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# The primary purpose of this module is to run data hashing and comparison functions
# It is also called during the intialization of modules to register their hashing and comparison functions.
# Try to leave all the boilerplate calls like DB access and JSON decoding in the main.py file

import hijackingprevention.session as session
import hijackingprevention.api_user as api_user

from tornado import gen

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OK = (200, 'OK')

class Receiver():
    """This class handles all requests to hash and interpret data.
    Most of the shared functionalty that underpins the API is defined here.
    Functions in here fall into two catagories:
        Functions that allow modules to register hashers or comparers.
        Functions that run the registered hashers or comparers.
    Please note:
        If a function you are considering including in this file does not invoke a hasher, translator, or comparer it may not belong in this file.
    def __init__(self):
        self.__hashers = {}
        self.__translators = {}
        self.__comparers = {}
        self.__maxscores = {}
        self.__callbacks = {}

    # Module registration functions

    def add_hasher(self, name, fxn):
        """This is called by each module on startup to register its sitewide hasher."""
        self.__hashers[name] = fxn

    def add_translator(self, name, fxn):
        """This is called by each module on startup to register its data translator.
        Translators hash data, which has already been hashed by a (sitewide) hasher, with a per user salt.
        self.__translators[name] = fxn

    def add_comparer(self, name, fxn, score):
        """This is called by each module on startup to register its hash comparer."""
        self.__comparers[name] = fxn
        self.__maxscores[name] = score

    # Module users and API interface

    def add_data(self, req, headers, db):
        """This function is called when data is received from a browser to hash and store the data"""
        # This function has, rather irritatingly, remained in spite of my attempt to keep database access out of the api.py file.  
        if req['name'] in self.__hashers.keys():
            #setup to invoke hasher
            site = api_user.Site(db)
            yield site.get_by_client_key(req['ck'],
            salt = site.get_salt(req['name'])
            #invoke hasher
            hash = yield self.__hashers[req['name']](req['data'],
                headers, salt)
            #store the result
            site_id = site.get_id()
            ses = session.Session(req['sid'], site_id, db) #setup session object
            yield ses.read_db() #read session if it exists
            ses.add_data({req['name']:hash}) #add data to session object
            yield ses.write_out() #update session object in database
            return(OK) #Nothing failed. Right? oops.
            logger.warning('Could not find a handler for "' + req['name'] + '"')
            return(400, 'Err: Could not find a handler for "' + req['name'] + '"')

    def copy_data(self, ses, member):
        """This function is called to store session data permenantly to the user profile"""
        data = {}
        for dt in ses.keys():
            data[dt] = yield self.__translators[dt](ses[dt])

    def __calculate_sub_rating(self, data_type, session_dat, user_dat):
        """Calculate trust score for specific subtype of user data"""
        sub_tot = 0
        if data_type in user_dat and data_type in session_dat:
            for h in user_dat[data_type]: #loop through all the user's hashed data of this type and compare it to the session
                temp = (yield self.__comparers[data_type](
                    session_dat[data_type], h))
                if temp > sub_tot: #fix security issue created by the previous ability to combine multiple low scores
                    sub_tot = temp
        elif data_type not in session_dat and data_type in user_dat: #the user's session data may have expired or have not been collected
            sub_tot = -1*self.__maxscores[data_type] #score nonexistant data negativly

    def get_trust(self, session_dat, user_dat):
        """This scores how trustworthy a user is as a number between -1 and 1.
        The score is based on how much session data matches the data stored in their user profile.
        A score of 1 means that the user is perfectly trustworthy, a score of 0 means they cannot be trusted.
        A negative score means that the session data has expired and an accurate determination cannot be made.
        total = 0 #total user score
        actmax = 0 #maximum achievable total (A user with this score is PERFECT)
        for dt in self.__comparers.keys(): #loop through all the types of data
            actmax += self.__maxscores[dt] #add data type's max score to the maximum
            total += yield self.__calculate_sub_rating(dt, session_dat, user_dat) #calculate sub score for given data type and add it to total
            return(200, str(total/actmax))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            logger.critical('This server does not have any client data collection and analysis modules installed')
            return(501, 'This server does not have any data collection and analysis modules installed')