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2 days
Test Coverage
// File  / FirebirdWebAdmin
// Purpose        session and fallback related functions, define all session variables
// Author         Lutz Brueckner <>
// Copyright      (c) 2000-2006 by Lutz Brueckner,
//                published under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence v.2,
//                see file LICENCE for details

// fallback to get-/post-session-mode if the client accept no cookies
// set $s_cookies = TRUE if the client accept cookies
function fallback_session()

    // check if we got a valid session-id, redirect if not
    // and force ssl usage if configured
    if ((!isset($_COOKIE[SESSION_NAME])  &&
         !isset($_POST[SESSION_NAME])  &&
         )  ||
        (PROTOCOL == 'https'  &&  !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])  &&
         isset($_SERVER['PORT'])  &&  $_SERVER['PORT'] != 443)
        ) {

        // this is thought to work around a xitami webserver bug
        $script = !empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

        // take care for non-standard http ports
        $port_str = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '';

        // no valid id, fallback

    $_SESSION['s_cookies'] = isset($_COOKIE[SESSION_NAME]) ? true : false;
    $GLOBALS['s_cookies'] = $_SESSION['s_cookies'];

// add the session_id to url if necessary
function url_session($url)
    global $s_cookies;

    // peephole optimation, saves up to three function calls per url_session() call
    // and up to 1% script execution time :-)
    static $add_id = false;

    if ($add_id ||
        (!$s_cookies  &&
         !ini_get('session.use_trans_sid') &&
         strstr($url, SESSION_NAME.'='.session_id()) === false)) {
        $url .= (strchr($url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&';
        $url .= SESSION_NAME.'='.session_id();
        $add_id = true;

    return str_replace('&', '&amp;', $url);

// register all sessionvars and assign default values
function initialize_session()
    global $ptitle_strings, $adm_strings;

    $session_vars =
        array('s_init' => true,                           // indicates that the session is already initialized
              's_cookies' => 'untested',
              's_stylesheet_etag' => '',
              's_connected' => false,                     // TRUE if successfilly connected toa database
              's_binpath' => false,                       // becomes TRUE if isql was found in BINPATH
              's_referer' => '',                          // replacement for $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']
              's_page' => '',                          // indicator for the active page

              's_cust' => get_customize_defaults($useragent), // user specific customization values

              's_login' => array('database' => DEFAULT_PATH.DEFAULT_DB,    // set by the db_login panel
                                 'user' => DEFAULT_USER,
                                 'host' => DEFAULT_HOST,
                                 'password' => '',
                                 'role' => DEFAULT_ROLE,
                                 'cache' => DEFAULT_CACHE,
                                 'charset' => DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                                 'dialect' => DEFAULT_DIALECT,
                                 'server' => DEFAULT_SERVER, ),

              's_create_db' => '',                        // set by the db_create panel
              's_create_user' => '',
              's_create_pw' => '',
              's_create_host' => '',
              's_create_pagesize' => 4096,
              's_create_charset' => 'NONE',

              's_delete_db' => array('database' => '',    // set by the db_delete panel
                                     'user' => '',
                                     'host' => '',
                                     'password' => '', ),

              's_systable' => array('table' => '',      // show this table on the System Tables panel
                                    'order' => '',      // order the system table by this column
                                    'dir' => 'ASC',   // order direction for the system table, 'ASC' or 'DESC'
                                    'ffield' => '',      // filter field
                                    'fvalue' => '',      // filter value
                                    'sysdata' => true,    // show system data in the system tables if TRUE
                                    'refresh' => 15),
              's_system_table' => '',
              's_system_data' => true,
              's_systbl_order' => '',
              's_systbl_dir' => 'ASC',

              's_tables' => array(),         // set by the tb_show panel
              's_fields' => array(),
              's_foreigns' => array(),
              's_primaries' => array(),
              's_uniques' => array(),

              's_tables_valid' => false,    // indicates that $s_tables[]['name'] is setup properly

              's_tables_counts' => false,    // whether to display the record counts    on the tb_show panel
              's_tables_cnames' => false,    //           "            constraint names         "
              's_tables_def' => false,    //           "            default values           "
              's_tables_comp' => false,    //           "            computed values          "
              's_tables_comment' => false,

              's_charsets' => array(),       // charset names and associated collations

              's_create_table' => '',        // set by the tb_create panel
              's_create_num' => '',

              's_coldefs' => array(),

              's_modify_name' => '',         // set by the tb_modify panel
              's_modify_col' => '',

              's_enter_name' => '',          // set by the dt_enter-panel
              's_enter_values' => array(),

              's_domains' => array(),        // $s_domains properties
              's_domains_valid' => false,
              's_mod_domain' => '',          // set by the acc_domain-panel

              's_triggers' => array(),       // triggers properties, set by the acc_triggers-panel
              's_triggers_valid' => false,
              's_triggerdefs' => array(),

              's_viewdefs' => array('name' => '',
                                    'source' => '',
                                    'check' => 'no', ),
              's_views_counts' => false,      // whether to display the record counts on th tb_show panel

              's_procedures' => array(),     // stored procedures
              's_proceduredefs' => array(),
              's_procedures_valid' => false,

              's_udfs' => array(),           // user defined functions
              's_udfs_valid' => false,
              's_udfs_order' => 1,
              's_udfs_dir' => 'ASC',

              's_exceptions' => array(),     // exceptions
              's_exceptions_valid' => false,
              's_exceptions_order' => 1,
              's_exceptions_dir' => 'ASC',
              's_exception_defs' => array(),

              's_indexes' => array(),        // set by the acc_indexes-panel
              's_mod_index' => '',
              's_index_order' => 'name',
              's_index_dir' => 'ASC',

              // watchtable configuration
              's_wt' => array('table' => '',
                              'columns' => array(),
                              'blob_links' => array(),
                              'blob_as' => array(),
                              'rows' => DEFAULT_ROWS,
                              'start' => 1,
                              'order' => '',
                              'direction' => 'ASC',
                              'edit' => true,
                              'delete' => true,
                              'tblob_inline' => true,
                              'tblob_chars' => 50,
                              'condition' => '',
                              'fks' => array(),   // foreign key definitions for the watchtable

              's_watch_buffer' => '',         // holds the html source of the watchtable output

              // variables for the sql_output panel
              's_sql' => array('queries' => array(),    // select statements
                               'buffer' => '',         // holds the html source of the sql output
                               'more' => false),     // TRUE if not all lines of the result are displayed

              's_edit_idx' => 0,              // counter for open edit panels, and idx for s_edit_where
              's_edit_where' => array(),      // sql where-clauses for the data in the edit panels
              's_edit_values' => array(),     // values edited in the dt_edit-panels
              's_delete_idx' => 0,            // counter for the open row delete confirmation panels

              's_confirmations' => array(),   // this gets an array-entry for every panel in confirmation-state,
                                              // possible indices are 'table', 'column';
                                              // the array-elements carrying the elements
                                              // 'msg' which appears on the confirm-panel and
                                              // 'sql' the sql-statement to evaluate when confirmed

              's_sysdba_pw' => '',            // set by the users-panel
              's_user_name' => '',

              's_sql_buffer' => array(),      // place for the history of the enter-sql-panel
              's_sql_pointer' => 0,           // the actual buffer position

              's_gfix' => array('buffers' => 75,    // for the values and settings on the Database Maintenance panel
                                'dialect' => '',
                                'access_mode' => '',
                                'write_mode' => '',
                                'use_space' => '',
                                'sweep_interval' => 20000,
                                'sweep_ignore' => false,
                                'repair' => '',
                                'repair_ignore' => false,
                                'shutdown' => '',
                                'shutdown_seconds' => 3,
                                'reconnect' => true, ),

              's_dbstat_option' => IBASE_STS_HDR_PAGES,

              's_backup' => array('target' => '', // for the values on the Database Backup panel
                                  'servicemgr' => '',
                                  'bfactor' => 0,
                                  'mdonly' => '',
                                  'mdoldstyle' => '',
                                  'create' => '',
                                  'transport' => '',
                                  'convert' => '',
                                  'nogc' => '',
                                  'ignorecs' => '',
                                  'ignorelt' => '',
                                  'verbose' => true, ),

              's_restore' => array('source' => '', // for the values on the Database Restore panel
                                   'servicemgr' => '',
                                   'target' => '',
                                   'overwrite' => 'no',
                                   'pagesize' => '8192',
                                   'buffers' => '',
                                   'amode' => $adm_strings['ReadWrite'],
                                   'inactive' => '',
                                   'oneattime' => '',
                                   'useall' => '',
                                   'novalidity' => '',
                                   'kill' => '',
                                   'verbose' => true,
                                   'connect' => 'no', ),

              's_csv' => array('import_null' => false), // options for csv import/export
              's_export' => array(),

              's_iframejobs' => array(),      //informations about what to execute and display in iframe_content.php

              's_POST' => array(),            // if DEBUG = TRUE the post and get variables are
              's_GET' => array(),            // stored here for the inc/display_variable.php script

              // the $s_xyz_panels are arrays containing one array per panel
              // on the page it describes
              // $array[0] : panel name
              // $array[1] : panel title
              // $array[2] : panel status ['open'|'close']

              // panels on the Database page
              's_database_panels' => array(array('db_login',   $ptitle_strings['db_login'],   'open'),
                                           array('db_create',  $ptitle_strings['db_create'],  'close'),
                                           array('db_delete',  $ptitle_strings['db_delete'],  'close'),
                                           array('db_meta',    $ptitle_strings['db_meta'],    'close'), ),

              // panels on the Tables page
              's_tables_panels' => array(array('tb_show',    $ptitle_strings['tb_show'],    'open'),
                                           array('tb_create',  $ptitle_strings['tb_create'],  'close'),
                                           array('tb_modify',  $ptitle_strings['tb_modify'],  'close'),
                                           array('tb_delete',  $ptitle_strings['tb_delete'],  'close'), ),
              // panels on the Accessories page
              's_accessories_panels' => array(array('acc_index', $ptitle_strings['acc_index'],  'close'),
                                            array('acc_gen',   $ptitle_strings['acc_gen'],    'close'),
                                            array('acc_proc',  $ptitle_strings['acc_proc'],   'close'),
                                            array('acc_domain',$ptitle_strings['acc_domain'], 'close'),
                                            array('acc_view',  $ptitle_strings['acc_view'],   'close'),
                                            array('acc_exc',   $ptitle_strings['acc_exc'],    'close'),
                                            array('acc_udf',   $ptitle_strings['acc_udf'],    'close'), ),
              // panels on the SQL page
              's_sql_panels' => array(array('sql_enter', $ptitle_strings['sql_enter'],  'open'),
                                            array('sql_output',$ptitle_strings['sql_output'], 'close'),
                                            array('tb_watch',  $ptitle_strings['tb_watch'],   'close'), ),

              // panels on the Data page
              's_data_panels' => array(array('dt_enter',  $ptitle_strings['dt_enter'],   'open'),
                                            array('tb_watch',  $ptitle_strings['tb_watch'],   'close'),
                                            array('dt_export', $ptitle_strings['dt_export'],  'close'),
                                            array('dt_import', $ptitle_strings['dt_import'],  'close'), ),
              // panels on the User page
              's_users_panels' => array(array('usr_user', $ptitle_strings['usr_user'],   'open'),
                                             array('usr_role', $ptitle_strings['usr_role'],   'close'),
//                                              array('usr_grant',$ptitle_strings['usr_grant'],'close')),
                                             //array('usr_cust', $ptitle_strings['usr_cust'],   'close'),
              // panels on the Admin page
              's_admin_panels' => array(array('adm_server',$ptitle_strings['adm_server'],'open'),
                                             array('adm_gfix',  $ptitle_strings['adm_gfix'],  'close'),
                                             array('adm_restore',$ptitle_strings['adm_restore'],'close'), ),

    $cookie = get_customize_cookie_name();
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
        $session_vars['s_cust'] = set_customize_settings($_COOKIE[$cookie]);

    // take care for the $HIDE_PANELS config setting
    foreach (array('database', 'tables', 'accessories', 'sql', 'data', 'users', 'admin') as $topic) {
        foreach ($session_vars['s_'.$topic.'_panels'] as $pidx => $parray) {
            if (in_array($parray[0], $GLOBALS['HIDE_PANELS'])) {

    foreach ($session_vars as $key => $val) {
        $_SESSION[$key] = $val;


// copy all sessionvars from $_SESSION[] into the local scope
function localize_session_vars()
    foreach ($_SESSION as $sname => $svar) {
        $GLOBALS[$sname] = $svar;

// store the local vars into the session
function globalize_session_vars()
    $session_var_names =

    foreach ($session_var_names as $sname) {
        if (isset($GLOBALS[$sname])) {
            $_SESSION[$sname] = $GLOBALS[$sname];
        } else {

// reset the session variables which depending on the connected database
function cleanup_session()
    $GLOBALS['s_modify_table'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_enter_name'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_tables'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_fields'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_foreigns'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_primaries'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_uniques'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_tables_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_create_table'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_create_num'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_coldefs'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_modify_name'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_modify_col'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_enter_name'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_enter_values'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_mod_domain'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_domains'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_domains_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_triggers'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_triggers_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_triggerdefs'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_indexes'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_udfs'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_udfs_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_exceptions'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_exceptions_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_exception_defs'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_mod_index'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_wt'] = array('table' => '',
                             'columns' => array(),
                             'blob_links' => array(),
                             'blob_as' => array(),
                             'rows' => DEFAULT_ROWS,
                             'start' => 1,
                             'order' => '',
                             'direction' => 'ASC',
                             'edit' => true,
                             'delete' => true,
                             'tblob_inline' => true,
                             'tblob_chars' => 50,
                             'condition' => '',
                             'fks' => array(),
    $GLOBALS['s_watch_buffer'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_sql'] = array('queries' => array(),
                              'buffer' => '',
                              'more' => false, );
    $GLOBALS['s_edit_idx'] = 0;
    $GLOBALS['s_edit_where'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_edit_values'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_confirm_message'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_confirm_return'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_sysdba_pw'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_user_name'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['s_procedures'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_proceduredefs'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['s_procedures_valid'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['s_viewdefs'] = array('name' => '',
                                   'source' => '',
                                   'check' => 'no', );
    $GLOBALS['s_iframejobs'] = array();

    if ($GLOBALS['s_login']['database']  &&  isset($GLOBALS['s_cust']['wt'][$GLOBALS['s_login']['database']])) {
        $wt = $GLOBALS['s_cust']['wt'][$GLOBALS['s_login']['database']];
        $GLOBALS['s_wt']['table'] = $wt['table'];
        $GLOBALS['s_wt']['start'] = $wt['start'];
        $GLOBALS['s_wt']['order'] = $wt['order'];
        $GLOBALS['s_wt']['direction'] = $wt['dir'];
        $GLOBALS['s_wt']['columns'] = false;