

1 day
Test Coverage
<?php namespace Lud\Press;

// @todo split object responsibilities

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
use Lud\Utils\ChainableGroup;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

class PressService

    const FILE_PATH_TYPE = 1;
    const URL_PATH_TYPE = 2;

    protected $conf = [];
    protected $app;
    protected $editing = false;
    protected $currentEditingCacheInfo;
    protected $mustCacheCurrentRequest = true;

    public function __construct($app, $conf = [])
        $this->app = $app;

    // findFile accepts fileID or filename. We check if the filename ends with
    // a known extension. If so, we remove it.
    public function findFile($filename)
        $fileID = $this->filenameToId($filename);
        return $this->index()->getFile($fileID);

    public function configure($values)
        $sysValues = array_except($values, ['url','filename']);
        $this->conf = array_merge($this->conf, $sysValues);
        return array_merge($this->conf, $values);

    public function getConf($key = null, $default = null)
        if (null === $key) {
            return $this->conf;
        } elseif (isset($this->conf[$key])) return $this->conf[$key];
        else {
            return $default;

    public static function filenameJoin($parts)
        return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts);

    public function filenameToId($fn)
        $fn = pathinfo($fn, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
        $fnLen = strlen($fn);
        foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $ext) {
            $dotted = ".$ext";
            $extLen = strlen($dotted);
            if ($dotted === substr($fn, -$extLen)) {
                return substr($fn, 0, $fnLen - $extLen);
        return $fn;

    public function getExtensions()
        return array_map(function($ext) {
            return ltrim($ext, '.');
        }, $this->getConf('extensions'));

    public function pathInfo($fn, $schema, $type = self::FILE_PATH_TYPE)
        // pre($fn,"path to match");
        if (self::FILE_PATH_TYPE === $type) {
            // Work only on the basename
            $fn = pathinfo($fn, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
            $extensions = $this->getExtensions();
            $extensionsRe = '\\.(' . implode('|', $extensions) . ')';
        } elseif (self::URL_PATH_TYPE === $type) {
            // this is an URL, evaluate the full path
            $extensionsRe = '';
        $pattern = static::filenameSchemaToRegex($schema, $extensionsRe);

        $matches = [];
        if (preg_match($pattern, $fn, $matches)) {
            // we filter out the numeric keys of matches
            $keys = array_keys($matches);
            $numeric_keys = array_filter($keys, 'is_numeric');
            return array_except($matches, $numeric_keys);
        // } else {
            // dump_r("$pattern NO match $fn");
        return false;

    // URLs -----------------------------------------------------------------

    public function filenameToUrl($meta)
        $schemas = $this->getConf('url_map');
        foreach ($schemas as $filenameSchema => $urlSchema) {
            if ($props = $this->pathInfo($meta->filename, $filenameSchema, self::FILE_PATH_TYPE)) {
                return URL::to(static::replaceStrParts($urlSchema, array_merge($props, $meta->all())));
        throw new \Exception('Cannot transform filename "'.$meta->filename.'"');

    // the schemas must return an ID, i.e. a file's name without the directory
    // and without an extension
    public function urlToID($urlPath)
        $schemas = $this->getConf('url_map');
        foreach ($schemas as $filenameSchema => $urlSchema) {
            if ($props = $this->pathInfo($urlPath, $urlSchema, self::URL_PATH_TYPE)) {
                return static::replaceStrParts(static::expandFileNameSchema($filenameSchema), $props);
        throw new UnknownURLSchemaException("Cannot transform URL '$urlPath'");

    // URLs -----------------------------------------------------------------

     * Replaces :symbols in URLs with actual values
     * @param  string $schema  the url schema with :symbols
     * @param  Closure|array $values values provider. The closure must return null if the key is not defined
     * @return string an URL with values set
    public static function replaceStrParts($schema, $values)
        if (is_callable($values)) {
            $getVal = $values;
        } else {
            $getVal = function($key) use ($values) {
                return isset($values[$key]) ? $values[$key] : null;
        $keysFound = [];
        $matches = [];
        if (preg_match_all('/:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', $schema, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[0] as $matchKey) {
                $key = substr($matchKey, 1); // drop the colon
                $val = $getVal($key);
                if ($val !== null) {
                    $schema = str_replace($matchKey, $val, $schema);
        return $schema;

    public static function filenameSchemaToRegex($schema, $append)
        switch($schema) {
            case 'classic':
                $pattern = "@(?P<year>[0-9]{4})-(?P<month>[0-9]{2})-(?P<day>[0-9]{2})-(?P<slug>.+)$append$@";
            case 'simple':
                $pattern = "@(?P<slug>.+)$append$@";
            default: // Custom schema
                $schemaToRegex = [
                    ':year'     => '(?P<year>[0-9]{4})',
                    ':month'    => '(?P<month>[0-9]{2})',
                    ':day'      => '(?P<day>[0-9]{2})',
                    ':slug'     => '(?P<slug>.+)',
                $scParts = array_keys($schemaToRegex);
                $reParts = array_values($schemaToRegex);
                $pattern = '@' . str_replace($scParts, $reParts, $schema) . "$append$@";
        return $pattern;

    public static function expandFileNameSchema($schema)
        switch ($schema) {
            case 'classic':
                return ':year-:month-:day-:slug';
            case 'simple':
                return ':slug';
                return $schema;

    public function index()
        return $this->app['press.index'];

    public function query($query, array $params = array())
        return $this->index()->query($query, $params);

    public function all()
        return $this->index()->all();

    // Cache & Editing ------------------------------------------------------

    public function cache()
        return $this->app->make('press.cache');

    public function skipCache()
        $this->mustCacheCurrentRequest = false;

    public function isCacheableRequest($request, $response)
        $routeOpts = $request->route()->getAction();
            && isset($routeOpts['pressCache'])
            && $routeOpts['pressCache']
            && 200 === $response->getStatusCode();

    public function isEditing()
        return $this->editing;

    public function setEditing($editing = true)
        $this->editing = $editing;
        if ($this->editing) {

    public function editingCacheInfo()
        if (!$this->isEditing()) {
            return null;
        $info = $this->cache()->cacheInfo($this->app->request);
        $info->indexMaxMTime = $this->index()->getModTime();
        $info->isCacheStale = $info->indexMaxMTime > $info->cacheTime;
        return $info;

    // Themes management ----------------------------------------------------

    public function loadThemes()
        foreach ($this->getConf('load_themes') as $dir) {

    public function loadTheme($dir)
        $finder = new Finder;
            ->depth('== 0')
        if ($finder->count() !== 1) {
            throw new ThemeNotFoundException("Press theme could not be loaded from $dir");
        $themeFileName = array_values(iterator_to_array($finder))[0]->getRelativePathName();
        preg_match('/_theme\.(.*)\.php/', $themeFileName, $matches);
        $name = $matches[1];
        \View::addNamespace($name, $dir);
        $this->registeredThemes[$name] = ['dir' => $dir];

    public function getThemeDir($name)
        return $this->registeredThemes[$name]['dir'];

    public function ensureThemeExists($name)
        if (!isset($this->registeredThemes[$name])) {
            throw new \Exception(
                "Press theme '$name' does not exist."

    public function getDefaultThemeAssets()
        return $this->getThemeAssets($this->getConf('theme', 'press'));

    public function getThemeAssets($theme)
        $cacheKey = "press::themefile->$theme";
        if (! isset($this->registeredThemes[$theme])) {
            throw new \Exception("Unknown theme $theme");
        return $this->readTheme($theme);

    public static function themefilePath()
        return realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../views');

    private function readTheme($name)
        if (isset($this->registeredThemes[$name]['info'])) {
            return $this->registeredThemes[$name]['info'];
        $dir = $this->registeredThemes[$name]['dir'];
        $infos = require "$dir/_theme.$name.php";
        $empty = [
        $infos = array_merge($empty, $infos);
        $this->registeredThemes[$name]['info'] = $infos;
        return $infos;

    public function themesPublishes()
        $publishes = [];
        foreach ($this->registeredThemes as $theme => $_) {
            $publishes[] = $this->readTheme($theme)['publishes'];
        return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $publishes);

    public function hasHttpExceptionView($statusCode)
        return View::exists($this->httpExceptionViewName($statusCode));

    public function renderHttpException($statusCode)
        $viewData = [
            'themeAssets' => $this->getDefaultThemeAssets()
        return response()
            ->view($this->httpExceptionViewName($statusCode), $viewData, $statusCode);

    protected function httpExceptionViewName($statusCode)
        return $this->namespaceView("errors.$statusCode");

    protected function namespaceView($name)
        $delim = \Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface::HINT_PATH_DELIMITER;
        return $this->getConf('theme') . $delim . $name;

    // Routing --------------------------------------------------------------

     * Maps a route to a query of articles
     * @param  string $path    A route path like in Route::get(...)
     * @param  string $query   A press query
     * @param  array $_options An array of options
     * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route A laravel route set
     * @todo split method in smaller parts
     * @todo allow post|delete|etc ?
    public function listRoute($path, $query, array $_options = array())
        $as = 'press.'.crc32($query); // fast hash but more collision risks
        $options = array_merge(
            compact('query', 'as'),
        // now that the options are set, the user could have overriden the route
        // 'as' (the route name)
        $as = $options['as'];
        $options['base_route'] = $as; // we share the base route name with the paginated routes
        $routes = [Route::get($path, array_merge($options, ['as' => $as]))]; // base route
        // we cannot have optional non-parameters parts in the url, so we must
        // define other routes
        if ($options['paginate']) {
            $p = PressPaginator::PAGE_NAME;
            // redirect page 1 to base path
            $routes[] = Route::get("$path/$p/1", function(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route) use ($as) {
                $url = URL::route($as, $route->parameters(), $abs = false);
                return redirect($url, 301);
            // other pages
            $routes[] = Route::get("$path/$p/{page}", $options)->where('page', '[0-9]+');
        return new ChainableGroup($routes);

    private function listRouteOptsWithDefaults()
        static $base = [
            'paginate' => true,
            'pressCache' => true,
            'uses' => 'Lud\Press\PressPubController@showCollection',
        return $base;

    public function setRoutes($_SET_HOME_ROUTE = true)
        require realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../routes.php');