

5 hrs
Test Coverage
<?php namespace Lud\Press;

 * Every time we instanciate the index (once per request with default Laravel
 * IoC) the full directory structure is walked and every file is opened for
 * reading metadata. Caching is not handled by the index since we have many
 * possibilities of caching. This is left to do by the user.

use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use View;
use Cache;

class PressIndex

    const CACHE_KEY_BUILD = 'PressIndexBuild';
    const CACHE_KEY_MAXMTIME = 'PressIndexMaxMTime';

    private $ramCache = null;
    private $maxMTime = 0;

    public function all()
        return $this->build();

    public function count()
        return $this->build()->count();

 * Find articles on the index
 * @param  string $query  a key/value list like "key:v1|key2:v2"
 * @param  array  $params an array to pick values from where values in $query are '_'
 * @return any A Press Collection of articles or the result of a reduce query
    public function query($query, array $params = array())
        $collection = $this->all();
        $steps = $this->parseQuery($query, $this->mergeDefaults($params));
        foreach ($steps as $fun) {
            $collection = $fun($collection);
        return $collection;

    public function reBuild()
        return $this->build(true);

    protected function build($forceRebuild = false)
        if (null !== $this->ramCache && !$forceRebuild) {
            return $this->ramCache;
        $maxMTime = 0;
        $finder = new Finder();
        $extensionsRegex = $this->extensionsToRegex($this->getConf('extensions'));
        $sortWithoutPath = function(\SplFileInfo $a, \SplFileInfo $b) {
            $pathA = pathinfo($a->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            $pathB = pathinfo($b->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            return strcmp($pathA, $pathB);
        // We look for the maximum mtime of the files
        $filesArray = iterator_to_array($finder);
        foreach ($filesArray as $file) {
            $maxMTime = max($maxMTime, max($file->getMTime(), $file->getCTime()));
        $this->maxMTime = $maxMTime;
        // now we get the cache for the last maxMTime calculated, with
        // 0 as a default
        $lastMaxMTime = Cache::get(self::CACHE_KEY_MAXMTIME, 0);
        // Now, if the new maxMtime is higher than the cached one,
        // files were modified since the last build. So we need to
        // build. But if the cached is the same (or superior, why ?),
        // we return from the cache
        if ($lastMaxMTime >= $maxMTime && !$forceRebuild) {
            $cached = Cache::get(self::CACHE_KEY_BUILD);
            if ($cached instanceof Collection) {
                return $cached;

        // Here we put the new cache time

        Cache::forever(self::CACHE_KEY_MAXMTIME, $maxMTime);

        $metas = array_map(function($file) {
            return with(new PressFile($file->getPathname()))
        }, iterator_to_array($finder));
        // we want the keys to be relative to the base path
        $result = [];
        foreach ($metas as $key => $fileMeta) {
            $result[$fileMeta->id] = $fileMeta;
        $this->ramCache = new Collection($result);
        Cache::forever(self::CACHE_KEY_BUILD, $this->ramCache);
        return $this->ramCache;

    public function getFile($id)
        $collection = $this->all();
        if ($collection->has($id)) {
            $meta = $collection->get($id);
            $filename = $meta->filename;
            return new PressFile($filename, $meta);
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file id=$id");

    public function getModTime()
        return $this->maxMTime;

    protected function getConf($key = null, $default = null)
        return PressFacade::getConf($key, $default);

    private function extensionsToRegex(array $extensions)
        // we accept extensions with or without a dot before
        $dotPrefix = function($string) {
            return '\\.' . ltrim($string, '.');

        $prefixed = array_map($dotPrefix, $extensions);
        return '/(' . implode('|', $prefixed) . ')$/';

    private function parseQuery($query, array $defaults)
        $filters = [];
        foreach (explode('|', $query) as $part) {
            // the value is not parsed
            $parsed = explode(':', $part);
            $fun = $parsed[0];
            $default = isset($defaults[$fun]) ? $defaults[$fun] : null;
            $value = isset($parsed[1]) ? $parsed[1] : $default;
            $filters[] = self::makeReduce($fun, $value);
        return $filters;

    private function makeReduce($name, $value)
        switch ($name) {
            case 'all':
                return function(Collection $collection) {
                    return $collection;
            case 'tag':
            case 'tags':
                // we accept multiple tags separated by commas
                return function(Collection $collection) use ($value) {
                    return $collection->where('tags', explode(',', $value));
            case 'lang':
                // we accept multiple langs separated by commas
                return function(Collection $collection) use ($value) {
                    return $collection->where('lang', explode(',', $value));
            case 'sort':
                return function(Collection $collection) use ($value) {
                    // add "desc" as a default which will be bound in $direction
                    // if no direction is specified
                    list($field,$direction) = explode(',', "$value,desc");
                    $sortBy = $this->getSortFun($field, $direction==='desc');
                    return $collection->sort($sortBy);
            case 'dir':
                return function(Collection $collection) use ($value) {
                    return $collection->filter(function($meta) use ($value) {
                        return starts_with($meta->rel_path, $value);
            case 'count':
                return function(Collection $collection) {
                    return $collection->count();
                throw new \Exception("Unknown PressIndex reduce $name");

    private function mergeDefaults($params)
        static $defaults = [
            'sort' => 'date,desc'
        return array_merge($defaults, $params);

     * gives a fun to sort metawrappers on a field
     * @param  string $fieldName meta entry name
     * @param  bool $desc        if we sort descending
     * @return integer           -1 | 0 | 1
    private function getSortFun($fieldName, $desc)

        $m = $desc ? -1 : 1; // sort modifier

        return function(MetaWrapper $fileA, MetaWrapper $fileB) use ($fieldName, $m) {
                $vA = $fileA->get($fieldName);
                $vB = $fileB->get($fieldName);
            if ($vA == $vB) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return $vA < $vB ? -1*$m : 1*$m ;