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var Logger = require('logger-facade-nodejs'),
    util = require('util'),
    RoundRobinStrategy = require('./round_robin_strategy'),
    _ = require('lodash');

var ServiceManagementInterface = function(configuration){

  var log = Logger.getLogger('SMI');

  var defaults = {
    // heartbeat interval in ms
    heartbeat: 1000,
    // max ttl for a service in ms
    maxTTL: 1500,
    // refresh service ttl update interval in ms
    updateInterval: 100
  var config = _.defaults(configuration, defaults);

  // dictionary with sid as key and ServiceInfo array as value
  var services = { };

  // store refresh interval object id
  var onRefreshServicesTTLIntervalObj;

  // load balancing strategy
  var strategy = new RoundRobinStrategy();

  // this class is used to represent service instance info
  var ServiceInfo = function(sid, identity){
    this.sid = sid;
    this.identity = identity;
    this.ttl = config.maxTTL;

    ServiceInfo.prototype.refreshTTL = function(){
      var newTTL = this.ttl + config.heartbeat + config.updateInterval;
      this.ttl = newTTL > config.maxTTL ? config.maxTTL : newTTL;

    ServiceInfo.prototype.decrementTTL = function(){
      this.ttl = this.ttl - config.updateInterval;
      return this.ttl;

    ServiceInfo.prototype.isDead = function(){
      return this.ttl < 1;

    ServiceInfo.prototype.toString = function(){
      return util.format("identity: %s TTL: %sms", this.identity, this.ttl);

  var getInstances = function(sid){
    if (!services[sid]){
      services[sid] = [];

    return services[sid];

  var onRefreshServicesTTL = function() {
    log.trace("SMI refreshing services TTL...");

    var decrementAndRemove = function(service){
      var isDead = service.isDead();

      if (isDead) {
        log.info("SMI TTL unregister for sid: %s instance: %s!", service.sid, service.identity);

      return isDead;

    for(var sid in services){
      _.remove(services[sid], decrementAndRemove);

    var logInstance = function(instance){
      log.trace("\t\t%s\n", instance.toString());

    log.trace("SMI Service instances:");
    for(var id in services){
      log.trace("\t%s instances", id);

  // public methods

  this.up = function(msg) {
    var to = msg.payload.toUpperCase();
    var instances = getInstances(to);
    var isRegistered = _.some(instances, { identity: msg.identity });

      log.warn("SMI the service instance %s is already registered!", msg.identity);

      msg.status = 500;
      return msg;

    instances.push(new ServiceInfo(to, msg.identity));

    log.info("SMI register for sid: %s instance: %s!", to, msg.identity);

    msg.status = 200;
    return msg;

  this.down = function(msg){
    var to = msg.payload.toUpperCase();
    var instances = getInstances(to);
    var instanceIndex = _.findIndex(instances, { identity: msg.identity });

    if(instanceIndex === -1){
      log.warn("SMI the service instance %s is not registered!", msg.identity);

      msg.status = 500;
      return msg;

    instances.splice(instanceIndex, 1);

    log.info("SMI unregister for sid: %s instance %s!", to, msg.identity);

    msg.status = 200;
    return msg;

  this.heartbeat = function(msg){
    var to = msg.payload.toUpperCase();
    var instances = getInstances(to);
    var instance = _.find(instances, { identity: msg.identity });

      return this.up(msg);


    log.trace("SMI refreshed service instance %s TTL!", msg.identity);

    msg.status = 200;
    return msg;

  this.getInstance = function(sid){
    var instances = getInstances(sid.toUpperCase());
    var instance = strategy.next(sid.toUpperCase(), instances);
    return instance ? instance.identity : null;

  this.run = function(){
    log.debug("SMI Starting refesh routine to execute every %sms", config.updateInterval);
    onRefreshServicesTTLIntervalObj = setInterval(onRefreshServicesTTL.bind(this), config.updateInterval);


  this.stop = function(){
    log.debug("SMI Stoping refesh routine");
    onRefreshServicesTTLIntervalObj = null;


module.exports = ServiceManagementInterface;