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"use strict";

import AbstractTaskLoader from "../abstractTaskLoader";
import config from "../config";
import utils from "../utils";

import changed from "gulp-changed";
import sourcemaps from "gulp-sourcemaps";
import babel from "gulp-babel";
import size from "gulp-size";
//import debug from "gulp-debug";

class ScriptsJavaScriptTaskLoader extends AbstractTaskLoader {

        gulp.task("scripts-javascript", "Transpile JavaScript (ES2015 to ES5 using Babel) and generate sourcemaps", () =>{
            // If the app src folder is overridden, then append it to the watch list, otherwise use default.
            let src = utils.getJavaScriptFolder(gulp, config);

            return gulp.plumbedSrc(// handle errors nicely (i.e., without breaking watch)

                // Display the files in the stream
                //.pipe(debug({title: "Stream contents:", minimal: true}))

                // speed things up by ignoring unchanged resources

                // Initialize sourcemap generation
                    loadMaps: true
                    //debug: true

                // Transpile ES2015 to ES5
                // options: see .babelrc file

                // Write sourcemaps:
                //.pipe($.sourcemaps.write()) // use "." to write the sourcemap to a separate file in the same dir
                .pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { // use "." to write the sourcemap to a separate file in the same dir
                    includeContent: false, // alternative: include the contents and remove sourceRoot. Avoids issues but prevents from editing the sources directly in the browser
                    sourceRoot: "/" // use an absolute path because we have scripts in different subpaths

                // Copy files

                // Display the files in the stream
                //.pipe(debug({title: "Stream contents:", minimal: true}))

                // Task result
                    title: "scripts-javascript"

module.exports = new ScriptsJavaScriptTaskLoader();