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1 hr
Test Coverage
"use strict";

import gulp from "gulp";
import help from "gulp-help";
help(gulp); // provide help through "gulp help" -- the help text is the second gulp task argument (
//import debug from "gulp-debug";
let KarmaServer = require("karma").Server; // TODO replace by import {Server as KarmaServer} from "karma";
let path = require("path");
let runSequence = require("run-sequence");

//import config from "../config";
//import utils from "../utils";

let karmaConfigFilePath = path.resolve("karma.conf.js");

gulp.task("test-unit", "Execute all unit tests", (callback) =>{
    return new KarmaServer({
        configFile: karmaConfigFilePath, // necessary otherwise the file is not resolved correctly
        singleRun: true
    }, callback).start();

gulp.task("test-unit-dev", "Execute all unit tests continuously (watches files)", (callback) =>{
    return new KarmaServer({
        configFile: karmaConfigFilePath, // necessary otherwise the file is not resolved correctly
        singleRun: false
    }, callback).start();

gulp.task("prepare-test-unit", "Do all the necessary preparatory work for the test-unit task", [
], (callback) =>{
    return runSequence([
    ], callback);