namespace luya\cms\menu;
use luya\admin\models\User;
use luya\cms\Exception;
use luya\cms\LinkConverter;
use luya\cms\models\Nav;
use luya\web\LinkInterface;
use luya\web\LinkTrait;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Arrayable;
use yii\base\ArrayableTrait;
use yii\base\BaseObject;
* Menu item Object.
* Each menu itaration will return in an Item-Object. The Item-Object contains several methods like
* returning title, url and ids or retrieve depending item iterations like parents or childs. As the
* Item Object extends the {{yii\base\BaseObject}} all getter methods can be access as property.
* Read more in the [[]] Guide.
* @property integer $id Returns Unique identifier of item, represents data record of cms_nav_item table.
* @property boolean $isHidden Returns boolean state of visbility.
* @property string $container Returns the container name.
* @property integer $navId Returns the Navigation Id which is not unique but is used for the menu tree
* @property integer $parentNavId Returns the parent navigation id of this item (0 = root level).
* @property string $title Returns the title of this page
* @property integer $type Returns the type of page 1=Page with blocks, 2=Module, 3=Redirect
* @property string $moduleName Returns the name of the module if its of type module(2)
* @property string $description Returns the page description (used for making meta key description).
* @property array $keywords Returns an array of user defined keywords for this page (user to generate meta keywords)
* @property string $alias Returns the alias name of this page.
* @property integer $dateCreated Returns an unix timestamp when the page was created.
* @property integer $dateUpdated Returns an unix timestamp when the page was last time updated.
* @property User $userCreated Returns an active record object for the admin user who created this page.
* @property User $userUpdated Returns an active record object for the admin user who last time updated this page.
* @property string $link Returns the current item link relative path with composition (language). The path is always relativ to the host.
* @property boolean $isActive Returns a boolean value whether the current item is an active link or not, this is also for all parent elements. If a child item is active, the parent element is activ as well.
* @property integer $depth Returns the depth of the navigation tree start with 1. Also known as menu level.
* @property Item $parent Returns a Item-Object of the parent element, if no parent element exists returns false.
* @property QueryIteratorFilter $parents Return all parent elements **without** the current item.
* @property QueryIteratorFilter $sibilings Get all sibilings for the current item, this also includes the current item iteself.
* @property QueryIteratorFilter $teardown Return all parent elemtns **with** the current item.
* @property QueryIteratorFilter $children Get all children of the current item. Children means going the depth/menulevel down e.g. from 1 to 2.
* @property QueryIteratorFilter $descendants Get all childrens with childrens children.
* @property boolean $isHome Returns true if the item is the home item, otherwise false.
* @property string $absoluteLink The link path with prepand website host ``.
* @property integer $sortIndex Sort index position for the current siblings list.
* @property boolean $hasChildren Check whether an item has childrens or not returning a boolean value.
* @property boolean $hasParent Check whether the parent has items or not.
* @property string $seoTitle Returns the Alternative SEO-Title. If entry is empty, the $title will returned instead.
* @property Item|boolean $nextSibling Returns the next sibling based on the current sibling, if not found false is returned.
* @property Item|boolean $prevSibling Returns the previous sibling based on the current sibling, if not found false is returned.
* @property Nav|boolean $model Returns the {{\luya\cms\models\Nav}} object for the current navigation item.
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
class Item extends BaseObject implements LinkInterface, Arrayable
use LinkTrait;
use ArrayableTrait;
* @var array The item property containing the informations with key value parinings. This property will be assigned when creating the
* Item-Object.
public $itemArray;
* @var string|null Can contain the language context, so the sub querys for this item will be the same language context
* as the parent object which created this object.
public $lang;
* @var boolean This property indicates whether the item is the 404 page item or not. This status is set by {{luya\cms\Menu::resolveCurrent()}} method and retrieved
* in the {{luya\cms\frontend\controllers\DefaultController::actionIndex()}} in order to send 404 response header.
* @since 2.0.0
public $is404Page = false;
* @var array Privat property containing with informations for the Query Object.
private array $_with = [];
* @inheritdoc
public function fields()
return ['href', 'target'];
* @inheritdoc
public function getHref()
return $this->getLink();
private $_anchor;
public function setAnchor($anchor)
$this->_anchor = ltrim($anchor, '#');
public function getAnchor()
return $this->_anchor;
private $_target;
* Setter method for the link target.
* @param string $target
public function setTarget($target)
$this->_target = $target;
* @inheritdoc
public function getTarget()
return empty($this->_target) ? '_self' : $this->_target;
* Item-Object initiliazer, verify if the itemArray property is empty.
* @throws Exception
public function init()
if ($this->itemArray === null) {
throw new Exception('The itemArray property can not be null.');
// call parent object initializer
* Get the Id of the Item, the Id is an unique identifiere an represents the
* id column in the cms_nav_item table.
* @return int
public function getId()
return (int) $this->itemArray['id'];
* Get the sorting index position for the item on the current siblings.
* @return integer Sort index position for the current siblings list.
public function getSortIndex()
return (int) $this->itemArray['sort_index'];
* Whether the item is hidden or not if hidden items can be retreived (with/without settings).
* @return boolean
public function getIsHidden()
return (bool) $this->itemArray['is_hidden'];
* Whether current item is home or not.
* @return boolean Returns true if the item is the home item, otherwise false.
public function getIsHome()
return (bool) $this->itemArray['is_home'];
* Override the default hidden state of an item.
* @param boolean $value True or False depending on the visbility of the item.
public function setIsHidden($value)
$this->itemArray['is_hidden'] = (int) $value;
* Return the current container name of this item.
* @return string Return alias name of the container
public function getContainer()
return $this->itemArray['container'];
* Get the Nav-id of the Item, the Nav-Id is not unique but in case of the language
* container the nav id is unique. The Nav-Id identifier repersents the id coluumn
* of the cms_nav table.
* @return int
public function getNavId()
return (int) $this->itemArray['nav_id'];
* Get the parent_nav_id of the current item. If the current Item-Object belongs to a
* parent navigation item, the getParentNavId() method returns the getNavId() of the parent
* item.
* ```
* .
* ├── item (navId 1)
* └── item (navId 2)
* ├── item (navId 3 with parentNavId 2)
* └── item (navId 4 with parentNavId 2)
* ```
* @return int
public function getParentNavId()
return (int) $this->itemArray['parent_nav_id'];
* Returns the current Title of the Menu Item.
* @return string e.g. "Hello World"
public function getTitle()
return $this->itemArray['title'];
* Override the current title of item.
* @param string $title The title to override of the existing.
public function setTitle($title)
$this->itemArray['title'] = $title;
* Returns the Alternative SEO-Title.
* If no SEO-Title is given, the page title from {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getTitle}} will be returned instead.
* @return string Return the SEO-Title, if empty the {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getTitle}} will be returned instead.
public function getSeoTitle()
return empty($this->itemArray['title_tag']) ? $this->title : $this->itemArray['title_tag'];
* Return the current nav item type by number.
* + 1 = Page with blocks
* + 2 = Module
* + 3 = Redirect
* @return int The type number
public function getType()
return (int) $this->itemArray['type'];
* If the type of the item is equals 2 we can detect the module name and returns
* this information.
* @return boolean|string The name of the module or false if not found or wrong type
public function getModuleName(): bool|string
if ($this->getType() === 2) {
return $this->itemArray['module_name'];
return false;
* Returns the description provided by the cms admin, if any.
* @return string The description string for this page.
public function getDescription()
return $this->itemArray['description'];
private $_keywords;
private array $_delimiters = [',', ';', '|'];
* @return array An array with all keywords for this page
public function getKeywords()
if ($this->_keywords === null) {
if (empty($this->itemArray['keywords'])) {
$this->_keywords = [];
} else {
foreach (explode($this->_delimiters[0], str_replace($this->_delimiters, $this->_delimiters[0], $this->itemArray['keywords'])) as $name) {
if (!empty(trim($name))) {
$this->_keywords[] = trim($name);
return $this->_keywords;
* Returns the current alias name of the item (identifier for the url)
* also (& previous) called rewrite.
* @return string e.g. "hello-word"
public function getAlias()
return $this->itemArray['alias'];
* Returns an unix timestamp when the page was created.
* @return int Unix timestamp
public function getDateCreated()
return $this->itemArray['timestamp_create'];
* Returns an unix timestamp when the page was last time updated.
* @return int Unix timestamp
public function getDateUpdated()
return $this->itemArray['timestamp_update'];
* Returns an active record object for the admin user who created this page.
* @return \luya\admin\models\User|boolean Returns an ActiceRecord for the admin user who created the page, if not
* found the return value is false.
public function getUserCreated(): \luya\admin\models\User|bool
return User::findOne($this->itemArray['create_user_id']);
* Returns an active record object for the admin user who last time updated this page.
* @return \luya\admin\models\User|boolean Returns an ActiceRecord for the admin user who last time updated this page, if not
* found the return value is false.
public function getUserUpdated(): \luya\admin\models\User|bool
return User::findOne($this->itemArray['update_user_id']);
* Returns the image object if an object is uploaded.
* @return \luya\admin\image\Item|boolean The Image object or false if no image has been uploaded
* @since 2.0.0
public function getImage(): \luya\admin\image\Item|bool
return Yii::$app->storage->getImage($this->itemArray['image_id']);
* Internal used to retriev redirect data.
* The redirect data commonly has the following keys:
* + type: Its a number which represents the redirect type (1 = internal, 2 = external, etc.)
* + value: A value which associated for the type (file could a file id but external link could be a string with the url)
* @return multitype:
protected function redirectMapData($key)
return !empty($this->itemArray['redirect']) ? $this->itemArray['redirect'][$key] : false;
* Returns the current item link relative path with composition (language). The
* path is always relativ to the host.
* Hidden links will be returned from getLink. So if you make a link
* from a page to a hidden page, the link of the hidden page will be returned and the link
* will be successfully displayed
* @return string The link path `/home/about-us` or with composition `/de/home/about-us`
public function getLink()
// take care of redirect
if ($this->getType() === 3 && !empty($this->redirectMapData('value'))) {
// generate convert object to determine correctn usage.
$converter = new LinkConverter([
'type' => $this->redirectMapData('type'),
'value' => $this->redirectMapData('value'),
'target' => $this->redirectMapData('target'),
'anchor' => $this->redirectMapData('anchor')
if ($this->redirectMapData('target')) {
if ($this->redirectMapData('anchor')) {
switch ($converter->type) {
case $converter::TYPE_EXTERNAL_URL:
return $converter->getWebsiteLink($converter->value, $converter->target)->getHref();
case $converter::TYPE_INTERNAL_PAGE:
if (empty($converter->value) || $converter->value == $this->navId) {
$page = $converter->getPageLink($converter->value, $converter->target, $this->lang);
$link = $page ? $page->getHref() : '';
if ($this->getAnchor()) {
$link .= "#{$this->getAnchor()}";
return $link;
case $converter::TYPE_LINK_TO_EMAIL:
return $converter->getEmailLink($converter->value)->getHref();
case $converter::TYPE_LINK_TO_FILE:
return $converter->getFileLink($converter->value, $converter->target)->getHref();
case $converter::TYPE_LINK_TO_TELEPHONE:
return $converter->getTelephoneLink($converter->value)->getHref();
// if its the homepage and the default lang short code is equasl to this lang the link has no path.
if ($this->itemArray['is_home'] && Yii::$app->composition->defaultLangShortCode == $this->itemArray['lang']) {
return Yii::$app->urlManager->prependBaseUrl('');
$link = $this->itemArray['link'];
if ($this->getAnchor()) {
$link .= "#{$this->getAnchor()}";
return $link;
* Returns the link with an absolute scheme.
* The link with an absolute scheme path example `` where link is the output
* from the {{luya\cms\menu\item::getLink}} method.
* @return string The link path with prepand website host ``.
public function getAbsoluteLink()
return Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . $this->getLink();
* Returns a boolean value whether the current item is an active link or not, this
* is also for all parent elements. If a child item is active, the parent element
* is activ as well.
* @return bool
public function getIsActive()
return in_array($this->id, Yii::$app->menu->current->teardown->column('id'));
* Returns whether the current page has strict parsing mode disabled or not.
* @return boolean
* @since 2.1.0
public function getIsStrictParsing()
return !$this->itemArray['is_url_strict_parsing_disabled'];
* Returns the depth of the navigation tree start with 1. Also known as menu level.
* @return int
public function getDepth()
return $this->itemArray['depth'];
* Check whether the parent has items or not.
* @return boolean
public function getHasParent()
return (bool) $this->getParent();
* Returns a Item-Object of the parent element, if no parent element exists returns false.
* @return \luya\cms\menu\Item|boolean Returns the parent item-object or false if not exists.
public function getParent(): \luya\cms\menu\Item|bool
return (new Query())
->where(['nav_id' => $this->parentNavId, 'container' => $this->getContainer()])
* Return all parent elements **without** the current item.
* @return QueryIteratorFilter An array with Item-Objects.
public function getParents()
$parent = $this->with($this->_with)->getParent();
$data = [];
while ($parent) {
$data[] = $parent;
$parent = $parent->with($this->_with)->getParent();
return Query::createArrayIterator(array_reverse($data), $this->lang, array_flip($this->_with), false);
* Go down to a given element which is evalutaed trough a callable.
* Iterate trough parent elements until the last.
* ```php
* $item = Yii::$app->menu->current->down(function(Item $item) {
* if ($item->depth == 1) {
* return $item;
* }
* });
* ```
* @param callable $fn A function which holds the current iterated item.
* @return Item|mixed|boolean If no item has been picked, false is returned otherwise the picked item or any other callable response.
* @since 1.0.9
public function down(callable $fn)
$parent = $this->with($this->_with)->getParent();
while ($parent) {
$response = call_user_func_array($fn, [$parent]);
if ($response) {
return $response;
$parent = $parent->with($this->_with)->getParent();
return false;
* Get all sibilings for the current item, this also includes the current item iteself.
* @return QueryIteratorFilter An array with all item-object siblings
public function getSiblings()
return (new Query())
->where(['parent_nav_id' => $this->parentNavId, 'container' => $this->container])
* Get the next sibling in the current siblings list.
* If there is no next sibling (assuming its the last sibling item in the list) false is returned, otherwise the {{luya\cms\menu\Item}} is returned.
* @return \luya\cms\menu\Item|boolean Returns the next sibling based on the current sibling, if not found false is returned.
public function getNextSibling(): \luya\cms\menu\Item|bool
return (new Query())
->where(['parent_nav_id' => $this->parentNavId, 'container' => $this->container])
->andWhere(['>', 'sort_index', $this->sortIndex])
->orderBy(['sort_index' => SORT_ASC])
* Get the previous sibling in the current siblings list.
* If there is no previous sibling (assuming its the first sibling item in the list) false is returned, otherwise the {{luya\cms\menu\Item}} is returned.
* @return \luya\cms\menu\Item|boolean Returns the previous sibling based on the current sibling, if not found false is returned.
public function getPrevSibling(): \luya\cms\menu\Item|bool
return (new Query())
->where(['parent_nav_id' => $this->parentNavId, 'container' => $this->container])
->andWhere(['<', 'sort_index', $this->sortIndex])
->orderBy(['sort_index' => SORT_DESC])
* Return all parent elements **with** the current item.
* @return QueryIteratorFilter An array with Item-Objects.
public function getTeardown()
$data = [];
$parent = $this->with($this->_with)->getParent();
$current = $this;
$data[$current->id] = $current;
while ($parent) {
$data[$parent->id] = $parent;
$parent = $parent->with($this->_with)->getParent();
return Query::createArrayIterator(array_reverse($data, true), $this->lang, array_flip($this->_with), false);
* Get all children of the current item. Children means going the depth/menulevel down e.g. from 1 to 2.
* @return QueryIteratorFilter Returns all children
public function getChildren()
return (new Query())
->where(['parent_nav_id' => $this->navId, 'container' => $this->getContainer()])
* Check whether an item has childrens or not returning a boolean value.
* @return bool If there are childrens the method returns true, otherwhise false.
public function getHasChildren()
return count($this->getChildren()) > 0 ? true : false;
* Returns all children and childrens-children.
* @return QueryIteratorFilter
* @since 3.1.0
public function getDescendants()
return Query::createArrayIterator($this->getInternalDescendants(), $this->lang, array_flip($this->_with), false);
* @return array
protected function getInternalDescendants()
$childrens = $this->with($this->_with)->getChildren();
$data = [];
foreach ($childrens as $child) {
$data[] = $child;
$data = array_merge($data, $child->getInternalDescendants());
return $data;
private $_model;
* Get the ActiveRecord Model for the current Nav Model.
* @throws \luya\cms\Exception
* @return \luya\cms\models\Nav Returns the {{\luya\cms\models\Nav}} object for the current navigation item.
public function getModel()
if ($this->_model === null) {
$this->_model = Nav::findOne($this->navId);
if (empty($this->_model)) {
throw new Exception('The model active record could not be found for the corresponding nav item. Maybe you have inconsistent Database data.');
return $this->_model;
* Setter method for the Model.
* @param null|\luya\cms\models\Nav $model The Nav model Active Record
public function setModel($model)
$this->_model = $model;
* Get Property Object.
* This method allows you the retrieve a property for an page property. If the property is not found false will be retunrend
* otherwhise the property object itself will be returned {{luya\\admin\base\Property}} so you can retrieve the value of the
* property by calling your custom method or the default `getValue()` method.
* In order to return the value, which is mostly the case, use: {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getPropertyValue}}
* @param string $varName The variable name of the property defined in the method {{luya\\admin\base\Property::varName}}
* @return \luya\admin\base\Property
public function getProperty($varName)
return $this->model->getProperty($varName);
* Get the value of a Property Object.
* Compared to {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getProperty}} this method returns only the value for a given property. If the
* property is not assigned for the current Menu Item the $defaultValue will be returned, which is null by default.
* @param string $varName The variable name of the property defined in the method {{luya\\admin\base\Property::varName}}
* @param mixed $defaultValue The default value which will be returned if the property is not set for the current page.
* @return string|mixed Returns the value of {{luya\admin\base\Property::getValue}} if set, otherwise $defaultValue.
public function getPropertyValue($varName, mixed $defaultValue = null)
return $this->getProperty($varName) ? $this->getProperty($varName)->getValue() : $defaultValue;
* You can use with() before the following methods:
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getParent()}}
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getParents()}}
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getTeardown()}}
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getChildren()}}
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::hasChildren()}}
* + {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getDescendants()}}
* Example use of with in subquery of the current item:
* ```php
* if ($item->with(['hidden'])->hasChildren) {
* print_r($item->getChildren());
* }
* ```
* The above example display also hidden pages.
* @see \luya\cms\menu\Query::with()
* @return \luya\cms\menu\Item;
public function with($with)
$this->_with = (array) $with;
return $this;
* Unset a value from the `with()` method.
* Assuming to return the first level with hidden items but the second level
* without the hidden elements:
* ```php
* foreach ($item->with('hidden')->children as $child) {
* // but get the sibilings without the hidden state
* $siblings = $child->without('hidden')->siblings;
* }
* ```
* @param string|array $without Can be a string `hidden` or an array `['hidden']`.
* @return \luya\cms\menu\Item
public function without(string|array $without)
$without = (array) $without;
foreach ($without as $expression) {
$key = array_search($expression, $this->_with);
if ($key !== false) {
return $this;