modify the offset if the token is the first in the
                // utterance and there is an utterance
                // highlighting. The text node may have been split
                // when the utterance highlighting was applied.
                startOffset -= token.utterance.startOffset;
                endOffset -= token.utterance.startOffset;

         * Get text node, within utterance highlighting, for an item.
         * @param {Object} item The item to get text node for.

        this.getNodeInUtteranceHighlighting = function ( item ) {
            // Get the text node from the utterance highlighting that
            // wrapped the node for `textElement`.
            var textNode = $( self.utteranceHighlightingSelector )
                .filter( function () {
                    return this.textPath ===
                } )
                .get( 0 );
            return textNode;

         * Set a timer for when the next token should be highlighted.
         * @param {Object} token The original token. The timer is set
         *  for the token following this one.

        this.setHighlightTokenTimer = function ( token ) {
            var currentTime, duration, nextToken;

            currentTime = token.utterance.audio.currentTime;
            // The duration of the timer is the duration of the
            // current token.
            duration = token.endTime - currentTime;
            nextToken = mw.wikispeech.storage.getNextToken( token );
            if ( nextToken ) {
                self.highlightTokenTimer = window.setTimeout(
                    function () {
                        self.highlightToken( nextToken );
                        // Add a new timer for the next token, when it
                        // starts playing.
                        self.setHighlightTokenTimer( nextToken );
                    duration * 1000

         * Remove elements wrapping text nodes.
         * Restores the text nodes to the way they were before they
         * were wrapped.
         * @param {string} wrapperSelector The selector for the
         *  elements to remove

        this.removeWrappers = function ( wrapperSelector ) {
            var parents, $span;

            parents = [];
            $span = $( wrapperSelector );
            $span.each( function () {
                parents.push( this.parentNode );
            } );
            if ( parents.length > 0 ) {
                // Merge first and last text nodes, if the original was
                // divided by adding the <span>.
                parents[ 0 ].normalize();
                parents[ parents.length - 1 ].normalize();

         * Remove any sentence and word highlighting.

        this.clearHighlighting = function () {
            // Remove sentence highlighting.
            self.removeWrappers( '.ext-wikispeech-highlight-sentence' );
            // Remove word highlighting.
            self.removeWrappers( '.ext-wikispeech-highlight-word' );

         * Clear the timer for highlighting tokens.

        this.clearHighlightTokenTimer = function () {
            clearTimeout( self.highlightTokenTimer );

    mw.wikispeech = mw.wikispeech || {};
    mw.wikispeech.highlighter = new Highlighter();
    mw.wikispeech.Highlighter = Highlighter;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );