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Test Coverage
1) couchdb
2) postgresql

1) install postgresql
sudo apt-get install postgresql

2) install postgis

sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4-postgis

3) sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-psycopg2 python-setuptools

4) see if gcc is installed on the system.  
type dpkg -i gcc
if not install gcc with the command sudo apt-get install gcc

5) see if make is install on the system
type dpkg -i make
if not, install make with the command sudo apt-get install make

6) see if g++ is install on the system
type dpkg -i g++
if not, install g++ with the command sudo apt-get install g++

4) install GEOS, PROJ.4 & GDAL.
sudo apt-get install libgeos-c1

5) create the postgres user mangrover

a) sudo su - postgres
b) createuser --createdb

6) from the mangrover user exceute following commands to create postgis template
   a)  wget
   b) chmod 755
   c) run ./

7) create mangrove db from the postgis template
createdb -T template_postgis mangrove