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const request = require('../requests');

 * The service which provides release information by using the VSTS REST API
 *  v2.0. Although the naming of the variables suggest usage with VSTS, the
 *  code is compatible with both VSTS and TFS. The naming is simply the
 *  artifact of making the code generalised for both after initial usage
 *  with VSTS.
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @see
function TfsRestRelease() {
  let basicAuth = null;
  let instance = null;
  let project = null;
  let protocol = null;
  let params = null;
  let groupbyrelease = null;
  let apiVersion = null;

   * This object is the representation of resultFilter mentioned in the docs
   * @private
   * @see
  const resultFilter = Object.freeze({
    all: 'all',
    failed: 'failed',
    inProgress: 'inProgress',
    notDeployed: 'notDeployed',
    partiallySucceeded: 'partiallySucceeded',
    succeeded: 'succeeded',
    undefined: 'undefined'

   * This object defines the color scheme used.
   * @private
  const colorScheme = Object.freeze({
    all: 'Gray',
    failed: 'Red',
    inProgress: '#0078D7',
    notDeployed: 'Gray',
    partiallySucceeded: '#F8A800',
    succeeded: 'Green',
    undefined: 'Gray'

   * This object defines the compatable api versions that we are allowed to use
   * @private
  const allowedAPIVersions = Object.freeze({
    '3.2':            '3.2-preview',
    '3.2-preview':    '3.2-preview',
    '4.1':            '4.1-preview',
    '4.1-preview':    '4.1-preview',
    undefined:        '4.1-preview'

   * @typedef {Object} Release
   * @property {Date} startedAt Release start time
   * @property {Date} finishedAt Release finish time
   * @property {boolean} hasErrors Does the resulting Release have errors?
   * @property {boolean} hasWarnings Did the Release give some warnings?
   * @property {boolean} isRunning Is the Release currently running?
   * @property {string} id Unique ID of the Release
   * @property {string} number Release number
   * @property {string} project Name of the project
   * @property {string} reason Reason for Release the project
   * @property {string} requestedFor Name of the Requester
   * @property {string} status The color to be used for displaying 
   * @property {string} statusText The status of the Release
   * @property {string} url URL of the project

   * It is a node-style callback.
   * @callback releaseInfoRequestCallback
   * @param {Error|null} err It is an instance of Error
   * @param {Array<Release>} listOfRelease It is an array of {@link Release}

   * It exposes the API needed by the application to check the status of release.
   * @name check
   * @function
   * @public
   * @instance
   * @memberOf TfsRestRelease
   * @param {releaseInfoRequestCallback} cb Callback which handles the
   *  requested Release information
  this.check = (callback) => {
    if (basicAuth && instance && project) {
    callback('incomplete configuration');

   * @typedef {Object} TfsRestReleaseConfiguration
   * @property {string} instance VS Team Services account
   *  ({account} or TFS server ({server:port}).
   * @property {string} project Team project ID or name
   * @property {string} queryparams Additional queryparams to filter the data
   *  and provide additional options
   * @property {string} username Username
   * @property {string} pat Personal Access Token with access to Release
   *  information
   * @property {boolean} groupbyrelease Group builds by same release id
   * @property {string} apiVersion The TFS API version to use. This must be at least 3.2-preview or higher

   * It exposes the API needed by the application to provide
   *  configuration parameters.
   * @name check
   * @function
   * @public
   * @instance
   * @memberOf TfsRestRelease
   * @param {TfsRestReleaseConfiguration} config Configuration parameters
  this.configure = (config) => {
     * It exposes the configuration passed to the 
     * configure instance method.
     * @public
     * @instance
    this.configuration = config;
    basicAuth = new Buffer(`${config.username}:${config.pat}`)
    protocol = config.protocol;
    instance = config.instance;
    params = config.queryparams;
    project = config.project;
    groupbyrelease = config.groupbyrelease || false;
    apiVersion = allowedAPIVersions[config.apiVersion];


   * @private
   * @param {releaseInfoRequestCallback} cb Callback which handles the
   *  requested Release information
  const getListOfRelease = (callback) => {
    if(!protocol) {
        protocol = "https";
    const url = `${protocol}://${instance}/${project}/_apis/release/deployments?api-version=${apiVersion}${params}`;
    const options = {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Basic ${basicAuth}`,
    request.makeRequest(options, (err, body) => {
      transformData(err, body, callback);
      if (err) {
          console.log(body || null);

     * Transforms the data received from the request to VSTS REST API
     * @private
     * @param {any} err If the value is truthy, it indicates an error has
     *  occurred.
     * @param {object} body It contains the response body from VSTS REST API
     * @param {releaseInfoRequestCallback} cb Callback which handles the
     *  requested Release information
     * @return {null}
    const transformData = (err, body, callback) => {
      if (err) {
      if (!(body && body.value)) {
        callback('No values found');

      var transformedData =;
      if (groupbyrelease) {
        var groupedData = [],
        groupBy = function(xs, key) {
          return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
            (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
            return rv;
          }, {});
        prioritySort = function (a, b)
                if (b.hasErrors)      
                  return 1;
                else if (a.hasErrors)      
                  return -1;
                else if (b.hasWarnings)
                  return 1;
                else if (a.hasWarnings)
                  return -1;
                else if (b.statusText == resultFilter.inProgress)
                  return 1;
                else if (a.statusText == resultFilter.inProgress)
                  return -1;
                else if (b.statusText == resultFilter.succeeded)
                  return 1;
                else if (a.statusText == resultFilter.succeeded)
                  return -1;
                return 0;

        var groupedByData = groupBy(transformedData, "id");

        for (var currentTransformedDataKey in groupedByData){
          if (groupedByData.hasOwnProperty(currentTransformedDataKey)) {
            var currentTransformedData = groupedByData[currentTransformedDataKey];

        transformedData = groupedData;

      callback(null, transformedData);

     * The function transforms the data from VSTS API to
     *  the accepted by callback 
     * @name transformer
     * @private
     * @param {object} Release individual Release information object returned
     *  from API
     * @returns {Release} the object is in the format accepted by the application
    const transformer = (release) => {
      let startTime = new Date(release.startedOn);
      // api version 3.2 populates 'null' timestamps with 1/1/1 (for some unhelpful reason)
      if (startTime.getTime() === new Date('0001-01-01T00:00:00').getTime()) {
          starTime = new Date(release.queuedOn);
      let result = {
        finishedAt: release.completedOn ? new Date(release.completedOn) : new Date(),
        hasErrors: release.deploymentStatus === resultFilter.failed,
        hasWarnings: release.deploymentStatus === resultFilter.partiallySucceeded,
        id: groupbyrelease ? :,
        isRunning: release.deploymentStatus === resultFilter.inProgress,
        reason: release.reason,
        requestedFor: release.requestedFor.displayName,
        startedAt: startTime,
        status: colorScheme[resultFilter[release.deploymentStatus ? release.deploymentStatus : resultFilter.inProgress]],
        statusText: release.deploymentStatus ? release.deploymentStatus : resultFilter.inProgress,
        url: release.release.webAccessUri

      return result;

module.exports = TfsRestRelease;