from __future__ import annotations
# # original smaller function
# from collections import namedtuple
# Parts = namedtuple('Parts',
# ['step', 'headers', 'coordinates', 'connections', 'tails'],
# defaults=(0, [], [], [], [])
# )
# # The following does not work
# block = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol)
# mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(block)
# for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
# sn = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetSerialNumber()
# atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().SetSerialNumber(sn+10)
# block = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol)
from textwrap import wrap
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MinimalPDBParser:
This purpose build PDB parser simply fixes the serial numbers.
The reason is that writing a custom 50 line class is easier that
having biopython or other non-builtin requirement as a requirement
Importing the PDB into RDKit is inadvisable.
def __init__(self, block: str, remove_water=False, remove_other_hetatms=False, ligname="LIG"):
self.ligname = ligname
self.remove_water = remove_water
self.remove_other_hetatms = remove_other_hetatms
self.to_preserve_heteroResname = ["LIG"]
self.water_resnames = ["HOH", "OH", "H"]
if not remove_water:
self.to_preserve_heteroResname += self.water_resnames
self.step = 0
# step = 0 header unfinished, 1 coordinates finished, 2 connections finished.
self.headers = []
self.coordinates = []
self.connections = []
self.tails = []
def parse(self, block:str) -> None:
# ---- parse -----------------------------------------
if block.find('\n') == -1:
raise ValueError(f'No newline found in block: Is {block} a filename?')
def starts_with(xrow, name): return xrow.find(name) == 0
for row in block.split('\n'):
row = row.strip()
if row == '':
elif starts_with(row, 'ATOM') or starts_with(row, 'HETATM'):
if starts_with(row, 'HETATM'):
resType = row[17:21].strip()
if self.remove_other_hetatms:
if resType not in self.to_preserve_heteroResname:
if self.remove_water:
if resType in self.water_resnames:
self.step = 1
elif starts_with(row, 'CONECT'):
self.step = 2
elif starts_with(row, 'TER') or starts_with(row, 'END'):
elif self.step == 0:
elif starts_with(row, 'ANISOU'):
elif self.step == 1:'What is {row}?')
elif self.step > 1:
raise SyntaxError('Impossible')
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.headers + self.coordinates + self.connections + ['END'] + self.tails)
def get_serial(self, entry: str) -> int:
# ATOM 588 11 - 14
return int(entry[6:12].strip())
def get_residue_index(self, entry: str) -> int:
# 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number.
return int(entry[22:26].strip())
def get_chain(self, entry: str) -> str:
# 22 Character chainID Chain identifier.
return entry[21].strip()
def get_atomname(self, entry: str) -> str:
# 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name.
return entry[12:16].strip()
def get_residue_name(self, entry: str) -> int:
# 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name.
return entry[17:20].strip()
def get_max_serial(self) -> int:
# assuming ordered
return self.get_serial(self.coordinates[-1])
def set_serial(self, entry: str, value: int) -> None:
new = f'{entry[:6]}{value: >5}{entry[11:]}'
i = self.coordinates.index(entry)
self.coordinates[i] = new
def offset_serials(self, offset: int) -> None:
for entry in self.coordinates:
original_serial = self.get_serial(entry)
self.set_serial(entry, original_serial + offset)
def offset_connections(self, offset:int) -> None:
for i, entry in enumerate(self.connections):
self.connections[i] = 'CONECT' + ''.join([f'{int(x)+offset: >5}' for x in wrap(entry[7:], 5)])
def append(self, other: MinimalPDBParser):
Add a second parser data to it. But only its coordinates and connections.
offset = self.get_max_serial()
self.coordinates += other.coordinates
self.connections += other.connections
def has_residue_index(self, index:int, chain: str):
for entry in self.coordinates:
if self.get_residue_index(entry) == index and self.get_chain(entry) == chain:
return True
return False
def has_residue_name(self, name: str):
residue name, resn 3-letters
for entry in self.coordinates:
if self.get_residue_name(entry) == name:
return True
return False