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# Setup and Integration

The setup explains how to configure the payment properly afterwards you need to integrate the Pay Logic into your application.

## Setup

Add the payment module to your composer json.

composer require luyadev/luya-module-payment

Configure the payment module in your config with the transaction payment provider you choosen:

'modules' => [
    'paymentadmin' => 'luya\payment\admin\Module',
    'payment' => [
        'class' => 'luya\payment\frontend\Module',
        'transaction' => [
            // SaferPay Example
            // 'terminalId' => '12345678',
            // 'customerId' => '123456',
            // 'username' => 'API_XXXXX_XXXXXXX',
            // 'password' => 'JsonApiPwed..........',
            // 'mode' => 'sandbox',

            // Stripe
            // 'class' => 'luya\payment\transactions\StripeTransaction',
            // 'publishableKey' => 'pk_test_....',
            // 'secretKey' => 'sk_test_.....',

Execute the migrate commands.

./vendor/bin/luya migrate

## Integration

Add a transaction to your estore logic, **save the pay id** and dispatch() the payment, which will redirect to the payment gatway.

This is a very basic setup which shows how to use the `Pay` class within a controller with 4 actions.


use luya\payment\Pay;

class StoreCheckoutController extends \luya\web\Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        $orderId = OrderHelper::generateOrderId($id);
        // define the pay object
        $pay = new Pay();
        $pay->setSuccessLink(['success', 'orderId' => $orderId]);

        $pay->addItem('Product A', 2, 200); // buying Product A for 2x each 200 cents which is a total amount of 400 cents (the charged value).
        $pay->addTax('VAT 8%', 16);

        // !IMPORTANT
        // Store the payment process along with your estore order object. Don't expose the payId! You can expose the orderId and retrieve 
        // the payId along to ensure whether payment is successfull or not. (see actionSuccess()).
        $payId = $pay->getId();

        return $pay->dispatch($this);
    public function actionSuccess($orderId)
        // find the $payId from the order model.
        // this ensures if someone could open this url directly whether payment process for the given id was sucessfull or not.
        if (!Pay::isSuccess($payId)) {
            throw new \Exception("The request url is invalid, the payment process was not closed successfull.");
    public function actionAbort($orderId)
        // redirect to the view where the users klicks "pay" ...

    public function actionError($orderId)
        // display a an error message for the user

> Make sure to store the `$pay->getId()` in your E-Store model in order to retrieve the payment process object to complet/error/abort.

> You should **not use session** variables to make the urls for the success, error and abort links as they can be called by notify urls. Lets assume an user has payed with saferpay but saferpay allows you to close the window after the payment succeeded (without going back to the store). The success url would be called by the notify process of SaferPay instead of the users Browser. In this case the session environment would have been lost and the payment informations page which is triggered would return an exception/error.