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Test Coverage
# IIT Kharagpur - Hall Management System
# System to manage Halls of residences, Warden grant requests, student complaints
# hall worker attendances and salary payments
# MIT License

@ authors: Madhav Datt, Avikalp Srivastava

from ..database import db_func as db
import worker

class Attendant(worker.Worker):
    """Contains details of Worker Instance

        worker_ID: Integer to uniquely identify worker
        name: String
        hall_ID: Integer to uniquely identify hall
        daily_wage: Float
        monthly_attendance: Integer with monthly attendance count for daily workers

    def __init__(self, name, hall_ID, daily_wage, monthly_attendance,
                 rebuild=False, worker_ID=None):
        Init MessManager with details as recruited by HMC or Warden

        # The rebuild flag, if true, denotes that the object is being made from
        # data already present in the database
        # If False, a new data row is added to the specific table
        if not rebuild:
            self.worker_ID = db.add("worker")
            db.update("worker", self.worker_ID, "worker_type", "A")
            self.worker_ID = worker_ID

        self.daily_wage = daily_wage
        self.monthly_attendance = monthly_attendance
        worker.Worker.__init__(self, self.worker_ID, name, hall_ID)

    # daily_wage getter and setter functions
    def daily_wage(self):
        return self._daily_wage

    def daily_wage(self, daily_wage):
        self._daily_wage = daily_wage
        db.update("worker", self.worker_ID, "daily_wage", self.daily_wage)

    # monthly_attendance getter and setter functions
    def monthly_attendance(self):
        return self._monthly_attendance

    def monthly_attendance(self, monthly_attendance):
        self._monthly_attendance = monthly_attendance
        db.update("worker", self.worker_ID, "monthly_attendance", self.monthly_attendance)

    # total_wage getter functions
    def total_wage(self):
        return self.daily_wage * self.monthly_attendance