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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Mymenus;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU Public License
 * @since           1.0
 * @author          trabis <>, bleekk <>

use Xmf\Module\Admin;
use Xmf\Request;

/** @var Helper $helper */
/** @var LinksHandler $linksHandler */

 * Class LinksUtility
class LinksUtility
     * Display the links in a menu
     * @param int $start
     * @param int $mid
     * @return bool|mixed|string
    public static function listLinks($start, $mid)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        global $mymenusTpl;

        $linksCriteria = new \CriteriaCompo(new \Criteria('mid', (int)$mid));
        $linksCount    = $helper->getHandler('Links')->getCount($linksCriteria);
        $mymenusTpl->assign('count', $linksCount);

        //        $menusArray = [];
        if (($linksCount > 0) && ($linksCount >= (int)$start)) {
            $linksArrays = $helper->getHandler('Links')->getObjects($linksCriteria, false, false); // as array
            $menuBuilder = new Builder($linksArrays);
            $menusArray  = $menuBuilder->render();
            $mymenusTpl->assign('menus', $menusArray); // not 'menus', 'links' shoult be better

        $mymenusTpl->assign('addform', self::editLink(null, null, $mid));

        return $mymenusTpl->fetch($GLOBALS['xoops']->path("modules/{$helper->getDirname()}/templates/static/mymenus_admin_links.tpl"));

     * @param int $mid
    public static function addLink($mid): void
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
            \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'], 3, \implode('<br>', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()));
        if (!$mid) {
            \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . '?op=list', 2, \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_MENU_INVALID_ERROR);

        $linksCiteria = new \CriteriaCompo(new \Criteria('mid', $mid));
        $linksObjs = $helper->getHandler('Links')->getObjects($linksCiteria);
        $weight    = 1;
        if (isset($linksObjs[0]) && ($linksObjs[0] instanceof \XoopsModules\Mymenus\Links)) {
            $weight = $linksObjs[0]->getVar('weight') + 1;

        $newLinksObj = $helper->getHandler('Links')->create();
        //    if (!isset($_POST['hooks'])) {
        //        $_POST['hooks'] = [];
        //    }
        if (!Request::getArray('hooks', null, 'POST')) {
            $_POST['hooks'] = [];
        // clean incoming POST vars
        $newLinksObj->setVar('id', Request::getInt('id', 0, 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('pid', Request::getInt('pid', 0, 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('mid', Request::getInt('mid', 0, 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('title', Request::getString('title', '', 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('alt_title', Request::getString('alt_title', '', 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('visible', Request::getInt('visible', 0, 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('link', Request::getString('link', '', 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('weight', Request::getInt('weight', 0, 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('target', Request::getString('target', '', 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('groups', Request::getArray('groups', [], 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('hooks', Request::getArray('hooks', [], 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('image', Request::getString('image', '', 'POST'));
        $newLinksObj->setVar('css', Request::getString('css', '', 'POST'));

        $newLinksObj->setVar('weight', $weight);
        $linksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Links');
        if (!$linksHandler->insert($newLinksObj)) {
            $msg = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_ERROR;
        } else {
            $msg = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_SUCCESS;

        \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . '?op=list&amp;mid=' . $newLinksObj->getVar('mid'), 2, $msg);

     * @param int $id
     * @param int $mid
    public static function saveLink($id, $mid): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $linksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Links');

        if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
            \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'], 3, \implode('<br>', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()));
        if (!$mid) {
            \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . '?op=list', 2, \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_MENU_INVALID_ERROR);

        $mid      = (int)$mid;
        $linksObj = $linksHandler->get((int)$id);

        //if this was moved then parent could be in different menu, if so then set parent to top level
        if (Request::getInt('pid', '', 'POST')) {
            $parentLinksObj = $linksHandler->get($linksObj->getVar('pid'));  //get the parent object
            if (($parentLinksObj instanceof \XoopsModules\Mymenus\Links)
                && ($linksObj->getVar('mid') != $parentLinksObj->getVar('mid'))) {
                $linksObj->setVar('pid', 0);
        // Disable xoops debugger in dialog window
        $xoopsLogger            = \XoopsLogger::getInstance();
        $xoopsLogger->activated = false;

        // @TODO: clean incoming POST vars

        if (!$linksHandler->insert($linksObj)) {
            $msg = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_ERROR;
        } else {
            $msg = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_SUCCESS;

        \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . "?op=list&mid={$mid}", 2, $msg);

     * @param null|int $id
     * @param null|int $pid
     * @param null|int $mid
     * @return string
    public static function editLink($id = null, $pid = null, $mid = null)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();
        // Disable xoops debugger in dialog window
        $xoopsLogger            = \XoopsLogger::getInstance();
        $xoopsLogger->activated = false;

        $pathIcon16 = Admin::iconUrl('', '16');

        //        $registry = MymenusRegistry::getInstance();
        //        $plugin   = MymenusPlugin::getInstance();

        $linksObj = $helper->getHandler('Links')->get((int)$id);

        if ($linksObj->isNew()) {
            $formTitle = _ADD;
            if (null !== $pid) {
                $linksObj->setVar('pid', (int)$pid);
            if (null !== $mid) {
                $linksObj->setVar('mid', (int)$mid);
        } else {
            $formTitle = _EDIT;
        $form = new \XoopsThemeForm($formTitle, 'admin_form', $GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'], 'post', true);
        // links: title
        $formtitle = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TITLE, 'title', 50, 255, $linksObj->getVar('title'));
        $form->addElement($formtitle, true);
        // links: alt_title
        $formalttitle = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_ALTTITLE, 'alt_title', 50, 255, $linksObj->getVar('alt_title'));
        // links: mid
        $menusCriteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
        $menusList = $helper->getHandler('Menus')->getList($menusCriteria);
        if (\count($menusList) > 1) {
            // display menu options (if more than 1 menu available
            if (!$linksObj->getVar('mid')) { // initial menu value not set
                //                $menuValues = array_flip($menusList);
                $formmid = new \XoopsFormSelect(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_MENU, 'mid', $mid); //array_shift($menuValues));
            } else {
                $formmid = new \XoopsFormSelect(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_MENU, 'mid', $linksObj->getVar('mid'));
        } else {
            $menuKeys  = \array_keys($menusList);
            $menuTitle = \array_shift($menusList);
            $formmid   = new \XoopsFormElementTray('Menu');
            $formmid->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('mid', $menuKeys[0]));
            $formmid->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel('', $menuTitle, 'menuTitle'));
        // links: link
        $formlink = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_LINK, 'link', 50, 255, $linksObj->getVar('link'));
        // links: image
        $formimage = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_IMAGE, 'image', 50, 255, $linksObj->getVar('image'));
        // links: visible
        $statontxt  = "&nbsp;<img src='{$pathIcon16}1.png' alt='" . _YES . "'>&nbsp;" . _YES . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $statofftxt = "&nbsp;<img src='{$pathIcon16}0.png' alt='" . _NO . "'>&nbsp;" . _NO . '&nbsp;';
        $formvis    = new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_VISIBLE, 'visible', $linksObj->getVar('visible'), $statontxt, $statofftxt);
        // links: target
        $formtarget = new \XoopsFormSelect(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TARGET, 'target', $linksObj->getVar('target'));
        $formtarget->addOption('_self', \_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TARG_SELF);
        $formtarget->addOption('_blank', \_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TARG_BLANK);
        $formtarget->addOption('_parent', \_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TARG_PARENT);
        $formtarget->addOption('_top', \_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_TARG_TOP);
        // links: groups
        $formgroups = new \XoopsFormSelectGroup(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_GROUPS, 'groups', true, $linksObj->getVar('groups'), 5, true);
        // @TODO: reintroduce hooks
            //links: hooks
            $formhooks = new \XoopsFormSelect(_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_ACCESS_FILTER, "hooks", $linksObj->getVar('hooks'), 5, true);
            $results = $registry->getEntry('accessFilter');
            if ($results) {
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $formhooks->addOption($result['method'], $result['name']);
        // links: css
        $formcss = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_MYMENUS_MENU_CSS, 'css', 50, 255, $linksObj->getVar('css'));

        $buttonTray = new \XoopsFormElementTray('', '');
        $buttonTray->addElement(new \XoopsFormButton('', 'submit_button', _SUBMIT, 'submit'));
        $button = new \XoopsFormButton('', 'reset', _CANCEL, 'button');
        if (null !== $id) {
            $button->setExtra("onclick=\"document.location.href='" . $GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . "?op=list&amp;mid={$mid}'\"");
        } else {
            $button->setExtra("onclick=\"document.getElementById('addform').style.display = 'none'; return false;\"");

        if (null !== $id) {
            $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'save'));
            $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('id', $id));
        } else {
            $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'add'));

        return $form->render();

     * Update the {@see MymenusLinks} weight (order)
     * @param int $id of links object
     * @param int $weight
    public static function moveLink($id, $weight): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $linksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Links');

        $linksObj = $linksHandler->get((int)$id);
        $linksObj->setVar('weight', (int)$weight);

     * @param int $id
    public static function toggleLinkVisibility($id): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $linksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Links');
        // Disable xoops debugger in dialog window
        $xoopsLogger            = \XoopsLogger::getInstance();
        $xoopsLogger->activated = false;

        $linksObj = $linksHandler->get((int)$id);
        $visible  = (1 === $linksObj->getVar('visible')) ? 0 : 1;
        $linksObj->setVar('visible', $visible);
        echo $linksObj->getVar('visible');

    public static function cloneLink($id): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $linksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Links');

        $new_id = false;
        $table  = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mymenus_links');
        // copy content of the record you wish to clone
        $tempTable = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchArray($GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id='$id' "), \MYSQLI_ASSOC) or exit('Could not select record');
        // set the auto-incremented id's value to blank.
        // insert cloned copy of the original  record
        $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF("INSERT INTO $table (" . \implode(', ', \array_keys($tempTable)) . ") VALUES ('" . \implode("', '", \array_values($tempTable)) . "')") or \trigger_error($GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->error());

        if ($result) {
            // Return the new id
            $new_id = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getInsertId();
            $msg    = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            $msg = \_AM_MYMENUS_MSG_ERROR;

        \redirect_header($GLOBALS['mymenusAdminPage'] . '?op=list&amp;mid=' . $new_id, 2, $msg);