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( function ( mw, $ ) {

     * Loads and stores objects used by the extension.
     * Contains functions for other modules to retrieve information
     * about the utterances.
     * @class ext.wikispeech.Storage
     * @constructor

    function Storage() {
        var self;

        self = this;
        self.utterances = [];

         * Load all utterances.
         * Uses the MediaWiki API to get the segments of the text.

        this.loadUtterances = function () {
            var api, page;

            api = new mw.Api();
            page = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
                    action: 'wikispeech',
                    page: [ page ],
                    output: 'segments'
                    beforeSend: function ( jqXHR, settings ) {
                            'Requesting segments:', settings.url + '?' +
            ).done( function ( data ) {
                var utterance, i;

                mw.log( 'Segments received:', data );
                self.utterances = data.wikispeech.segments;
                for ( i = 0; i < self.utterances.length; i++ ) {
                    utterance = self.utterances[ i ];
                    utterance.audio = $( '<audio></audio>' ).get( 0 );
                self.prepareUtterance( self.utterances[ 0 ] );
            } );

         * Prepare an utterance for playback.
         * Audio for the utterance is requested from the TTS server
         * and event listeners are added. When an utterance starts
         * playing, the next one is prepared, and when an utterance is
         * done, the next utterance is played. This is meant to be a
         * balance between not having to pause between utterance and
         * not requesting more than needed.

         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to prepare.
         * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the
         *  utterance is ready to play. Fires immediately if the
         *  utterance has already been prepared.

        this.prepareUtterance = function ( utterance, callback ) {
            var $audio, nextUtterance;

            $audio = $( utterance.audio );
            if ( $audio.attr( 'src' ) ) {
                if ( callback ) {
                    // Audio already loaded, call callback, if any.
            } else if ( utterance.request ) {
                // Request is ongoing, add callback to fire when it's
                // done.
                utterance.request.done( callback );
            } else {
                // Only load audio for an utterance if it isn't
                // already loaded or waiting for response from server.
                self.loadAudio( utterance );
                utterance.request.done( callback );
                nextUtterance = self.getNextUtterance( utterance );
                $audio.on( {
                    playing: function () {
                        var firstToken;

                        // Highlight token only when the audio starts
                        // playing, since we need the token info from
                        // the response to know what to highlight.
                        if (
                            !mw.wikispeech.player.playingSelection &&
                                $audio.prop( 'currentTime' ) === 0
                        ) {
                            firstToken = utterance.tokens[ 0 ];
                } );
                if ( nextUtterance ) {
                    $audio.on( {
                        play: function () {
                            self.prepareUtterance( nextUtterance );
                        ended: function () {
                    } );
                } else {
                    // For last utterance, just stop the playback when
                    // done.
                    $audio.on( 'ended', function () {
                    } );

         * Load audio for an utterance.
         * Sends a request to the TTS server and adds audio and tokens
         * when the response is received.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to load audio for.

        this.loadAudio = function ( utterance ) {
            var text, audioUrl, utteranceIndex;

            utteranceIndex = self.utterances.indexOf( utterance );
                'Loading audio for utterance #' + utteranceIndex + ':',
            text = '';
            utterance.content.forEach( function ( item ) {
                text += item.string;
            } );
            utterance.request = self.requestTts( text );
            // Remove request on success or failure, to allow new
            // requests if this one fails.
            utterance.request.always( function () {
                utterance.request = null;
            } );
            utterance.request.done( function ( response ) {
                audioUrl = response.audio;
                    'Setting audio url for: [' + utteranceIndex + ']',
                    utterance, '=', audioUrl
                utterance.audio.setAttribute( 'src', audioUrl );
                self.addTokens( utterance, response.tokens );
            } );

         * Send a request to the TTS server.
         * URL for server is specified in the config and language to
         * use is retrieved from the current page.
         * @param {string} text The utterance string to send in the
         *  request.
         * @return {Object} The jqXHR returned by the $.ajax() call.

        this.requestTts = function ( text ) {
            var serverUrl, request, language, voiceKey, voice, data;

            serverUrl = mw.config.get( 'wgWikispeechServerUrl' );
            language = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' );
            // Capitalize first letter in language code.
            voiceKey = 'wikispeechVoice' +
                language[ 0 ].toUpperCase() +
                language.slice( 1 );
            voice = mw.user.options.get( voiceKey );
            data = {
                lang: language,
                // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
                input_type: 'text',
                input: text
            if ( voice !== '' ) {
                // Set voice if not default.
                data.voice = voice;
            request = $.ajax( {
                url: serverUrl,
                method: 'POST',
                data: data,
                dataType: 'json',
                beforeSend: function ( jqXHR, settings ) {
                        'Sending TTS request: ' + settings.url + '?' +
            } )
                .done( function ( data ) {
                    mw.log( 'Response received:', data );
                } )
                .fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
                        'Request failed, error type "' + textStatus + '":',
                        this.url + '?' + this.data
                } );
            return request;

         * Add tokens to an utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to add tokens to.
         * @param {Object[]} responseTokens Tokens from a server response,
         *  where each token is an object. For these objects, the
         *  property "orth" is the string used by the TTS to generate
         *  audio for the token.

        this.addTokens = function ( utterance, responseTokens ) {
            var i, token, startTime, searchOffset, responseToken;

            utterance.tokens = [];
            searchOffset = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < responseTokens.length; i++ ) {
                responseToken = responseTokens[ i ];
                if ( i === 0 ) {
                    // The first token in an utterance always start on
                    // time zero.
                    startTime = 0.0;
                } else {
                    // Since the response only contains end times for
                    // token, the start time for a token is set to the
                    // end time of the previous one.
                    startTime = responseTokens[ i - 1 ].endtime;
                token = {
                    string: responseToken.orth,
                    startTime: startTime,
                    endTime: responseToken.endtime,
                    utterance: utterance
                utterance.tokens.push( token );
                if ( i > 0 ) {
                    // Start looking for the next token after the
                    // previous one, except for the first token, where
                    // we want to start on zero.
                    searchOffset += 1;
                searchOffset = self.addOffsetsAndItems(

         * Add properties for offsets and items to a token.
         * The offsets are for the start and end of the token in the
         * text node which they appear. These text nodes are not
         * necessary the same.
         * The items store information used to get the text nodes in
         * which the token starts, ends and any text nodes in between.
         * @param {Object} token The token to add properties to.
         * @param {number} searchOffset The offset to start searching
         *  from, in the concatenated string.
         * @return {number} The end offset in the concatenated string.

        this.addOffsetsAndItems = function (
        ) {
            var startOffsetInUtteranceString,
                endOffsetInUtteranceString, endOffsetForItem,
                firstItemIndex, itemsBeforeStart, lastItemIndex,
                itemsBeforeEnd, items, itemsBeforeStartLength,
                itemsBeforeEndLength, utterance;

            utterance = token.utterance;
            items = [];
            startOffsetInUtteranceString =
            endOffsetInUtteranceString =
                startOffsetInUtteranceString +
                token.string.length - 1;

            // `items` now contains all the items in the utterance,
            // from the first one to the last, that contains at least
            // part of the token. To get only the ones that contain
            // part of the token, the items that appear before the
            // token are removed.
            endOffsetForItem = 0;
            items =
                items.filter( function ( item ) {
                    endOffsetForItem += item.string.length;
                    return endOffsetForItem >
                } );
            token.items = items;

            // Calculate start and end offset for the token, in the
            // text nodes it appears in, and add them to the
            // token.
            firstItemIndex =
                utterance.content.indexOf( items[ 0 ] );
            itemsBeforeStart =
                utterance.content.slice( 0, firstItemIndex );
            itemsBeforeStartLength = 0;
            itemsBeforeStart.forEach( function ( item ) {
                itemsBeforeStartLength += item.string.length;
            } );
            token.startOffset =
                startOffsetInUtteranceString -
            if ( token.items[ 0 ] === utterance.content[ 0 ] ) {
                token.startOffset += utterance.startOffset;
            lastItemIndex =
                    mw.wikispeech.util.getLast( items )
            itemsBeforeEnd = utterance.content.slice( 0, lastItemIndex );
            itemsBeforeEndLength = 0;
            itemsBeforeEnd.forEach( function ( item ) {
                itemsBeforeEndLength += item.string.length;
            } );
            token.endOffset =
                endOffsetInUtteranceString - itemsBeforeEndLength;
            if (
                mw.wikispeech.util.getLast( token.items ) ===
                    utterance.content[ 0 ]
            ) {
                token.endOffset += utterance.startOffset;
            return endOffsetInUtteranceString;

         * Calculate the start offset of a token in the utterance string.
         * The token is the first match found, starting at
         * searchOffset.
         * @param {string} token The token to search for.
         * @param {Object[]} content The content of the utterance where
         *  the token appear.
         * @param {Object[]} items An array of items to which each
         *  item, up to and including the last one that contains
         *  part of the token, is added.
         * @param {number} searchOffset Where we want to start looking
         *  for the token in the utterance string.
         * @return {number} The offset where the first character of
         *  the token appears in the utterance string.

        this.getStartOffsetInUtteranceString = function (
        ) {
            var concatenatedText, startOffsetInUtteranceString;

            // The concatenation of the strings from items. Used to
            // find tokens that span multiple text nodes.
            concatenatedText = '';
            $.each( content, function () {
                // Look through the items until we find a
                // substring matching the token.
                concatenatedText += this.string;
                items.push( this );
                if ( searchOffset > concatenatedText.length ) {
                    // Don't look in text elements that end before
                    // where we start looking.
                startOffsetInUtteranceString = concatenatedText.indexOf(
                    token, searchOffset
                if ( startOffsetInUtteranceString >= 0 ) {
                    return false;
            } );
            return startOffsetInUtteranceString;

         * Get the utterance after the given utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The original utterance.
         * @return {Object} The utterance after the original
         *  utterance. null if utterance is the last one.

        this.getNextUtterance = function ( utterance ) {
            return self.getUtteranceByOffset( utterance, 1 );

         * Get the utterance by offset from another utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The original utterance.
         * @param {number} offset The difference, in index, to the
         *  wanted utterance. Can be negative for preceding
         *  utterances.
         * @return {Object} The utterance on the position before or
         *  after the original utterance, as specified by
         *  `offset`. null if the original utterance is null.

        this.getUtteranceByOffset = function ( utterance, offset ) {
            var index;

            if ( utterance === null ) {
                return null;
            index = self.utterances.indexOf( utterance );
            return self.utterances[ index + offset ];

         * Get the utterance before the given utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The original utterance.
         * @return {Object} The utterance before the original
         *  utterance. null if the original utterance is the
         *  first one.

        this.getPreviousUtterance = function ( utterance ) {
            return self.getUtteranceByOffset( utterance, -1 );

         * Get the token following a given token.
         * @param {Object} originalToken Find the next token after
         *  this one.
         * @return {Object} The first token following originalToken
         *  that has time greater than zero and a transcription. null
         *  if no such token is found. Will not look beyond
         *  originalToken's utterance.

        this.getNextToken = function ( originalToken ) {
            var index, succeedingTokens;

            index = originalToken.utterance.tokens.indexOf( originalToken );
            succeedingTokens =
                originalToken.utterance.tokens.slice( index + 1 ).filter(
                    function ( token ) {
                        return !self.isSilent( token );
                    } );
            if ( succeedingTokens.length === 0 ) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return succeedingTokens[ 0 ];

         * Test if a token is silent.
         * Silent is here defined as either having no transcription
         * (i.e. the empty string) or having no duration (i.e. start
         * and end time is the same).
         * @param {Object} token The token to test.
         * @return {boolean} true if the token is silent, else false.

        this.isSilent = function ( token ) {
            return token.startTime === token.endTime ||
                token.string === '';

         * Get the token preceding a given token.
         * @param {Object} originalToken Find the token before this one.
         * @return {Object} The first token following originalToken
         *  that has time greater than zero and a transcription. null
         *  if no such token is found. Will not look beyond
         *  originalToken's utterance.

        this.getPreviousToken = function ( originalToken ) {
            var index, precedingTokens, previousToken;

            index = originalToken.utterance.tokens.indexOf( originalToken );
            precedingTokens =
                originalToken.utterance.tokens.slice( 0, index ).filter(
                    function ( token ) {
                        return !self.isSilent( token );
                    } );
            if ( precedingTokens.length === 0 ) {
                return null;
            } else {
                previousToken = mw.wikispeech.util.getLast( precedingTokens );
                return previousToken;

         * Get the last non silent token in an utterance.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to get the last
         *  token from.
         * @return {Object} The last token in the utterance.

        this.getLastToken = function ( utterance ) {
            var nonSilentTokens, lastToken;

            nonSilentTokens = utterance.tokens.filter( function ( token ) {
                return !self.isSilent( token );
            } );
            lastToken = mw.wikispeech.util.getLast( nonSilentTokens );
            return lastToken;

         * Get the first text node that is a descendant of the given node.
         * Finds the depth first text node, i.e. in
         *  `<a><b>1</b>2</a>`
         * the node with text "1" is the first one. If the given node is
         * itself a text node, it is simply returned.
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The node under which to look for
         *  text nodes.
         * @param {boolean} inUtterance If true, the first text node
         *  that is also in an utterance is returned.
         * @return {TextNode} The first text node under `node`,
         *  undefined if there are no text nodes.

        this.getFirstTextNode = function ( node, inUtterance ) {
            var textNode, child, i;

            if ( node.nodeType === 3 ) {
                if ( !inUtterance || self.isNodeInUtterance( node ) ) {
                    // The given node is a text node. Check whether
                    // the node is in an utterance, if that is
                    // requested.
                    return node;
            } else {
                for ( i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
                    // Check children if the given node is an element.
                    child = node.childNodes[ i ];
                    textNode = self.getFirstTextNode( child, inUtterance );
                    if ( textNode ) {
                        return textNode;

         * Check if a text node is in any utterance.
         * Utterances don't have any direct references to nodes, but
         * rather use XPath expressions to find the nodes that were used
         * when creating them.
         * @param {TextNode} node The text node to check.
         * @return {boolean} true if the node is in any utterance, else false.

        this.isNodeInUtterance = function ( node ) {
            var utterance, item, i, j;

            for (
                i = 0;
                i < self.utterances.length;
            ) {
                utterance = self.utterances[ i ];
                for ( j = 0; j < utterance.content.length; j++ ) {
                    item = utterance.content[ j ];
                    if ( self.getNodeForItem( item ) === node ) {
                        return true;
            return false;

         * Get the utterance containing a point, searching forward.
         * Finds the utterance that contains a point in the text,
         * specified by a node and an offset in that node. Several
         * utterances may contain parts of the same node, which is why
         * the offset is needed.
         * If the offset can't be found in the given node, later nodes
         * are checked. This happens if the offset falls between two
         * utterances.
         * @param {TextNode} node The first node to check.
         * @param {number} offset The offset in the node.
         * @return {Object} The matching utterance.

        this.getStartUtterance = function ( node, offset ) {
            var utterance, i, nextTextNode;

            for ( ; offset < node.textContent.length; offset++ ) {
                for (
                    i = 0;
                    i < self.utterances.length;
                ) {
                    utterance = self.utterances[ i ];
                    if (
                    ) {
                        return utterance;
            // No match found in the given node, check the next one.
            nextTextNode = self.getNextTextNode( node );
            return self.getStartUtterance( nextTextNode, 0 );

         * Check if a point in the text is in any of a number of items.
         * Checks if a node is present in any of the items. When a
         * matching item is found, checks if the offset falls between
         * the given min and max values.
         * @param {TextNode} node The node to check.
         * @param {Object[]} items Item objects containing a path to
         *  the node they were created from.
         * @param {number} offset Offset in the node.
         * @param {number} minOffset The minimum offset to be
         *  considered a match.
         * @param {number} maxOffset The maximum offset to be
         *  considered a match.

        this.isPointInItems = function (
        ) {
            var item, i, index;

            if ( items.length === 1 ) {
                item = items[ 0 ];
                if (
                    self.getNodeForItem( item ) === node &&
                        offset >= minOffset &&
                        offset <= maxOffset
                ) {
                    // Just check if the offset is within the min and
                    // max offsets, if there is only one item.
                    return true;
            } else {
                for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
                    item = items[ i ];
                    if ( self.getNodeForItem( item ) !== node ) {
                        // Skip items that don't match the node we're
                        // looking for.
                    index = items.indexOf( item );
                    if ( index === 0 ) {
                        if ( offset >= minOffset ) {
                            // For the first node, check if position is
                            // after the start of the utterance.
                            return true;
                    } else if ( index === items.length - 1 ) {
                        if ( offset <= maxOffset ) {
                            // For the last node, check if position is
                            // before end of utterance.
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        // Any other node should be entirely within the
                        // utterance.
                        return true;
            return false;

         * Get the first text node after a given node.
         * @param {HTMLElement|TextNode} node Get the text node after
         * this one.
         * @return {TextNode} The first node after `node`.

        this.getNextTextNode = function ( node ) {
            var nextNode, textNode, child, i;

            nextNode = node.nextSibling;
            if ( nextNode === null ) {
                // No more text nodes, start traversing the DOM
                // upward, checking sibling of ancestors.
                return self.getNextTextNode( node.parentNode );
            } else if ( nextNode.nodeType === 1 ) {
                // Node is an element, find the first text node in
                // it's children.
                for ( i = 0; i < nextNode.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
                    child = nextNode.childNodes[ i ];
                    textNode = self.getFirstTextNode( child );
                    if ( textNode ) {
                        return textNode;
                return self.getNextTextNode( nextNode );
            } else if ( nextNode.nodeType === 3 ) {
                return nextNode;

         * Get the token containing a point, searching forward.
         * Finds the token that contains a point in the text,
         * specified by a node and an offset in that node. Several
         * tokens may contain parts of the same node, which is why
         * the offset is needed.
         * If the offset can't be found in the given node, later nodes
         * are checked. This happens if the offset falls between two
         * tokens.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to look for tokens in.
         * @param {TextNode} node The node that contains the token.
         * @param {number} offset The offset in the node.
         * @param {Object} The first token found.

        this.getStartToken = function ( utterance, node, offset ) {
            var token, i, nextTextNode;

            for ( ; offset < node.textContent.length; offset++ ) {
                for ( i = 0; i < utterance.tokens.length; i++ ) {
                    token = utterance.tokens[ i ];
                    if (
                    ) {
                        return token;
            // If token wasn't found in the given node, check the next
            // one.
            nextTextNode = self.getNextTextNode( node );
            return self.getStartToken( utterance, nextTextNode, 0 );

         * Get the last text node that is a descendant of given node.
         * Finds the depth first text node, i.e. in
         *  `<a>1<b>2</b></a>`
         * the node with text "2" is the last one. If the given node
         * is itself a text node, it is simply returned.
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The node under which to look for
         *  text nodes.
         * @param {boolean} inUtterance If true, the last text node
         *  that is also in an utterance is returned.
         * @return {TextNode} The last text node under `node`,
         *  undefined if there are no text nodes.

        this.getLastTextNode = function ( node, inUtterance ) {
            var i, child, textNode;

            if ( node.nodeType === 3 ) {
                if ( !inUtterance || self.isNodeInUtterance( node ) ) {
                    // The given node is a text node. Check whether
                    // the node is in an utterance, if that is
                    // requested.
                    return node;
            } else {
                for ( i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                    // Check children if the given node is an element.
                    child = node.childNodes[ i ];
                    textNode = self.getLastTextNode( child, inUtterance );
                    if ( textNode ) {
                        return textNode;

         * Get the utterance containing a point, searching backward.
         * Finds the utterance that contains a point in the text,
         * specified by a node and an offset in that node. Several
         * utterances may contain parts of the same node, which is why
         * the offset is needed.
         * If the offset can't be found in the given node, preceding
         * nodes are checked. This happens if the offset falls between
         * two utterances.
         * @param {TextNode} node The first node to check.
         * @param {number} offset The offset in the node.
         * @return {Object} The matching utterance.

        this.getEndUtterance = function ( node, offset ) {
            var utterance, i, previousTextNode;

            for ( ; offset >= 0; offset-- ) {
                for (
                    i = 0;
                    i < self.utterances.length;
                ) {
                    utterance = self.utterances[ i ];
                    if (
                    ) {
                        return utterance;
            previousTextNode = self.getPreviousTextNode( node );
            return self.getEndUtterance(

         * Get the first text node before a given node.
         * @param {HTMLElement|TextNode} node Get the text node before
         *  this one.
         * @return {TextNode} The first node before `node`.

        this.getPreviousTextNode = function ( node ) {
            var previousNode, i, child, textNode;

            previousNode = node.previousSibling;
            if ( previousNode === null ) {
                return self.getPreviousTextNode( node.parentNode );
            } else if ( previousNode.nodeType === 1 ) {
                for (
                    i = previousNode.childNodes.length - 1;
                    i >= 0;
                ) {
                    child = previousNode.childNodes[ i ];
                    textNode = self.getLastTextNode( child );
                    if ( textNode ) {
                        return textNode;
                return self.getPreviousTextNode( previousNode );
            } else if ( previousNode.nodeType === 3 ) {
                return previousNode;

         * Get the token containing a point, searching backward.
         * Finds the token that contains a point in the text,
         * specified by a node and an offset in that node. Several
         * tokens may contain parts of the same node, which is why
         * the offset is needed.
         * If the offset can't be found in the given node, preceding
         * nodes are checked. This happens if the offset falls between
         * two tokens.
         * @param {Object} utterance The utterance to look for tokens in.
         * @param {TextNode} node The node that contains the token.
         * @param {number} offset The offset in the node.
         * @param {Object} The first token found.

        this.getEndToken = function ( utterance, node, offset ) {
            var token, i, previousTextNode;

            for ( ; offset >= 0; offset-- ) {
                for ( i = 0; i < utterance.tokens.length; i++ ) {
                    token = utterance.tokens[ i ];
                    if (
                    ) {
                        return token;
            previousTextNode = self.getPreviousTextNode( node );
            return self.getEndToken(

         * Find the text node from which a content item was created.
         * The path property of the item is an XPath expression
         * that is used to traverse the DOM tree.
         * @param {Object} item The item to find the text node for.
         * @return {TextNode} The text node associated with the item.

        this.getNodeForItem = function ( item ) {
            var node, result, contentSelector;

            // The path should be unambiguous, so just get the first
            // matching node.
            contentSelector = mw.config.get( 'wgWikispeechContentSelector' );
            result = document.evaluate(
                $( contentSelector ).get( 0 ),
            node = result.singleNodeValue;
            return node;

    mw.wikispeech = mw.wikispeech || {};
    mw.wikispeech.Storage = Storage;
    mw.wikispeech.storage = new Storage();
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );