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7 hrs
Test Coverage
package container

import (

    containertypes ""
    mounttypes ""
    networktypes ""

const (
    // DefaultStopGracePeriod is the default timeout value between stopping a container and killing it.
    DefaultStopGracePeriod = 10 * time.Second

    // DefaultMaximumRetryCount is the default number of time to restart the container if it crashes.
    DefaultMaximumRetryCount = 3

    servicePrefix = "mesg_srv_"
    imageTag      = "mesg:"

// Container starts and stops the MESG Service in Docker Container.
type Container struct {
    client            client.CommonAPIClient
    engineEndpoint    string
    engineName        string
    engineNetwork     string
    stopGracePeriod   time.Duration
    maximumRetryCount int

// New initializes the Container struct by connecting creating the Docker client.
func New(engineName, engineAddress, engineNetwork string, maximumRetryCount int, stopGracePeriod time.Duration) (*Container, error) {
    client, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, port, err := xnet.SplitHostPort(engineAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &Container{
        client:            client,
        engineEndpoint:    net.JoinHostPort(engineName, strconv.Itoa(port)),
        engineName:        engineName,
        engineNetwork:     engineNetwork,
        stopGracePeriod:   stopGracePeriod,
        maximumRetryCount: maximumRetryCount,
    }, nil

// Download downloads the tarball of the source of a service from a HTTP url.
// Don't forget to remove the downloaded service.
func (c *Container) Download(url string) (string, error) {
    // download and untar service context into path.
    path, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "mesg")
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
        return "", errors.New("service's source code is not reachable, status: " + resp.Status + ", url: " + url)
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    if err := archive.Untar(resp.Body, path, &archive.TarOptions{ChownOpts: &idtools.Identity{
        UID: os.Geteuid(),
        GID: os.Getegid()},
    }); err != nil {
        return "", err

    return path, nil

// Build the imge of the container
func (c *Container) Build(srvHash hash.Hash, path string) error {
    excludeFiles, err := build.ReadDockerignore(path)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    tr, err := archive.TarWithOptions(path, &archive.TarOptions{
        Compression:     archive.Gzip,
        ExcludePatterns: excludeFiles,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer tr.Close()

    if _, err := c.client.ImageBuild(context.Background(), tr, types.ImageBuildOptions{
        Remove:         true,
        ForceRemove:    true,
        SuppressOutput: true,
        Tags:           []string{imageTag + srvHash.String()},
    }); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Start starts the service.
func (c *Container) Start(srv *service.Service, instanceHash, runnerHash, instanceEnvHash hash.Hash, instanceEnv []string, registerPayload []byte) (err error) {
    // delete the service's container on any error
    errorOccurred := true
    defer func() {
        if errorOccurred {
            c.Stop(srv, runnerHash)

    runnerName := servicePrefix + runnerHash.String()

    networkID, err := c.createNetwork(runnerName)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    enginedNetworkID, err := c.enginedNetworkID()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Create dependency container configs
    for _, dep := range srv.Dependencies {
        depName := runnerName + "_" + dep.Key
        volumes := convertVolumes(srv, dep.Volumes, dep.Key)
        volumesFrom, err := convertVolumesFrom(srv, dep.VolumesFrom)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        exposedPort, portBindings, err := nat.ParsePortSpecs(dep.Ports)
        containerConfig := &containertypes.Config{
            Image: dep.Image,
            Labels: map[string]string{
                "mesg.engine":     c.engineName,
                "mesg.service":    srv.Hash.String(),
                "mesg.instance":   instanceHash.String(),
                "mesg.runner":     runnerHash.String(),
                "mesg.dependency": dep.Key,
            Env:          dep.Env,
            ExposedPorts: exposedPort,
        hostConfig := &containertypes.HostConfig{
            PortBindings: portBindings,
            Mounts:       append(volumes, volumesFrom...),
            RestartPolicy: containertypes.RestartPolicy{
                Name:              "on-failure",
                MaximumRetryCount: c.maximumRetryCount,
        if dep.Command != "" {
            containerConfig.Cmd = append(containerConfig.Cmd, dep.Command)
        containerConfig.Cmd = append(containerConfig.Cmd, dep.Args...)

        // create container, attach network, start it
        if _, _, err := c.client.ImageInspectWithRaw(context.Background(), dep.Image); err != nil {
            r, err := c.client.ImagePull(context.Background(), dep.Image, types.ImagePullOptions{})
            if err != nil {
                return err
            // wait for docker to download the image
            if _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r); err != nil {
                return err
        if _, err := c.client.ContainerCreate(context.Background(), containerConfig, hostConfig, nil, depName); err != nil {
            return err
        if err := c.client.NetworkConnect(context.Background(), networkID, depName, &networktypes.EndpointSettings{
            Aliases: []string{dep.Key},
        }); err != nil {
            return err
        if err := c.client.ContainerStart(context.Background(), depName, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil {
            return err

    // Create configuration container config
    exposedPort, portBindings, err := nat.ParsePortSpecs(srv.Configuration.Ports)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    volumes := convertVolumes(srv, srv.Configuration.Volumes, service.MainServiceKey)
    volumesFrom, err := convertVolumesFrom(srv, srv.Configuration.VolumesFrom)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    containerConfig := &containertypes.Config{
        Image: imageTag + srv.Hash.String(),
        Labels: map[string]string{
            "mesg.engine":     c.engineName,
            "mesg.service":    srv.Hash.String(),
            "mesg.instance":   instanceHash.String(),
            "mesg.runner":     runnerHash.String(),
            "mesg.dependency": service.MainServiceKey,
        Env: xos.EnvMergeSlices(instanceEnv, []string{
            "MESG_SERVICE_HASH=" + srv.Hash.String(),
            "MESG_INSTANCE_HASH=" + instanceHash.String(),
            "MESG_RUNNER_HASH=" + runnerHash.String(),
            "MESG_ENDPOINT=" + c.engineEndpoint,
            "MESG_REGISTER_SIGNATURE=" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(registerPayload),
            "MESG_ENV_HASH=" + instanceEnvHash.String(),
        ExposedPorts: exposedPort,
    hostConfig := &containertypes.HostConfig{
        PortBindings: portBindings,
        Mounts:       append(volumes, volumesFrom...),
        RestartPolicy: containertypes.RestartPolicy{
            Name:              "on-failure",
            MaximumRetryCount: c.maximumRetryCount,
    if srv.Configuration.Command != "" {
        containerConfig.Cmd = append(containerConfig.Cmd, srv.Configuration.Command)
    containerConfig.Cmd = append(containerConfig.Cmd, srv.Configuration.Args...)

    // create container, attach networks, start it
    if _, err := c.client.ContainerCreate(context.Background(), containerConfig, hostConfig, nil, runnerName); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.client.NetworkConnect(context.Background(), networkID, runnerName, &networktypes.EndpointSettings{
        Aliases: []string{service.MainServiceKey},
    }); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.client.NetworkConnect(context.Background(), enginedNetworkID, runnerName, &networktypes.EndpointSettings{}); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.client.ContainerStart(context.Background(), runnerName, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil {
        return err

    errorOccurred = false
    return nil

// Stop stops an instance.
func (c *Container) Stop(srv *service.Service, runnerHash hash.Hash) error {
    var (
        errs  xerrors.SyncErrors
        name  = servicePrefix + runnerHash.String()
        names = make([]string, 0)

    for _, dep := range srv.Dependencies {
        names = append(names, name+"_"+dep.Key)
    names = append(names, name)

    for _, name := range names {
        stopGracePeriod := c.stopGracePeriod
        if err := c.client.ContainerStop(context.Background(), name, &stopGracePeriod); err != nil {
        if err := c.client.ContainerRemove(context.Background(), name, types.ContainerRemoveOptions{}); err != nil {
    if err := errs.ErrorOrNil(); err != nil {
        return err

    return c.deleteNetwork(name)

// deleteData deletes the data volumes of instance and its dependencies.
// TODO: right now deleteData() is not compatible to work with multiple instances of same
// service since extractVolumes() accepts service, not instance. same applies in the start
// api as well. make it work with multiple instances.
// func deleteData(cont container.Container, s *service.Service) error {
//     var (
//         wg      sync.WaitGroup
//         errs    xerrors.SyncErrors
//         volumes = make([]mount.Mount, 0)
//     )

//     for _, d := range s.Dependencies {
//         volumes = append(volumes, convertVolumes(s, d.Volumes, d.Key)...)
//     }
//     volumes = append(volumes, convertVolumes(s, s.Configuration.Volumes, service.MainServiceKey)...)

//     for _, volume := range volumes {
//         // TODO: is it actually necessary to remvoe in parallel? I worry that some volume will be deleted at the same time and create side effect
//         wg.Add(1)
//         go func(source string) {
//             defer wg.Done()
//             // if service is never started before, data volume won't be created and Docker Engine
//             // will return with the not found error. therefore, we can safely ignore it.
//             if err := cont.DeleteVolume(source); err != nil && !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
//                 errs.Append(err)
//             }
//         }(volume.Source)
//     }
//     wg.Wait()
//     return errs.ErrorOrNil()
// }

func convertVolumes(s *service.Service, dVolumes []string, key string) []mounttypes.Mount {
    volumes := make([]mounttypes.Mount, 0)
    for _, volume := range dVolumes {
        volumes = append(volumes, mounttypes.Mount{
            Type:   mounttypes.TypeVolume,
            Source: volumeKey(s, key, volume),
            Target: volume,
    return volumes

func convertVolumesFrom(s *service.Service, dVolumesFrom []string) ([]mounttypes.Mount, error) {
    volumesFrom := make([]mounttypes.Mount, 0)
    for _, depName := range dVolumesFrom {
        var depVolumes []string
        if depName == service.MainServiceKey {
            depVolumes = s.Configuration.Volumes
        } else {
            dep, err := s.GetDependency(depName)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            depVolumes = dep.Volumes
        for _, volume := range depVolumes {
            volumesFrom = append(volumesFrom, mounttypes.Mount{
                Type:   mounttypes.TypeVolume,
                Source: volumeKey(s, depName, volume),
                Target: volume,
    return volumesFrom, nil

func volumeKey(s *service.Service, dependency, volume string) string {
    return hash.Dump([]string{

func (c *Container) createNetwork(name string) (string, error) {
    network, err := c.client.NetworkInspect(context.Background(), name, types.NetworkInspectOptions{})
    if err != nil && !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
        return "", err
    if network.ID != "" {
        return network.ID, nil
    response, err := c.client.NetworkCreate(context.Background(), name, types.NetworkCreate{
        CheckDuplicate: true,
        Driver:         "bridge",
    return response.ID, err

func (c *Container) deleteNetwork(name string) error {
    network, err := c.client.NetworkInspect(context.Background(), name, types.NetworkInspectOptions{})
    if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return c.client.NetworkRemove(context.Background(), network.ID)

func (c *Container) enginedNetworkID() (string, error) {
    network, err := c.client.NetworkInspect(context.Background(), c.engineNetwork, types.NetworkInspectOptions{})
    return network.ID, err