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Test Coverage

namespace cmstests\src\frontend\commands;

use cmstests\CmsConsoleTestCase;
use luya\cms\frontend\commands\BlockController;
use Yii;

class BlockControllerTest extends CmsConsoleTestCase
    private function getHtml($content)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument();
        $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
        return $dom->saveHTML();

    public function testAppBlock()
        $tpl = <<<'EOT'

namespace app\blocks;

use luya\cms\base\PhpBlock;
use luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\ProjectGroup;
use luya\cms\helpers\BlockHelper;

 * My Test Block.
 * File has been created with `block/create` command. 
class MyTestBlock extends PhpBlock
     * @var boolean Choose whether block is a layout/container/segmnet/section block or not, Container elements will be optically displayed
     * in a different way for a better user experience. Container block will not display isDirty colorizing.
    public $isContainer = true;

     * @var bool Choose whether a block can be cached trough the caching component. Be carefull with caching container blocks.
    public $cacheEnabled = true;
     * @var int The cache lifetime for this block in seconds (3600 = 1 hour), only affects when cacheEnabled is true
    public $cacheExpiration = 3600;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function blockGroup()
        return ProjectGroup::class;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function name()
        return 'My Test Block';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function icon()
        return 'extension'; // see the list of icons on:
     * @inheritDoc
    public function config()
        return [
            'vars' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo', 'type' => self::TYPE_TEXT],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar', 'type' => self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD, 'options' => OPTIONS!],
            'cfgs' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo', 'type' => self::TYPE_TEXT],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar', 'type' => self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD, 'options' => OPTIONS!],
            'placeholders' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar'],
     * @inheritDoc
    public function extraVars()
        return [

     * {@inheritDoc} 
     * @param {{extras.barfoo}}
     * @param {{extras.foobar}}
     * @param {{}}
     * @param {{}}
    public function admin()
        return '</p><h5 class="mb-3">My Test Block</h5>' .
            '<table class="table table-bordered">' .
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Foo</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Bar</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Foo</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Bar</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
        $ctrl = new BlockController('id', Yii::$app);
        $ctrl->blockName = 'My Test';
        $ctrl->type = BlockController::TYPE_APP;
        $ctrl->config = [
            'vars' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_TEXT', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD', 'label' => 'Bar', 'options' => 'OPTIONS!'],
            'cfgs' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_TEXT', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD', 'label' => 'Bar', 'options' => 'OPTIONS!'],
            'placeholders' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar'],
        $ctrl->isContainer = true; // make tests
        $ctrl->cacheEnabled = true; // make tests
        $ctrl->extras = ["'foo'=>'bar'"];
        $ctrl->phpdoc = ['{{extras.foobar}}', '{{}}', '{{}}', '{{extras.barfoo}}'];
        $ctrl->dryRun = true;
        $this->assertEquals($this->getHtml($tpl), $this->getHtml($ctrl->actionCreate()));

    public function testModuleBlock()
        $tpl = <<<'EOT'

namespace luya\cms\frontend\blocks;

use luya\cms\base\PhpBlock;
use luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\ProjectGroup;
use luya\cms\helpers\BlockHelper;

 * My Test Block.
 * File has been created with `block/create` command. 
class MyTestBlock extends PhpBlock
     * @var boolean Choose whether block is a layout/container/segmnet/section block or not, Container elements will be optically displayed
     * in a different way for a better user experience. Container block will not display isDirty colorizing.
    public $isContainer = true;

     * @var bool Choose whether a block can be cached trough the caching component. Be carefull with caching container blocks.
    public $cacheEnabled = true;
     * @var int The cache lifetime for this block in seconds (3600 = 1 hour), only affects when cacheEnabled is true
    public $cacheExpiration = 3600;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function blockGroup()
        return ProjectGroup::class;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function name()
        return 'My Test Block';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function icon()
        return 'extension'; // see the list of icons on:
     * @inheritDoc
    public function config()
        return [
            'vars' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo', 'type' => self::TYPE_TEXT],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar', 'type' => self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD, 'options' => OPTIONS!],
            'cfgs' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo', 'type' => self::TYPE_TEXT],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar', 'type' => self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD, 'options' => OPTIONS!],
            'placeholders' => [
                 ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                 ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar'],
     * @inheritDoc
    public function extraVars()
        return [

     * {@inheritDoc} 
     * @param {{extras.foobar}}
     * @param {{}}
     * @param {{}}
    public function admin()
        return '</p><h5 class="mb-3">My Test Block</h5>' .
            '<table class="table table-bordered">' .
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Foo</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Bar</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Foo</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
            '{% if is not empty %}' .
            '<tr><td><b>Bar</b></td><td>{{}}</td></tr>' .
            '{% endif %}'.
        $ctrl = new BlockController('id', Yii::$app);
        $ctrl->blockName = 'My Test';
        $ctrl->moduleName = 'cms';
        $ctrl->type = BlockController::TYPE_MODULE;
        $ctrl->config = [
            'vars' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_TEXT', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD', 'label' => 'Bar', 'options' => 'OPTIONS!'],
            'cfgs' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_TEXT', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'type' => 'self::TYPE_IMAGEUPLOAD', 'label' => 'Bar', 'options' => 'OPTIONS!'],
            'placeholders' => [
                ['var' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo'],
                ['var' => 'bar', 'label' => 'Bar'],
        $ctrl->isContainer = true; // make tests
        $ctrl->cacheEnabled = true; // make tests
        $ctrl->extras = ["'foo'=>'bar'"];
        $ctrl->phpdoc = ['{{extras.foobar}}', '{{}}', '{{}}'];
        $ctrl->dryRun = true;
        $this->assertEquals($this->getHtml($tpl), $this->getHtml($ctrl->actionCreate()));

    public function testBlockViewFileContent()
        $ctrl = new BlockController('id', Yii::$app);
        $ctrl->viewFileDoc = [
            '$this->varValue(\'foo\');', '$this->varValue(\'foo\');', '$this->extraValue(\'foo\');', '$this->cfgValue(\'foo\');',

        $view = <<<'EOT'
 * View file for block: MySuperBlock 
 * File has been created with `block/create` command. 
 * @param $this->cfgValue('foo');
 * @param $this->extraValue('foo');
 * @param $this->varValue('foo');
 * @param $this->varValue('foo');
 * @var \luya\cms\base\PhpBlockView $this

        $this->assertSame(str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $view), str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $ctrl->generateViewFile('MySuperBlock')));