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Test Coverage
<p class="zzCover" align="right" style='text-align:right'><span lang="EN-GB"><span style='mso-no-proof:yes'><b>{{ docnumber_reference }}</b></span></span></p>

{% if revdate %}
{% assign doc_date = revdate %}
{% elsif publisheddate %}
{% assign doc_date = publisheddate %}
{% elsif issueddate %}
{% assign doc_date = issueddate %}
{% elsif createddate %}
{% assign doc_date = createddate %}
{% endif %}

{% if doc_date %}
<p class="zzCover" align="right" style='text-align:right'><span lang="EN-GB">Date: <span style='mso-no-proof:yes'><b>{{ doc_date }}</b></span></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% if correcteddate and correcteddate != ""  and correcteddate != "XXX" %}
<p class="zzCover">{{ labels["corrected_version"] }}: {{ correcteddate }}</p>
{% endif %}

<p class="zzCover" style='font-weight:normal;'><span lang="EN-GB">{{ editorialgroup}}</span></p>

{% if doctitleamdlabel %}
<p class="zzCover"><b>{{ doctitleamdlabel }}</b></p>
{% endif %}

{% if doctitlecorrlabel %}
<p class="zzCover"><b>{{ doctitlecorrlabel }}</b></p>
{% endif %}

{% if secretariat %}
<p class="zzCover" style='font-weight:normal;'><span lang="EN-GB">{{ labels["secretariat"] }}: <span>{{ secretariat }}</span></span></p>
{% endif %}

<p class="zzCover">
<span lang="EN-GB"><b>{{ doctitleintro }}{% if doctitleintro and doctitlemain %} &#x2014; {% endif %}{{ doctitlemain }}{% if doctitlemain and doctitlepart %} &#x2014; {% endif %}{% if doctitlepart %}{% if doctitlepartlabel %}{{ doctitlepartlabel }}: {% endif %}{{ doctitlepart }}</span>{% endif %}</b>
{% if doctitleamdlabel %}
<p class="zzCover"><b>{{ doctitleamdlabel }}{% if doctitleamd %}: {{ doctitleamd }}{% endif %}</b></p>
{% endif %}
{% if doctitlecorrlabel %}
<p class="zzCover"><b>{{ doctitlecorrlabel }}</b></p>
{% endif %}

<p class="zzCover" style='font-weight:normal;'><i>{{ docsubtitleintro }}{% if docsubtitleintro and docsubtitlemain %} &#x2014; {% endif %}{{ docsubtitlemain }}{% if docsubtitlemain and docsubtitlepart %} &#x2014; {% endif %}{% if docsubtitlepart %}{% if docsubtitlepartlabel %}{{ docsubtitlepartlabel }}: {% endif %}{{ docsubtitlepart }}{% endif %}</i>
{% if docsubtitleamdlabel %}
<p class="zzCover" style='font-weight:normal;'><i>{{ docsubtitleamdlabel }}{% if docsubtitleamd %}: {{ docsubtitleamd }}{% endif %}</i></p>
{% endif %}
{% if docsubtitlecorrlabel %}
<p class="zzCover" style='font-weight:normal;'><i>{{ docsubtitlecorrlabel }}</i></p>
{% endif %}

<div class="coverpage-warning" id="coverpage-note-destination"/>

{%if fast_track == "true" %}
<div><p class="zzCover">{{ labels["fast-track-procedure"] }}</p></div>
{% endif %}

