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1 wk
Test Coverage
import assert from "assert";
import {inspect} from "util";
import {Script} from "vm";
import {
  isString, isObject, isEmpty, has, keys, each, omit,
} from "underscore";
import {sha1} from "../fs/watch";
import {
  matches as archMatches,
} from "../utils/archinfo";
import {findImportedModuleIdentifiers} from "./js-analyze.js";
import {cssToCommonJS} from "./css-modules";
import buildmessage from "../utils/buildmessage.js";
import {Profile} from "../tool-env/profile";
import {
} from "../fs/files";

const { SourceNode, SourceMapConsumer } = require("source-map");

const {
  relative: posixRelative,
  dirname: posixDirname,
} = require("path").posix;

import {
} from "../fs/optimistic";

import { wrap } from "optimism";
const { compile: reifyCompile } = require("@meteorjs/reify/lib/compiler");
const { parse: reifyBabelParse } = require("@meteorjs/reify/lib/parsers/babel");

import Resolver, { Resolution } from "./resolver";

const fakeFileStat = {
  isFile() {
    return true;

  isDirectory() {
    return false;
} as import("fs").Stats;

// Symbol used by scanMissingModules to mark certain files as temporary,
// to prevent them from being added to scanner.outputFiles.
const fakeSymbol = Symbol("fake");

const emptyDataString = "";
const emptyData = Buffer.from(emptyDataString, "utf8");
const emptyHash = sha1(emptyDataString);

function stripHashBang(dataString: string) {
  return dataString.replace(/^#![^\n]*/, "");

const reifyCompileWithCache = Profile("reifyCompileWithCache", wrap(function (
) {
  if (cacheFilePath) {
    try {
      return readFile(cacheFilePath, "utf8");
    } catch (e: any) {
      if (e.code !== "ENOENT") throw e;

  const isLegacy = isLegacyArch(bundleArch);
  let result = reifyCompile(stripHashBang(source), {
    parse: reifyBabelParse,
    generateLetDeclarations: !isLegacy,
    avoidModernSyntax: isLegacy,
    enforceStrictMode: false,
    dynamicImport: true,
    ast: false,

  if (cacheFilePath) {
      () => writeFileAtomically(cacheFilePath, result),

  return result;
}, {
  makeCacheKey(_source, hash, bundleArch) {
    return JSON.stringify([hash, bundleArch]);

class DefaultHandlers {
  private cacheDir?: string;
  private bundleArch: string;

  }: Record<string, string>) {
    this.bundleArch = bundleArch;
    if (cacheDir) {
      mkdir_p(this.cacheDir = pathJoin(

  getCacheFileName(file: RawFile) {
    return this.cacheDir && pathJoin(this.cacheDir, "reify-" + file.hash + ".js");

    method: "js" | "mjs" | "json" | "css",
    file: RawFile,
  ): string {
    return this[method](file);

  js(file: RawFile) {
    const parts = file.absPath.split("/");
    const nmi = parts.lastIndexOf("node_modules");
    if (nmi >= 0) {
      const nextPart = parts[nmi + 1];
      // The core-js package is one example of a package that does not
      // need recompilation to support import/export syntax. Since it is
      // used heavily by the ecmascript-runtime-{client,server} Meteor
      // packages, it makes sense to hard-code this exception.
      if (nextPart === "core-js") {
        return stripHashBang(file.dataString);

    const cacheFileName = this.cacheDir ?
      this.getCacheFileName(file) :

    return reifyCompileWithCache(

  // Files with an .mjs extension are just JavaScript plus module syntax.
  mjs(file: RawFile) {
    return this.js(file);

  json(file: RawFile) {
    file.jsonData = JSON.parse(file.dataString);
    return jsonDataToCommonJS(file.jsonData);

  css({ dataString, hash }: RawFile) {
    return cssToCommonJS(dataString, hash);

].forEach(function (this: any, type: string) {
  this[type] = Profile("DefaultHandlers." + type, this[type]);
}, DefaultHandlers.prototype);

function jsonDataToCommonJS(data: any) {
  return "module.exports = " +
    JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + ";\n";

// This is just a map from hashes to booleans, so it doesn't need full LRU
// eviction logic.
const scriptParseCache = Object.create(null);

function canBeParsedAsPlainJS(dataString: string, hash: string): boolean {
  if (hash && has(scriptParseCache, hash)) {
    return scriptParseCache[hash];

  try {
    var result = !! new Script(dataString);
  } catch (e) {
    result = false;

  if (hash) {
    scriptParseCache[hash] = result;

  return result;

function stripLeadingSlash(path?: string) {
  if (typeof path === "string" &&
      path.charAt(0) === "/") {
    return path.slice(1);

  return path;

function ensureLeadingSlash(path?: string) {
  if (typeof path !== "string") {
    return path;

  const posix = convertToPosixPath(path);

  if (posix.charAt(0) !== "/") {
    return "/" + posix;

  return posix;

const Status = {
  NOT_IMPORTED: false,
  DYNAMIC: 'dynamic',
  STATIC: 'static',

// Files start with file.imported === false. As we scan the dependency
// graph, a file can get promoted to "dynamic" or "static" to indicate
// that it has been imported by other modules. The "dynamic" status trumps
// false, and "static" trumps both "dynamic" and false. A file can never
// be demoted to a lower status after it has been promoted.
const importedStatusOrder = [

// Set each file.imported status to the maximum status of provided files.
function alignImportedStatuses(...files: File[]) {
  const maxIndex = Math.max(
    file => importedStatusOrder.indexOf(file.imported)));
  const maxStatus = importedStatusOrder[maxIndex];
  files.forEach(file => file.imported = maxStatus);

function getParentStatus(importInfos: ImportInfo[]) {
  return importInfos.some(entry => !entry.parentWasDynamic)
    ? Status.STATIC
    : Status.DYNAMIC;

function isHigherStatus(
  newStatus: string | boolean,
  previousStatus: string | boolean,
) {
  return importedStatusOrder.indexOf(newStatus) >

// Set file.imported to status if status has a higher index than the
// current value of file.imported.
function setImportedStatus(file: File, status: string | boolean) {
  if (isHigherStatus(status, file.imported)) {
    file.imported = status;

// Map from SHA (which is already calculated, so free for us)
// to the results of calling findImportedModuleIdentifiers.
// Each entry is an array of strings, and this is a case where
// the computation is expensive but the output is very small.
// The cache can be global because findImportedModuleIdentifiers
// is a pure function, and that way it applies across instances
// of ImportScanner (which do not persist across builds).
const LRU = require("lru-cache");
  max: Math.pow(2, 23),
  length(ids: Record<string, ImportInfo>) {
    let total = 40; // size of key
    each(ids, (_info, id) => { total += id.length; });
    return total;

// Stub used for entry point modules within node_modules directories on
// the server. These stub modules delegate to native Node evaluation by
// calling module.useNode() immediately, but it's important that we have
// something to include in the bundle so that parent modules have
// something to resolve.
const useNodeStub: Omit<RawFile, "absPath"> = function () {
  const dataString = "module.useNode();";
  const data = Buffer.from(dataString, "utf8");
  return {
    type: "js",
    hash: sha1(data),
    deps: Object.create(null),

export type ImportScannerOptions = {
  name: string;
  bundleArch: string;
  extensions: string[];
  sourceRoot: string;
  nodeModulesPaths: string[];
  cacheDir: string;

interface RawFile {
  absPath: string;
  data: Buffer;
  dataString: string;
  hash: string;
  jsonData?: Record<string, any>;

interface File extends RawFile {
  type: string;
  sourcePath: string;
  targetPath?: string;
  servePath?: string;
  absModuleId?: string;
  deps?: Record<string, ImportInfo>;
  lazy: boolean;
  bare?: boolean;
  // TODO Improve the sourceMap type.
  sourceMap?: Record<string, any>;
  implicit?: boolean;
  imported: string | boolean;
  [fakeSymbol]?: boolean;
  reportPendingErrors?: () => number;
  hasErrors?: boolean;
  missingModules?: Record<string, ImportInfo>;
  alias?: FileAlias;

type FileAlias = {
  path: string;
  absModuleId?: string | false;

type MissingMap = Record<string, ImportInfo[]>;
// TODO Get this type from js-analyze.ts (after converting from .js).
type ImportInfo = {
  dynamic: boolean;
  possiblySpurious: boolean;
  parentPath: string;
  bundleArch?: string;
  packageName?: string;
  parentWasDynamic?: boolean;
  helpers?: Record<string, boolean>;

export default class ImportScanner {
  public name: string;

  private bundleArch: string;
  private sourceRoot: string;
  private nodeModulesPaths: string[];
  private defaultHandlers: DefaultHandlers;
  private resolver: Resolver;

  private absPathToOutputIndex: Record<string, number> = Object.create(null);
  private realPathToFiles: Record<string, File[]> = Object.create(null);
  private realPathCache: Record<string, string> = Object.create(null);
  private allMissingModules: MissingMap = Object.create(null);
  private outputFiles: File[] = [];

    nodeModulesPaths = [],
  }: ImportScannerOptions) { = name;
    this.bundleArch = bundleArch;
    this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
    this.nodeModulesPaths = nodeModulesPaths;

    this.defaultHandlers = new DefaultHandlers({

    this.resolver = Resolver.getOrCreate({
      caller: "ImportScanner#constructor",
      targetArch: bundleArch,

    // Since Resolver.getOrCreate may have returned a cached Resolver
    // instance, it's important to update its statOrNull method so that it
    // is bound to this ImportScanner object rather than the previous one.
    this.resolver.statOrNull = (absPath) => {
      const stat = optimisticStatOrNull(absPath);
      if (stat) {
        return stat;

      const file = this.getFile(absPath);
      if (file) {
        return fakeFileStat;

      return null;

  private getFile(absPath: string): File | null {
    absPath = absPath.toLowerCase();
    if (has(this.absPathToOutputIndex, absPath)) {
      return this.outputFiles[this.absPathToOutputIndex[absPath]];
    return null;

  private addFile(absPath: string, file: File): File | null {
    if (! file || file[fakeSymbol]) {
      // Return file without adding it to this.outputFiles.
      return file;

    const absLowerPath = absPath.toLowerCase();

    if (has(this.absPathToOutputIndex, absLowerPath)) {
      const old = this.outputFiles[

      // If the old file is just an empty stub, let the new file take
      // precedence over it.
      if (old.implicit === true) {
        return Object.assign(old, {
          implicit: file.implicit || false
        }, file);

      // If the new file is just an empty stub, pretend the _addFile
      // succeeded by returning the old file, so that we won't try to call
      // _combineFiles needlessly.
      if (file.implicit === true) {
        return old;

    } else {
      this.absPathToOutputIndex[absLowerPath] =
        this.outputFiles.push(file) - 1;

      return file;

    return null;

  addInputFiles(files: File[]) {
    files.forEach(file => {

      // Note: this absolute path may not necessarily exist on the file
      // system, but any import statements or require calls in
      // will be interpreted relative to this path, so it needs to be
      // something plausible. #6411 #6383
      file.absPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, file.sourcePath);

      // This property can have values false, true, "dynamic" (which
      // indicates that the file has been imported, but only dynamically).
      file.imported = false;

      file.absModuleId = file.absModuleId ||

      if (! this.addFile(file.absPath, file)) {
        // Collisions can happen if a compiler plugin calls addJavaScript
        // multiple times with the same sourcePath. #6422
        this.combineFiles(this.getFile(file.absPath)!, file);

      this.addFileByRealPath(file, this.realPath(file.absPath));

    return this;

  private addFileByRealPath(file: File, realPath: string) {
    if (! has(this.realPathToFiles, realPath)) {
      this.realPathToFiles[realPath] = [];

    const files = this.realPathToFiles[realPath];

    if (files.indexOf(file) < 0) {

    return file;

  private getInfoByRealPath(realPath: string): RawFile | null {
    const files = this.realPathToFiles[realPath];
    if (files && files.length > 0) {
      const firstFile = files[0];
      const dataString = this.getDataString(firstFile);
      return {
        absPath: realPath,
        dataString: dataString,
        hash: firstFile.hash,
    return null;

  private realPath(absPath: string) {
    if (has(this.realPathCache, absPath)) {
      return this.realPathCache[absPath];

    let relativePath = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, absPath);
    if (relativePath.startsWith("..") || relativePath.startsWith('/')) {
      // If the absPath is outside this.sourceRoot, assume it's real.
      return this.realPathCache[absPath] = absPath;

    let foundSymbolicLink = false;

    while (! foundSymbolicLink) {
      const testPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, relativePath);
      if (testPath === this.sourceRoot) {
        // Don't test the sourceRoot itself.

      const lstat = optimisticLStatOrNull(testPath);
      if (lstat && lstat.isSymbolicLink()) {
        foundSymbolicLink = true;

      relativePath = pathDirname(relativePath);

    if (foundSymbolicLink) {
      // Call the actual realpathOrNull function only if there were any
      // symlinks involved in the relative path within this.sourceRoot.
      const realPath = realpathOrNull(absPath);
      if (! realPath) {
        // If we couldn't resolve the real path, fall back to the given
        // absPath, and avoid caching.
        return absPath;
      return this.realPathCache[absPath] = realPath;

    return this.realPathCache[absPath] = absPath;

  // Make sure file.sourcePath is defined, and handle the possibility that
  // file.targetPath differs from file.sourcePath.
  private checkSourceAndTargetPaths(file: File) {
    file.sourcePath = this.getSourcePath(file);

    if (! isString(file.targetPath)) {

    file.targetPath = pathNormalize(pathJoin(".", file.targetPath));

    if (file.targetPath !== file.sourcePath) {
      const absSourcePath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, file.sourcePath);
      const absTargetPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, file.targetPath);

      const absSourceId = this.getAbsModuleId(absSourcePath);
      const absTargetId = this.getAbsModuleId(absTargetPath);

      if (!absSourceId || !absTargetId) {

      // If file.targetPath differs from file.sourcePath, generate a new
      // file object with that .sourcePath that imports the original file.
      // This allows either the .sourcePath or the .targetPath to be used
      // when importing the original file, and also allows multiple files
      // to have the same .sourcePath but different .targetPaths.
      const sourceFile = this.getFile(absSourcePath) || this.addFile(absSourcePath, {
        servePath: stripLeadingSlash(absSourceId),
        absModuleId: absSourceId,
        data: emptyData,
        dataString: emptyDataString,
        deps: Object.create(null),
        lazy: true,
        imported: false,
        implicit: true,

      // Make sure the original file gets installed at the target path
      // instead of the source path.
      file.absModuleId = absTargetId;
      file.sourcePath = file.targetPath;

      // If the sourceFile was not generated implicitly above, then it
      // must have been explicitly added as a source module, so we should
      // not override or modify its contents. #10233
      if (sourceFile.implicit !== true) {

      const relativeId = this.getRelativeImportId(

      // Set the contents of the source module to import the target
      // module(s), combining their exports on the source module's exports
      // object using the live binding system. This is better
      // than `Object.assign(exports, require(relativeId))` because it
      // allows the exports to change in the future, and better than
      // `module.exports = require(relativeId)` because it preserves the
      // original module.exports object, avoiding problems with circular
      // dependencies (#9176, #9190).
      // If there could be only one target module, we could do something
      // less clever here (like using an identifier string alias), but
      // unfortunately we have to tolerate the possibility of a compiler
      // plugin calling inputFile.addJavaScript multiple times for the
      // same source file (see discussion in #9176), with different target
      // paths, code, laziness, etc.
      sourceFile.dataString = this.getDataString(sourceFile) +
        // The + in "*+" indicates that the "default" property should be
        // included as well as any other re-exported properties.
        "" + JSON.stringify(relativeId) + ', { "*": "*+" });\n'; = Buffer.from(sourceFile.dataString, "utf8");
      sourceFile.hash = sha1(;
      sourceFile.deps = sourceFile.deps || Object.create(null);
      sourceFile.deps![relativeId] = {
        dynamic: false,
        possiblySpurious: false,
        parentPath: absSourcePath,

  // Concatenate the contents of oldFile and newFile, combining source
  // maps and updating all other properties appropriately. Once this
  // combination is done, oldFile should be kept and newFile discarded.
  private combineFiles(oldFile: File, newFile: File) {
    const scanner = this;

    function checkProperty(name: "lazy" | "bare") {
      if (has(oldFile, name)) {
        if (! has(newFile, name)) {
          newFile[name] = oldFile[name]!;
      } else if (has(newFile, name)) {
        oldFile[name] = newFile[name]!;

      if (oldFile[name] !== newFile[name]) {
        const fuzzyCase =
          oldFile.sourcePath.toLowerCase() === newFile.sourcePath.toLowerCase();

        throw new Error(
          "Attempting to combine different files" +
            ( fuzzyCase ? " (is the filename case slightly different?)" : "") +
            ":\n" +
            inspect(omit(oldFile, "dataString")) + "\n" +
            inspect(omit(newFile, "dataString")) + "\n"

    // Since we're concatenating the files together, they must be either
    // both lazy or both eager. Same for bareness.

    function getChunk(file: File) {
      if (file.sourceMap) {
        const consumer = Promise.await(new SourceMapConsumer(file.sourceMap));
        const node = SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(
        return node;
      } else {
        return scanner.getDataString(file);

    const {
      code: combinedDataString,
      map: combinedSourceMap,
    } = new SourceNode(null, null, null, [
      file: oldFile.servePath || newFile.servePath

    oldFile.dataString = combinedDataString; = Buffer.from(oldFile.dataString, "utf8");
    oldFile.hash = sha1(;

    alignImportedStatuses(oldFile, newFile);

    oldFile.sourceMap = combinedSourceMap.toJSON();
    if (! oldFile.sourceMap!.mappings) {
      oldFile.sourceMap = void 0;

  scanImports() {
    this.outputFiles.forEach(file => {
      if (! file.lazy) {

    return this;

  scanMissingModules(missingModules: MissingMap) {
    assert.ok(typeof missingModules === "object");
    assert.ok(! Array.isArray(missingModules));

    const newlyMissing = Object.create(null);
    const newlyAdded = Object.create(null);

    if (! isEmpty(missingModules)) {
      const previousAllMissingModules = this.allMissingModules;
      this.allMissingModules = newlyMissing;

      Object.keys(missingModules).forEach(id => {
        let staticImportInfo: ImportInfo | null = null;
        let dynamicImportInfo: ImportInfo | null = null;

        // Although it would be logically valid to call this._scanFile for
        // each and every importInfo object, there can be a lot of them
        // (hundreds, maybe thousands). The only relevant difference is
        // whether the file is being scanned as a dynamic import or not,
        // so we can get away with calling this._scanFile at most twice,
        // with a representative importInfo object of each kind.
        missingModules[id].some(importInfo => {
          if (importInfo.parentWasDynamic ||
              importInfo.dynamic) {
            dynamicImportInfo = dynamicImportInfo || importInfo;
          } else {
            staticImportInfo = staticImportInfo || importInfo;

          // Stop when/if both variables have been initialized.
          return staticImportInfo && dynamicImportInfo;

        const fakeStub = {
          type: "js",
          sourcePath: "fake.js",
          absPath: pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, "fake.js"),
          data: emptyData,
          dataString: emptyDataString,
          hash: emptyHash,
          [fakeSymbol]: true,
          imported: false,
          lazy: true,

        if (staticImportInfo) {
            // By specifying the .deps property of this fake file ahead of
            // time, we can avoid calling findImportedModuleIdentifiers in
            // the _scanFile method, which is important because this file
            // doesn't have a .data or .dataString property.
            deps: { [id]: staticImportInfo },
          }, false); // !forDynamicImport

        if (dynamicImportInfo) {
            deps: { [id]: dynamicImportInfo },
          }, true); // forDynamicImport

      this.allMissingModules = previousAllMissingModules;

      Object.keys(missingModules).forEach(id => {
        if (! has(newlyMissing, id)) {
          // We don't need to use ImportScanner.mergeMissing here because
          // this is the first time newlyAdded[id] has been assigned.
          newlyAdded[id] = missingModules[id];

      // Remove previously seen missing module identifiers from
      // newlyMissing and merge the new identifiers back into
      // this.allMissingModules.
      Object.keys(newlyMissing).forEach(id => {
        const skipScan = has(previousAllMissingModules, id) &&

        if (skipScan) {
          delete newlyMissing[id];
        } else {
            { [id]: newlyMissing[id] }

    return {

  // Helper for copying the properties of source into target,
  // concatenating values (which must be arrays) if a property already
  // exists. The array elements should be importInfo objects, and will be
  // deduplicated according to their .parentPath properties.
  static mergeMissing(target: MissingMap, source: MissingMap) {
    keys(source).forEach(id => {
      const importInfoList = source[id];
      const pathToIndex = Object.create(null);

      if (! has(target, id)) {
        target[id] = [];
      } else {
        target[id].forEach((importInfo, index) => {
          pathToIndex[importInfo.parentPath] = index;

      importInfoList.forEach(importInfo => {
        const { parentPath } = importInfo;
        if (typeof parentPath === "string") {
          const index = pathToIndex[parentPath];
          if (typeof index === "number") {
            // If an importInfo object with this .parentPath is already
            // present in the target[id] array, replace it.
            target[id][index] = importInfo;


  private mergeFilesWithSameRealPath() {
    Object.keys(this.realPathToFiles).forEach(realPath => {
      const files = this.realPathToFiles[realPath];
      if (! files || files.length < 2) {

      // We have multiple files that share the same realPath, so we need
      // to figure out which one should actually contain the data, and
      // which one(s) should merely be aliases to the data container.

      let container = files[0];

      // Make sure all the files share the same file.imported value, so
      // that a statically bundled alias doesn't point to a dynamically
      // bundled container, or vice-versa.

      // Take the first file inside node_modules as the container. If none
      // found, default to the first file in the list. It's important to
      // let node_modules files be the containers if possible, since some
      // npm packages rely on having module IDs that appear to be within a
      // node_modules directory.
      files.some(file => {
        if (file.absModuleId &&
            file.absModuleId.startsWith("/node_modules/")) {
          container = file;
          return true;

      const absContainerPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, container.sourcePath);

      // Alias every non-container file to container.absModuleId.
      files.forEach(file => {
        if (file !== container) {
          file.alias = file.alias || { path: absContainerPath };
          file.alias!.absModuleId = container.absModuleId;

  getOutputFiles() {

    // Return all installable output files that are either eager or
    // imported (statically or dynamically).
    return this.outputFiles.filter(file => {
      return file.absModuleId &&
        ! file[fakeSymbol] &&
        ! file.hasErrors &&
        (! file.lazy || file.imported);

  private getSourcePath(file: File) {
    let sourcePath = file.sourcePath;
    if (sourcePath) {
      if (pathIsAbsolute(sourcePath)) {
        let relPath: string | undefined;
        try {
          relPath = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, sourcePath);
        } finally {
          if (! relPath || relPath.startsWith("..")) {
            if (this.resolver.joinAndStat(this.sourceRoot, sourcePath)) {
              // If sourcePath exists as a path relative to this.sourceRoot,
              // strip away the leading / that made it look absolute.
              return pathNormalize(pathJoin(".", sourcePath));

            if (relPath) {
              throw new Error("sourcePath outside sourceRoot: " + sourcePath);

            // If pathRelative threw an exception above, and we were not
            // able to handle the problem, it will continue propagating
            // from this finally block.

        sourcePath = relPath;

    } else if (file.servePath) {
      sourcePath = convertToOSPath(file.servePath.replace(/^\//, ""));

    } else if ((file as any).path) {
      sourcePath = (file as any).path;

    return pathNormalize(pathJoin(".", sourcePath));

  private findImportedModuleIdentifiers(
    file: File,
  ): Record<string, ImportInfo> {
    if (IMPORT_SCANNER_CACHE.has(file.hash)) {
      return IMPORT_SCANNER_CACHE.get(file.hash);

    const result = findImportedModuleIdentifiers(

    // there should always be file.hash, but better safe than sorry
    if (file.hash) {
      IMPORT_SCANNER_CACHE.set(file.hash, result);

    return result;

  private resolve(
    parentFile: File,
    id: string,
    forDynamicImport = false,
  ): Resolution | FileAlias {
    const absPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, parentFile.sourcePath);
    const resolved = this.resolver.resolve(id, absPath);

    if (resolved === "missing") {
      return this.onMissing(parentFile, id, forDynamicImport);

    if (resolved && resolved.packageJsonMap) {
      const info = parentFile.deps![id];
      info.helpers = info.helpers || {};

      each(resolved.packageJsonMap, (pkg, path) => {
        const packageJsonFile =
          this.addPkgJsonToOutput(path, pkg, forDynamicImport);

        if (! parentFile.absModuleId || ! packageJsonFile.absModuleId) {
          // If parentFile is not installable, then we won't return it
          // from getOutputFiles, so we don't need to worry about
          // recording any parentFile.deps[id].helpers.

        const relativeId = this.getRelativeImportId(

        // Although not explicitly imported, any package.json modules
        // involved in resolving this import should be recorded as
        // implicit "helpers."
        info.helpers![relativeId] = forDynamicImport;

      // Any relevant package.json files must have already been added via
      // this._addPkgJsonToOutput before we check whether this file has an
      // .alias. In other words, the Resolver is responsible for including
      // relevant package.json files in resolved.packageJsonMap so that
      // they can be handled by the loop above.
      const file = this.getFile(resolved.path);
      if (file && file.alias) {
        setImportedStatus(file, forDynamicImport ? Status.DYNAMIC : Status.STATIC);
        return file.alias;

    return resolved;

  private getRelativeImportId(absParentId: string, absChildId: string) {
    const relativeId = posixRelative(

    // If the result of pathRelative does not already start with a "." or
    // a "/", prepend a "./" to make it a valid relative identifier
    // according to CommonJS syntax.
    if ("./".indexOf(relativeId.charAt(0)) < 0) {
      return "./" + relativeId;

    return relativeId;

  private scanFile(file: File, forDynamicImport = false) {
    if (file.imported === "static") {
      // If we've already scanned this file non-dynamically, then we don't
      // need to scan it again.

    if (forDynamicImport &&
        file.imported === Status.DYNAMIC) {
      // If we've already scanned this file dynamically, then we don't
      // need to scan it dynamically again.

    // Set file.imported to a truthy value (either "dynamic" or true).
    setImportedStatus(file, forDynamicImport ? Status.DYNAMIC : Status.STATIC);

    if (file.reportPendingErrors &&
        file.reportPendingErrors() > 0) {
      file.hasErrors = true;
      // Any errors reported to InputFile#error were saved but not
      // reported at compilation time. Now that we know the file has been
      // imported, it's time to report those errors.

    try {
      file.deps = file.deps || this.findImportedModuleIdentifiers(file);
    } catch (e: any) {
      if (e.$ParseError) {
        (buildmessage as any).error(e.message, {
          file: file.sourcePath,
          line: e.loc.line,
          column: e.loc.column,
      throw e;

    each(file.deps, (info: ImportInfo, id: string) => {
      // Asynchronous module fetching only really makes sense in the
      // browser (even though it works equally well on the server), so
      // it's better if forDynamicImport never becomes true on the server.
      const dynamic = this.isWebBrowser() &&
        (forDynamicImport ||
         info.parentWasDynamic ||

      const resolved = this.resolve(file, id, dynamic);
      const absImportedPath = resolved && resolved !== "missing" && resolved.path;
      if (! absImportedPath) {

      let depFile = this.getFile(absImportedPath);
      if (depFile) {
        // We should never have stored a fake file in this.outputFiles, so
        // it's surprising if depFile[fakeSymbol] is true.
        assert.notStrictEqual(depFile[fakeSymbol], true);

        // If the module is an implicit package.json stub, update to the
        // explicit version now.
        if (depFile.jsonData &&
            depFile.absModuleId &&
            depFile.absModuleId.endsWith("/package.json") &&
            depFile.implicit === true) {
          const file = this.readPackageJson(absImportedPath);
          if (file) {
            depFile.implicit = false;
            Object.assign(depFile, file);

        // If depFile has already been scanned, this._scanFile will return
        // immediately thanks to the depFile.imported-checking logic at
        // the top of the method.
        this.scanFile(depFile, dynamic);


      depFile = this.readDepFile(absImportedPath);
      if (! depFile) {

      // Append this file to the output array and record its index.
      this.addFile(absImportedPath, depFile);

      // Recursively scan the module's imported dependencies.
      this.scanFile(depFile, dynamic);

  isWeb() {
    // Returns true for web.cordova as well as web.browser.
    return ! archMatches(this.bundleArch, "os");

  isWebBrowser() {
    return archMatches(this.bundleArch, "web.browser");

  private getDataString(file: File) {
    if (typeof file.dataString === "string") {
      return file.dataString;

    const rawDataString ="utf8");
    if (file.type === "js") {
      // Avoid compiling .js file with Reify when all we want is a string
      // version of
      file.dataString = stripHashBang(rawDataString);
    } else {
      file.dataString = rawDataString;
      file.dataString = as any, file);

    if (! ( instanceof Buffer) ||
        file.dataString !== rawDataString) { = Buffer.from(file.dataString, "utf8");

    return file.dataString;

  private readFile(absPath: string) {
    const data = optimisticReadFile(absPath) as Buffer;
    const info: RawFile = {
      dataString: data.toString("utf8"),
      hash: optimisticHashOrNull(absPath)!,

    // Same logic/comment as stripBOM in node/lib/module.js:
    // Remove byte order marker. This catches EF BB BF (the UTF-8 BOM)
    // because the buffer-to-string conversion in `fs.readFileSync()`
    // translates it to FEFF, the UTF-16 BOM.
    if (info.dataString.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
      info.dataString = info.dataString.slice(1); = Buffer.from(info.dataString, "utf8");
      info.hash = sha1(;

    return info;

  private readPackageJson(absPath: string) {
    try {
      var info = this.readFile(absPath);
    } catch (e: any) {
      if (e.code !== "ENOENT") throw e;
      return null;

    const jsonData = JSON.parse(info.dataString);

    Object.keys(jsonData).forEach(key => {
      // Strip root properties that start with an underscore, since these
      // are "private" npm-specific properties, not added by other package
      // managers like yarn, and they may introduce nondeterminism into
      // the Meteor build. #9878 #9903
      if (key.startsWith("_")) {
        delete jsonData[key];

    info.dataString = jsonDataToCommonJS(jsonData); = Buffer.from(info.dataString, "utf8");
    info.hash = sha1(;
    info.jsonData = jsonData;

    return info;

  private readModule(absPath: string): RawFile | null {
    const dotExt = pathExtname(absPath).toLowerCase();

    if (dotExt === ".node") {
      const dataString = "throw new Error(" + JSON.stringify(
          ? "cannot load native .node modules on the client"
          : "module.useNode() must succeed for native .node modules"
      ) + ");\n";

      const data = Buffer.from(dataString, "utf8");
      const hash = sha1(data);

      return { absPath, data, dataString, hash };

    try {
      var info = this.readFile(absPath);
    } catch (e: any) {
      if (e.code !== "ENOENT") throw e;
      return null;

    const dataString = info.dataString;

    let ext = dotExt.slice(1);
    if (! has(DefaultHandlers.prototype, ext)) {
      if (canBeParsedAsPlainJS(dataString, info.hash)) {
        ext = "js";
      } else {
        return null;

    info.dataString = as any, info);
    if (info.dataString !== dataString) { = Buffer.from(info.dataString, "utf8");

    return info;

  private readDepFile(absPath: string): File | null {
    const absModuleId = this.getAbsModuleId(absPath);
    if (! absModuleId) {
      // The given path cannot be installed on this architecture.
      return null;

    const realPath = this.realPath(absPath);

    let rawFile = this.getInfoByRealPath(realPath);
    if (rawFile) {
      // If we already have a file with the same real path, use its data
      // rather than reading the file again, or generating a stub. This
      // logic enables selective compilation of node_modules in an elegant
      // way: just expose the package directory within the application
      // (outside of node_modules) using a symlink, so that it will be
      // compiled as application code. When the package is imported from
      // node_modules, the compiled version will be used instead of the
      // raw version found in node_modules. See also:

    } else if (this.shouldUseNode(absModuleId, absPath)) {
      // On the server, modules in node_modules directories will be
      // handled natively by Node, so we just need to generate a stub
      // module that calls module.useNode(), rather than calling
      // this._readModule to read the actual module file. Note that
      // useNodeStub includes an empty .deps property, which will make
      // this._scanFile(depFile, dynamic) return immediately.
      rawFile = {

    } else {
      rawFile = absModuleId.endsWith("/package.json")
        ? this.readPackageJson(absPath)
        : this.readModule(absPath);

      // If the module is not readable, _readModule may return null.
      // Otherwise it will return { data, dataString, hash }.
      if (! rawFile) {
        return null;

    const depFile: File = {
      type: "js",
      sourcePath: pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, absPath),
      servePath: stripLeadingSlash(absModuleId),
      lazy: true,
      // Setting depFile.imported = false is necessary so that
      // this._scanFile(depFile, dynamic) doesn't think the file has been
      // scanned already and return immediately.
      imported: false,

    this.addFileByRealPath(depFile, realPath);

    return depFile;

  // Similar to logic in Module.prototype.useNode as defined in
  // packages/modules-runtime/server.js. Introduced to fix issue #10122.
  private shouldUseNode(absModuleId: string, absPath: string) {
    if (this.isWeb()) {
      // Node should never be used in a browser, obviously.
      return false;

    const parts = absModuleId.split("/");
    let start = 0;

    // Tolerate leading / character.
    if (parts[start] === "") ++start;

    // Meteor package modules include a node_modules component in their
    // absolute module identifiers, but that doesn't mean those modules
    // should be evaluated by module.useNode().
    if (parts[start] === "node_modules" &&
        parts[start + 1] === "meteor") {
      start += 2;

    // If the remaining parts do not include node_modules, then this
    // module was not installed by npm, so we should not try to evaluate
    // it natively in Node on the server.
    if (parts.indexOf("node_modules", start) < 0) {
      return false;

    // Below this point, we know we're dealing with a module in
    // node_modules, which means we should try to use module.useNode() to
    // evaluate the module natively in Node, except if the module is an
    // ESM module, because then the module cannot be imported using
    // require (as of Node 12.16.0), so module.useNode() will not work.

    const dotExt = pathExtname(absPath).toLowerCase();

    if (dotExt === ".mjs") {
      // Although few npm packages actually use .mjs, Node will always
      // interpret these files as ESM modules, so we can return early.
      return false;

    if (dotExt === ".json") {
      // There's no benefit to using Node to evaluate JSON modules, since
      // there's nothing Node-specific about the parsing of JSON.
      return false;

    if (dotExt === ".js") {
      const relDir = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, pathDirname(absPath));
      const pkgJsonArray =
        optimisticLookupPackageJsonArray(this.sourceRoot, relDir);
      // Setting "type":"module" in package.json makes Node treat .js
      // files within the package as ESM modules.
      if (pkgJsonArray.some(pkgJson => pkgJson?.type === "module")) {
        return false;

    // Everything else (.node, .wasm, whatever) needs to be handled
    // natively by Node.
    return true;

  // Returns an absolute module identifier indicating where to install the
  // given file via meteorInstall. May return undefined if the file should
  // not be installed on the current architecture.
  private getAbsModuleId(absPath: string) {
    let path =
      this.getNodeModulesAbsModuleId(absPath) ||

    if (! path) {

    if ( {
      // If we're bundling a package, prefix path with
      // node_modules/<package name>/.
      path = pathJoin(
        "meteor",^local-test[:_]/, ""),

    // Install paths should always be delimited by /.
    return ensureLeadingSlash(path);

  private getNodeModulesAbsModuleId(absPath: string) {
    let absModuleId: string | undefined;

    this.nodeModulesPaths.some(path => {
      const relPathWithinNodeModules = pathRelative(path, absPath);

      if (
        relPathWithinNodeModules.startsWith("..") ||
      ) {
        // absPath is not a subdirectory of path.
        return false;

      // Install the module into the local node_modules directory within
      // this app or package.
      absModuleId = pathJoin(
      return true;

    return absModuleId && ensureLeadingSlash(absModuleId);

  private getSourceRootAbsModuleId(absPath: string) {
    const relPath = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, absPath);

    if (relPath.startsWith("..")) {
      // absPath is not a subdirectory of this.sourceRoot.

    const dirs = relPath.split("/");
    dirs.pop(); // Discard the module's filename.
    while (dirs[0] === "") {

    const isApp = !;
    const bundlingForWeb = this.isWeb();

    const topLevelDir = dirs[0];
    if (topLevelDir === "private" ||
        topLevelDir === "packages" ||
        topLevelDir === "programs" ||
        topLevelDir === "cordova-build-override") {
      // Don't load anything from these special top-level directories

    for (let dir of dirs) {
      if (dir.charAt(0) === ".") {
        // Files/directories whose names start with a dot are never loaded

      if (isApp) {
        if (bundlingForWeb) {
          if (dir === "server") {
            // If we're bundling an app for a client architecture, any files
            // contained by a server-only directory that is not contained by
            // a node_modules directory must be ignored.
        } else if (dir === "client") {
          // If we're bundling an app for a server architecture, any files
          // contained by a client-only directory that is not contained by
          // a node_modules directory must be ignored.

      if (dir === "node_modules") {
        // Accept any file within a node_modules directory.
        return ensureLeadingSlash(relPath);

    return ensureLeadingSlash(relPath);

  // Called by this.resolver when a module identifier cannot be resolved.
  private onMissing(
    parentFile: File,
    id: string,
    forDynamicImport = false,
  ): Resolution | FileAlias {
    const isApp = !;
    const absParentPath = pathJoin(

    if (isApp &&
        Resolver.isNative(id) &&
        this.isWeb()) {
      // To ensure the native module can be evaluated at runtime, register
      // a dependency on meteor-node-stubs/deps/<id>.js.
      const stubId = Resolver.getNativeStubId(id);
      if (isString(stubId) && stubId !== id) {
        const info = parentFile.deps![id];

        // Although not explicitly imported, any stubs associated with
        // this native import should be recorded as implicit "helpers."
        info.helpers = info.helpers || {};
        info.helpers[stubId] = forDynamicImport;

        return this.resolve(parentFile, stubId, forDynamicImport);

    const info: ImportInfo = {
      parentPath: absParentPath,
      bundleArch: this.bundleArch,
      possiblySpurious: false,
      dynamic: false,
      // When we later attempt to resolve this id in the application's
      // node_modules directory or in other packages, we need to remember
      // if the parent module was imported dynamically, since that makes
      // this import effectively dynamic, even if the parent module
      // imported the given id with a static import or require.
      parentWasDynamic: forDynamicImport,

    if (parentFile &&
        parentFile.deps &&
        has(parentFile.deps, id)) {
      const importInfo = parentFile.deps[id];
      info.possiblySpurious = importInfo.possiblySpurious;
      // Remember that this property only indicates whether or not the
      // parent module used a dynamic import(...) to import this module.
      // Even if info.dynamic is false (because the parent module used a
      // static import or require for this import), this module may still
      // be effectively dynamic if the parent was imported dynamically, as
      // indicated by info.parentWasDynamic.
      info.dynamic = importInfo.dynamic;

    // If the imported identifier is neither absolute nor relative, but
    // top-level, then it might be satisfied by a package installed in
    // the top-level node_modules directory, and we should record the
    // missing dependency so that we can include it in the app bundle.
    if (parentFile) {
      const missing =
        parentFile.missingModules ||
      missing[id] = info;
      parentFile.missingModules = missing;

      { [id]: [info] }

    return null;

  private addPkgJsonToOutput(
    pkgJsonPath: string,
    pkg: Record<string, any>,
    forDynamicImport = false,
  ): File {
    const file = this.getFile(pkgJsonPath);

    if (file) {
      // If the file already exists, just update file.imported according
      // to the forDynamicImport parameter.
      setImportedStatus(file, forDynamicImport ? Status.DYNAMIC : Status.STATIC);
      return file;

    const dataString = jsonDataToCommonJS(pkg);
    const data = Buffer.from(dataString, "utf8");
    const relPkgJsonPath = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, pkgJsonPath);
    const absModuleId = this.getAbsModuleId(pkgJsonPath);

    const pkgFile: File = {
      type: "js", // We represent the JSON module with JS.
      absPath: pkgJsonPath,
      jsonData: pkg,
      deps: {}, // Avoid accidentally re-scanning this file.
      sourcePath: relPkgJsonPath,
      servePath: stripLeadingSlash(absModuleId),
      hash: sha1(data),
      lazy: true,
      imported: forDynamicImport ? Status.DYNAMIC : Status.STATIC,
      // Since _addPkgJsonToOutput is only ever called for package.json
      // files that are involved in resolving package directories, and pkg
      // is only a subset of the information in the actual package.json
      // module, we mark it as imported implicitly, so that the subset can
      // be overridden by the actual module if this package.json file is
      // imported explicitly elsewhere.
      implicit: true,

    this.addFile(pkgJsonPath, pkgFile);


    return pkgFile;

  private resolvePkgJsonBrowserAliases(pkgFile: File) {
    if (! this.isWeb()) {

    const browser = pkgFile.jsonData!.browser;
    if (! isObject(browser)) {

    const deps = pkgFile.deps || (pkgFile.deps = Object.create(null));
    const absPkgJsonPath = pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, pkgFile.sourcePath);

    Object.keys(browser).forEach(sourceId => {
      deps[sourceId] = deps[sourceId] || {};

      // TODO What if sourceId is a top-level node_modules identifier?
      const source = this.resolver.resolve(sourceId, absPkgJsonPath);
      if (! source || source === "missing") {

      const file = this.getFile(source.path);
      if (file && file.alias) {
        // If we previously set an .alias for this file, assume it is
        // complete and return early.

      const sourceAbsModuleId = this.getAbsModuleId(source.path);
      if (! sourceAbsModuleId || ! pkgFile.absModuleId) {

      const hasAuthorityToCreateAlias =

      // A package.json file's "browser" field can only establish aliases
      // for modules contained by the same package.
      if (! hasAuthorityToCreateAlias) {

      const targetId = browser[sourceId];
      const alias: FileAlias = {
        path: source.path,
        absModuleId: sourceAbsModuleId,

      if (typeof targetId === "string") {
        deps[targetId] = deps[targetId] || {};

        const target = this.resolver.resolve(targetId, absPkgJsonPath);
        if (! target || target === "missing") {

        // Ignore useless self-referential browser aliases, to fix
        if ( === {

        Object.assign(alias, target);
        alias.absModuleId = this.getAbsModuleId(target.path);

      } else if (targetId === false) {
        // This is supposed to indicate the alias refers to an empty stub.
        alias.absModuleId = false;

      } else {

      if (file) {
        file.alias = alias;
      } else {
        const relSourcePath = pathRelative(this.sourceRoot, source.path);

        this.addFile(source.path, {
          type: "js",
          absPath: absPkgJsonPath,
          data: emptyData,
          dataString: emptyDataString,
          hash: emptyHash,
          sourcePath: relSourcePath,
          absModuleId: sourceAbsModuleId,
          servePath: stripLeadingSlash(sourceAbsModuleId),
          lazy: true,
          imported: false,
          implicit: true,

  private areAbsModuleIdsInSamePackage(path1: string, path2: string) {
    if (! (isString(path1) && isString(path2))) {
      return false;

    // Enforce that the input paths look like absolute module identifiers.
    assert.strictEqual(path1.charAt(0), "/");
    assert.strictEqual(path2.charAt(0), "/");

    function getPackageRoot(path: string) {
      const parts = path.split("/");
      assert.strictEqual(parts[0], "");
      const nmi = parts.lastIndexOf("node_modules");
      return parts.slice(0, nmi + 2).join("/");

    return getPackageRoot(path1) === getPackageRoot(path2);

const ISp = ImportScanner.prototype as any;

[ "addPkgJsonToOutput",
  // We avoid profiling _scanFile here because it doesn't typically have
  // much "own time," and it gets called recursively, resulting in deeply
  // nested METEOR_PROFILE output, which often obscures actual problems.
  // "_scanFile",
].forEach(name => {
  ISp[name] = Profile(`ImportScanner#${name}`, ISp[name]);

[ // Include the package name in METEOR_PROFILE output for the following
  // public methods:
].forEach(name => {
  ISp[name] = Profile(function (this: ImportScanner) {
    return `ImportScanner#${name} for ${ || "the app"}`;
  }, ISp[name]);