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1 wk
Test Coverage
var api = (function () {

    var isInitialized = 0,
        configuration = ko.validation.configuration,
        utils = ko.validation.utils;

    function cleanUpSubscriptions(context) {
        ko.utils.arrayForEach(context.subscriptions, function (subscription) {
        context.subscriptions = [];

    function dispose(context) {
        if (context.options.deep) {
            ko.utils.arrayForEach(context.flagged, function (obj) {
                delete obj.__kv_traversed;
            context.flagged.length = 0;

        if (! {

    function runTraversal(obj, context) {
        context.validatables = [];
        traverseGraph(obj, context);

    function traverseGraph(obj, context, level) {
        var objValues = [],
            val = obj.peek ? obj.peek() : obj;

        if (obj.__kv_traversed === true) { return; }

        if (context.options.deep) {
        obj.__kv_traversed = true;

        //default level value depends on deep option.
        level = (level !== undefined ? level : context.options.deep ? 1 : -1);

        // if object is observable then add it to the list
        if (ko.isObservable(obj)) {

            //make sure it is validatable object
            if (!obj.isValid) { obj.extend({ validatable: true }); }

            if( && utils.isObservableArray(obj)) {
                context.subscriptions.push(obj.subscribe(function () {

        //get list of values either from array or object but ignore non-objects
        // and destroyed objects
        if (val && !val._destroy) {
            if (utils.isArray(val)) {
            objValues = val;
            } else if (utils.isObject(val)) {
                objValues = utils.values(val);

        //process recurisvely if it is deep grouping
        if (level !== 0) {
            utils.forEach(objValues, function (observable) {

                //but not falsy things and not HTML Elements
                if (observable && !observable.nodeType) {
                    traverseGraph(observable, context, level + 1);

    function collectErrors(array) {
        var errors = [];
        ko.utils.arrayForEach(array, function (observable) {
            if (!observable.isValid()) {
        return errors;

    return {
        //Call this on startup
        //any config can be overridden with the passed in options
        init: function (options, force) {
            //done run this multiple times if we don't really want to
            if (isInitialized > 0 && !force) {

            //becuase we will be accessing options properties it has to be an object at least
            options = options || {};
            //if specific error classes are not provided then apply generic errorClass
            //it has to be done on option so that options.errorClass can override default
            //errorElementClass and errorMessage class but not those provided in options
            options.errorElementClass = options.errorElementClass || options.errorClass || configuration.errorElementClass;
            options.errorMessageClass = options.errorMessageClass || options.errorClass || configuration.errorMessageClass;

            ko.utils.extend(configuration, options);

            if (configuration.registerExtenders) {

            isInitialized = 1;
        // backwards compatability
        configure: function (options) { ko.validation.init(options); },

        // resets the config back to its original state
        reset: ko.validation.configuration.reset,

        // recursivly walks a viewModel and creates an object that
        // provides validation information for the entire viewModel
        // obj -> the viewModel to walk
        // options -> {
        //      deep: false, // if true, will walk past the first level of viewModel properties
        //      observable: false // if true, returns a computed observable indicating if the viewModel is valid
        // }
        group: function group(obj, options) { // array of observables or viewModel
            options = ko.utils.extend(ko.utils.extend({}, configuration.grouping), options);

            var context = {
                options: options,
                graphMonitor: ko.observable(),
                flagged: [],
                subscriptions: [],
                validatables: []

            var result = null;

            //if using observables then traverse structure once and add observables
            if (options.observable) {
                runTraversal(obj, context);

                result = ko.computed(function () {
                    context.graphMonitor(); //register dependency
                    runTraversal(obj, context);

                    return collectErrors(context.validatables);

            } else { //if not using observables then every call to error() should traverse the structure
                result = function () {
                    runTraversal(obj, context);

                    return collectErrors(context.validatables);

            result.showAllMessages = function (show) { // thanks @heliosPortal
                if (show === undefined) {//default to true
                    show = true;

                // ensure we have latest changes

                ko.utils.arrayForEach(context.validatables, function (observable) {

            obj.errors = result;
            obj.isValid = function () {
                return obj.errors().length === 0;
            obj.isAnyMessageShown = function () {
                var invalidAndModifiedPresent = false;

                // ensure we have latest changes

                invalidAndModifiedPresent = !!ko.utils.arrayFirst(context.validatables, function (observable) {
                    return !observable.isValid() && observable.isModified();
                return invalidAndModifiedPresent;

            return result;

        formatMessage: function (message, params, observable) {
            if (typeof (message) === 'function') {
                return message(params, observable);
            return message.replace(/\{0\}/gi, ko.utils.unwrapObservable(params));

        // addRule:
        // This takes in a ko.observable and a Rule Context - which is just a rule name and params to supply to the validator
        // ie: ko.validation.addRule(myObservable, {
        //          rule: 'required',
        //          params: true
        //      });
        addRule: function (observable, rule) {
            observable.extend({ validatable: true });

            //push a Rule Context to the observables local array of Rule Contexts
            return observable;

        // addAnonymousRule:
        // Anonymous Rules essentially have all the properties of a Rule, but are only specific for a certain property
        // and developers typically are wanting to add them on the fly or not register a rule with the 'ko.validation.rules' object
        // Example:
        // var test = ko.observable('something').extend{(
        //      validation: {
        //          validator: function(val, someOtherVal){
        //              return true;
        //          },
        //          message: "Something must be really wrong!',
        //          params: true
        //      }
        //  )};
        addAnonymousRule: function (observable, ruleObj) {
            if (ruleObj['message'] === undefined) {
                ruleObj['message'] = 'Error';

            //make sure onlyIf is honoured
            if (ruleObj.onlyIf) {
                ruleObj.condition = ruleObj.onlyIf;

            //add the anonymous rule to the observable
            ko.validation.addRule(observable, ruleObj);

        addExtender: function (ruleName) {
            ko.extenders[ruleName] = function (observable, params) {
                //params can come in a few flavors
                // 1. Just the params to be passed to the validator
                // 2. An object containing the Message to be used and the Params to pass to the validator
                // 3. A condition when the validation rule to be applied
                // Example:
                // var test = ko.observable(3).extend({
                //      max: {
                //          message: 'This special field has a Max of {0}',
                //          params: 2,
                //          onlyIf: function() {
                //                      return specialField.IsVisible();
                //                  }
                //      }
                //  )};
                if (params && (params.message || params.onlyIf)) { //if it has a message or condition object, then its an object literal to use
                    return ko.validation.addRule(observable, {
                        rule: ruleName,
                        message: params.message,
                        params: utils.isEmptyVal(params.params) ? true : params.params,
                        condition: params.onlyIf
                } else {
                    return ko.validation.addRule(observable, {
                        rule: ruleName,
                        params: params

        // loops through all ko.validation.rules and adds them as extenders to
        // ko.extenders
        registerExtenders: function () { // root extenders optional, use 'validation' extender if would cause conflicts
            if (configuration.registerExtenders) {
                for (var ruleName in ko.validation.rules) {
                    if (ko.validation.rules.hasOwnProperty(ruleName)) {
                        if (!ko.extenders[ruleName]) {

        //creates a span next to the @element with the specified error class
        insertValidationMessage: function (element) {
            var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
            span.className = utils.getConfigOptions(element).errorMessageClass;
            utils.insertAfter(element, span);
            return span;

        // if html-5 validation attributes have been specified, this parses
        // the attributes on @element
        parseInputValidationAttributes: function (element, valueAccessor) {
            ko.utils.arrayForEach(ko.validation.configuration.html5Attributes, function (attr) {
                if (utils.hasAttribute(element, attr)) {

                    var params = element.getAttribute(attr) || true;

                    if (attr === 'min' || attr === 'max')
                        // If we're validating based on the min and max attributes, we'll
                        // need to know what the 'type' attribute is set to
                        var typeAttr = element.getAttribute('type');
                        if (typeof typeAttr === "undefined" || !typeAttr)
                            // From
                            //   An input element with no type attribute specified represents the 
                            //   same thing as an input element with its type attribute set to "text".
                            typeAttr = "text"; 
                        params = {typeAttr: typeAttr, value: params}; 
                    ko.validation.addRule(valueAccessor(), {
                        rule: attr,
                        params: params

            var currentType = element.getAttribute('type');
            ko.utils.arrayForEach(ko.validation.configuration.html5InputTypes, function (type) {
                if (type === currentType) {
                    ko.validation.addRule(valueAccessor(), {
                        rule: (type === 'date') ? 'dateISO' : type,
                        params: true

        // writes html5 validation attributes on the element passed in
        writeInputValidationAttributes: function (element, valueAccessor) {
            var observable = valueAccessor();

            if (!observable || !observable.rules) {

            var contexts = observable.rules(); // observable array

            // loop through the attributes and add the information needed
            ko.utils.arrayForEach(ko.validation.configuration.html5Attributes, function (attr) {
                var params;
                var ctx = ko.utils.arrayFirst(contexts, function (ctx) {
                    return ctx.rule.toLowerCase() === attr.toLowerCase();

                if (!ctx) {

                params = ctx.params;

                // we have to do some special things for the pattern validation
                if (ctx.rule === "pattern") {
                    if (ctx.params instanceof RegExp) {
                        params = ctx.params.source; // we need the pure string representation of the RegExpr without the //gi stuff

                // we have a rule matching a validation attribute at this point
                // so lets add it to the element along with the params
                element.setAttribute(attr, params);

            contexts = null;

        //take an existing binding handler and make it cause automatic validations
        makeBindingHandlerValidatable: function (handlerName) {
            var init = ko.bindingHandlers[handlerName].init;

            ko.bindingHandlers[handlerName].init = function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {

                init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);

                return ko.bindingHandlers['validationCore'].init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);

        // visit an objects properties and apply validation rules from a definition
        setRules: function (target, definition) {
            var setRules = function (target, definition) {
                if (!target || !definition) { return; }

                for (var prop in definition) {
                    if (!definition.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
                    var ruleDefinitions = definition[prop];

                    //check the target property exists and has a value
                    if (!target[prop]) { continue; }
                    var targetValue = target[prop],
                        unwrappedTargetValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(targetValue),
                        rules = {},
                        nonRules = {};

                    for (var rule in ruleDefinitions) {
                        if (!ruleDefinitions.hasOwnProperty(rule)) { continue; }
                        if (ko.validation.rules[rule]) {
                            rules[rule] = ruleDefinitions[rule];
                        } else {
                            nonRules[rule] = ruleDefinitions[rule];

                    //apply rules
                    if (ko.isObservable(targetValue)) {

                    //then apply child rules
                    //if it's an array, apply rules to all children
                    if (unwrappedTargetValue && utils.isArray(unwrappedTargetValue)) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < unwrappedTargetValue.length; i++) {
                            setRules(unwrappedTargetValue[i], nonRules);
                        //otherwise, just apply to this property
                    } else {
                        setRules(unwrappedTargetValue, nonRules);
            setRules(target, definition);


// expose api publicly
ko.utils.extend(ko.validation, api);