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  <h3>Table of Contents</h3>

  <ul class="link-list" role="directory">
    <li><a href="#label-TransferTo+Airtime+API">TransferTo Airtime API</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Usage">Usage</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Routes">Routes</a>
    <li><a href="#label-API+Object">API Object</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Ping">Ping</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Account+Information">Account Information</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Country+List">Country List</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Operator+List">Operator List</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Product+List">Product List</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Transaction+List">Transaction List</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Transaction+Information">Transaction Information</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Testing">Testing</a>
    <li><a href="#label-Contributing">Contributing</a>
    <li><a href="#label-License">License</a>

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<h1 id="label-TransferTo+Airtime+API">TransferTo Airtime API<span><a href="#label-TransferTo+Airtime+API">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h1>

<p><a href="">TransferTo</a> helps businesses
offer airtime top-ups, goods and services, and mobile money around the
world in real time. TransferTo Airtime API enables developers to integrate
TransferTo Top-up service into their system.</p>

<p>This gem is a convenience wrapper around the Airtime API. Requirement is
that Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is enabled in your <a
href="">TransferTo Shop</a> Security Center

<h2 id="label-Usage">Usage<span><a href="#label-Usage">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h2>

<p>Create a new rails application:</p>

<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">rails</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">new</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">t2_airtime</span>

<p>Add this line to your application&#39;s Gemfile:</p>

<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">gem</span> <span class="ruby-string">&#39;t2_airtime&#39;</span>

<p>And then execute:</p>

<pre>$ bundle</pre>

<p>Create a <code>.env</code> file with the required information:</p>


<p>Start the server: <code>bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb</code></p>

<h3 id="label-Routes">Routes<span><a href="#label-Routes">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h3>

<p>The following routes are mada available to your application when you mount
the API engine in <code>config/routes.rb</code>:</p>

<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">mount</span> <span class="ruby-constant">T2Airtime</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">Engine</span> =<span class="ruby-operator">&gt;</span> <span class="ruby-string">&#39;/t2_airtime&#39;</span>
<p><code>/t2_airtime/account</code> <a href="#account_info">Account
<p><code>/t2_airtime/countries</code> <a href="#country_list">List of all
countries offered</a></p>
<p><code>/t2_airtime/countries/&lt;country_id&gt;/operators</code> <a
href="#operator_list">List of all operators available for a certain
<a href="#product_list">List of all products available for a certain
<p><code>/t2_airtime/transactions</code> <a href="#transaction_list">List all
<p><code>/t2_airtime/transactions/&lt;id&gt;</code> <a
href="#transaction_show">Show a transaction</a></p>

<h3 id="label-API+Object">API Object<span><a href="#label-API+Object">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h3>

<p>You can access the Airtime API in Ruby as:</p>

<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">api</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">T2Airtime</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">API</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">api</span>

<p>The following methods are available to the <code>api</code> object:</p>
<p><code>ping</code> <a href="#ping">Test the connection to the Airtime
<p><code>account_info</code> <a href="#account_info">Information regarding
your TransferTo account</a></p>
<p><code>country_list</code> <a href="#country_list">Retrieve available
<p><code>operator_list</code> <a href="#operator_list">Retrieve all operators
available for a certain country</a></p>
<p><code>product_list</code> <a href="#product_list">Retrieve all products
available for a certain operator</a></p>
<p><code>transaction_list</code> <a href="#transaction_list">Retrieve the list
of transactions performed within a date range</a></p>
<p><code>transaction_info</code> <a href="#transaction_info">Retrieve
available information on a specific transaction</a></p>
<p><code>topup</code> Recharge a destination number with a specified product.</p>
<p><code>msisdn_info</code> Retrieve various information of a specific MSISDN
as well as the list of all products configured for your specific account
and the destination operator of the MSISDN.</p>
<p><code>reserve_id</code> Reserve a transaction ID in the system. Maybe used
in a topup operation.</p>
<p><code>get_id_from_key</code> Retrieve the ID of a transaction previously
performed based on the key used in the request at that time.</p>

<p>Each method returns an object with the following properties:</p>
<p><code>success?</code> <code>true</code> if the request was successful.</p>
<p><code>status</code> The HTTP status of the reply. <code>200</code>
indicates a successful request.</p>
<p><code>error_code</code> The error code of the request. <code>0</code>
indicates a successful request.</p>
<p><code>error_message</code> The error message of the request.
<code>Transaction successful</code> indicates a successful request.</p>
<p><code>url</code> The full URL of the request.</p>
<p><code>information</code> The response body as a hash.</p>
<p><code>auth_key</code> The authorization key used in the request.</p>
<p><code>headers</code> The HTTP Headers of the reply.</p>
<p><code>raw</code> The raw body of the reply.</p>
<a name="ping"></a>
<h4 id="label-Ping">Ping<span><a href="#label-Ping">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>This method can be used for keep-alive. To test the connection with the

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response= irb(main)&gt; response.success? =&gt; true {{&lt;/
highlight &gt;}}</p>
<a name="account_info"></a>
<h4 id="label-Account+Information">Account Information<span><a href="#label-Account+Information">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>account_info</code> method retrieves the various information
regarding your TransferTo account. To format the response as JSON-API you
can call <code>T2Airtime::Account.serialize(data)</code>.</p>

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.account_info irb(main)&gt; account= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The serializer returns the following JSON representation of your account:</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} {  “type”: “accounts”,  # Account login name 
“id”: ACCOUNT_ID,  “attributes”: {  # Account type: “Master” (main account)
or “Retailer” (subaccount)  “type”: ACCOUNT_TYPE  # Account login name 
“name”: ACCOUNT_NAME,  # Account currency (USD, GBP, EUR, etc…) 
“currency”: ACCOUNT_CURRENCY,  # For main account: returns the account’s
remaining balance.  # For sub-account: returns the account’s remaining
limit balance  # of the day if a daily limit is fixed. Else, returns the
account  # remaining balance  “balance”: ACCOUNT_BALANCE,  # For main
account: returns the total remaining balance (sum  # of all sub-accounts
and current master).  # For sub-account:  # 1. If balance is shared and
daily limit is fixed: returns the fixed daily limit amount  # 2. If balance
is shared but daily limit is not fixed: returns “No Limit”  # 3. Else if
balance is not shared: returns the remaining balance<br>  “wallet”:
ACCOUNT_WALLET,  # The time at which the information was fetched.  # Can be
used for caching purposes.  “fetched-at”: TIMESTAMP  } } {{&lt;/ highlight

<p>From a browser: <a href="/">localhost:3000/account</a></p>

<p><img src="/img/account_json.png"></p>
<a name="country_list"></a>
<h4 id="label-Country+List">Country List<span><a href="#label-Country+List">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>country_list</code> method retrieves the countries offered in
your TransferTo price list. To format the response as JSON-API you can call

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.country_list irb(main)&gt; countries= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The serializer returns the following JSON representation of a country:</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} {  “type”: “countries”,  # Unique Airtime ID
for the country  “id”: COUNTRY_ID,  “attributes”: {  # The country name 
“name”: COUNTRY_NAME,  # The ISO 3166-1 country alpha-3, <a
# Can be used for unique country identification.  “alpha3”: COUNTRY_ALPHA3,
# The time at which the country was fetched.  # Can be used for caching
purposes.  “fetched-at”: TIMESTAMP  },  “relationships”: {  “operators”: {
“links”: { “related”: “/countries/COUNTRY_ID/operators” } }  } } {{&lt;/
highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The <code>relationships</code> section of the response provides a link you
can use to navigate the country operators.</p>

<p>From a browser: <a href="/">localhost:3000/countries</a></p>

<p><img src="/img/country_list_json.png"></p>
<a name="operator_list"></a>
<h4 id="label-Operator+List">Operator List<span><a href="#label-Operator+List">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>operator_list</code> method retrieves the operators available for
a certain country. To format the response as JSON-API you can call

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.operator_list <a href=""id"">countries.shuffle.first</a>
irb(main)&gt; operators= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The serializer returns the following JSON representation of an operator:</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} {  “type”: “operators”,  # Unique Airtime ID
for the operator  “id”: OPERATOR_ID,  “attributes”: {  # The operator name 
“name”: OPERATOR_NAME,  # The time at which the operator was fetched.  #
Can be used for caching purposes.<br>  “fetched-at”: TIMESTAMP  }, 
“links”: {  # The URL at which you can retrieve the operator&#39;s logo 
logo: OPERATOR_LOGO_URL  },  “relationships”: {  “country”: { “data”: {
“type”: “countries”, “id”: COUNTRY_ID } },  “products”: { “links”: {
“related”: “/countries/COUNTRY_ID/operators/OPERATOR_ID/products” } }<br> 
},  “included”: [ { “type”: “countries”, “id”: COUNTRY_ID, “attributes”: {
“name”: COUNTRY_NAME,#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt;
“alpha3”: COUNTRY_ALPHA3 }#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt;
} ] } {{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>
<p>The <code>relationships</code> section of the response provides a link you
can use to navigate the operator products.</p>
<p>The <code>included</code> section of the response provides all the
information regarding the operator&#39;s country.</p>

<p>From a browser: <a

<p><img src="/img/operator_list_json.png"></p>
<a name="product_list"></a>
<h4 id="label-Product+List">Product List<span><a href="#label-Product+List">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>product_list</code> method retrieves the products available for a
certain operator. To format the response as JSON-API you can call

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.product_list <a href=""id"">operators.shuffle.first</a>
irb(main)&gt; products= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The serializer returns the following JSON representation of a product:</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} {  “type”: “products”,  # Airtime ID for the
product. Attention! It is only unique within  # the scope of the operator 
“id”: PRODUCT_ID,  “attributes”: {  # The product name, or face value for
display, es. 5EUR  “name”: PRODUCT_NAME,  # Currency of the destination
country  “currency”: PRODUCT_CURRENCY,  # The face value of the product
(same as id)  “local-price”: PRODUCT_LOCAL_PRICE,  # The retail price of
the product  “retail-price”: PRODUCT_RETAIL_PRICE,  # The wholesale price
(also known as your cost) of the product  “wholesale-price”:
PRODUCT_WHOLESALE_PRICE,<br>  # The time at which the operator was fetched.
# Can be used for caching purposes.<br>  “fetched-at”: TIMESTAMP  }, 
“relationships”: {  “country”: { “data”: { “type”: “countries”, “id”:
COUNTRY_ID } },  “operator”: { “data”: { “type”: “operators”, “id”:
OPERATOR_ID } }  },  “included”: [ { “type”: “countries”, “id”: COUNTRY_ID,
“attributes”: { “name”: COUNTRY_NAME, “alpha3”: COUNTRY_ALPHA3
}#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt; }, { “type”:
“operators”, “id”: OPERATOR_ID, “attributes”: { “name”: OPERATOR_NAME },
“links”: { “logo”: OPERATOR_LOGO_URL
}#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt; } ]  } } {{&lt;/
highlight &gt;}}</p>
<p>The <code>relationships</code> section of the response provides a link you
can use to navigate the product <code>included</code> relationships.</p>
<p>The <code>included</code> section of the response provides all the
information regarding the product&#39;s country and operator.</p>

<p>From a browser: <a

<p><img src="/img/product_list_json.png"></p>
<a name="transaction_list"></a>
<h4 id="label-Transaction+List">Transaction List<span><a href="#label-Transaction+List">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>transaction_list</code> method retrieves all transaction within
the specified time-range. To format the response as JSON-API you can call

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.transaction_list irb(main)&gt; transactions= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>From a browser: <a href="/">localhost:3000/transactions</a></p>

<p><img src="/img/transaction_list_json.png"></p>
<a name="transaction_info"></a>
<h4 id="label-Transaction+Information">Transaction Information<span><a href="#label-Transaction+Information">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h4>

<p>The <code>transaction_info</code> method retrieves information regarding a
certain transaction. To format the response as JSON-API you can call

<p>From a Rails console (or Ruby file):</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} irb(main)&gt; response=
T2Airtime::API.api.transaction_info irb(main)&gt; transactions= <a
{{&lt;/ highlight &gt;}}</p>

<p>The serializer returns the following JSON representation of a transaction:</p>

<p>{{&lt; highlight ruby &gt;}} {  type: “transactions”,  # Unique Airtime ID
for the transaction  id: TRANSACTION_ID,  attributes: {  # The
international phone number or name of  # the user (sender) requesting to
credit a phone  # number  “msisdn”: TRANSACTION_MSISDN,  # Destination
MSISDN (usually recipient phone number)  “destination-msisdn”:
TRANSACTION_DESTINATION_MSISDN,  # Authentication key used during the
transaction  “transaction-authentication-key”:
TRANSACTION_AUTHENTICATION_KEY,  # Error code for the transaction 
“transaction-error-code”: TRANSACTION_ERROR_CODE,  # Description of the
error code for the transaction  “transaction-error-txt”:
TRANSACTION_ERROR_TEXT,  # Reference of the operator (returned only if
available)  “reference-operator”: TRANSACTION_REFERENCE_OPERATOR,  #
Returns the value requested to the operator  # (equals to product_requested
in case of successful  # transaction). It equals to 0 when Top-up  #
failed.  “actual-product-sent”: TRANSACTION_PRODUCT_SENT,  # Recipient SMS 
# Returns the custom message appended to the  # default notification SMS
sent to the recipient  “sms”: TRANSACTION_SMS,  # Value of the customized
field cid1 sent in the Top-up request  “cid1”: TRANSACTION_CID1,  # Value
of the customized field cid2 sent in the Top-up request  “cid2”:
TRANSACTION_CID2,  # Value of the customized field cid3 sent in the Top-up
request  “cid3”: TRANSACTION_CID3,  # Date of the transaction (GMT) 
“date”: TRANSACTION_DATE,  # Currency of the account from which the
transaction is requested  “originating-currency”:
TRANSACTION_ORIGINATING_CURRENCY,  # Currency of the destination country 
“destination-currency”: TRANSACTION_DESTINATION_CURRENCY,  # Type of
product returned (“Yes”, default “No” if not set)  “pin-based”:
TRANSACTION_PIN_BASED,  # Final amount received by recipient. Indicative
value only  “local-info-amount”: TRANSACTION_LOCAL_INFO_AMOUNT,  # Local
currency in destination  “local-info-currency”:
TRANSACTION_LOCAL_INFO_CURRENCY,  # Value of the transaction before tax and
service  # fee in local currency.  “local-info-amount”:
TRANSACTION_LOCAL_INFO_AMOUNT,  # The time at which the transaction was
fetched.  # Can be used for caching purposes.<br>  “fetched-at”: TIMESTAMP 
},  relationships: {  country: { data: { type: “countries”, id: COUNTRY_ID
} },  operator: { data: { type: “operators”, id: OPERATOR_ID } },  product:
{ data: { type: “products”, id: PRODUCT_ID } }  },  included: [ { type:
“countries”, id: COUNTRY_ID, attributes: { “name”: COUNTRY_NAME, “alpha3”:
COUNTRY_ALPHA3 }#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt; }, {
type: “operators”, id: OPERATOR_ID, attributes: { “name”: OPERATOR_NAME },
links: { logo: OPERATOR_LOGO_URL
}#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt; }, { type: “products”,
id: PRODUCT_ID, attributes: { “name”: PRODUCT_NAME, “currency”:
“retail-price”: PRODUCT_RETAIL_PRICE, “local-price”: PRODUCT_LOCAL_PRICE
}#&lt;RDoc::Markup::HardBreak:0x00000001aa2700&gt; } ] } {{&lt;/ highlight
<p>The <code>relationships</code> section of the response provides a link you
can use to navigate the product <code>included</code> relationships.</p>
<p>The <code>included</code> section of the response provides all the
information regarding the product&#39;s country and operator.</p>

<p>From a browser: <a href="/">localhost:3000/transactions/TRANSACTION_ID</a></p>

<p><img src="/img/transaction_list_json.png"></p>

<h2 id="label-Testing">Testing<span><a href="#label-Testing">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h2>

<p>Clone this repository and export your secrets:</p>

<pre>$&gt; export T2_SHOP_USER=
$&gt; export T2_AIRTIME_KEY=</pre>


<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">rake</span>

<p>To execute the test application:</p>

<pre class="ruby"><span class="ruby-identifier">cd</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">spec</span><span class="ruby-operator">/</span><span class="ruby-identifier">dummy</span>

<p>Start the server: <code>puma -C config/puma.rb</code></p>

<h2 id="label-Contributing">Contributing<span><a href="#label-Contributing">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h2>

<p>Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at <a

<h2 id="label-License">License<span><a href="#label-License">&para;</a> <a href="#top">&uarr;</a></span></h2>

<p>The gem is available as open source under the terms of the <a
href="">MIT License</a>.</p>

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