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Test Coverage
- @editing_mode = true
= form_for @group do |f|

  = f.text_field :name
  = f.text_field :acronym

      = f.text_area :description, placeholder: t('.placeholder'), rows: 10, "data-limit": 2000

          Click each heading below to find out how you can add formatting to your text.
              Bullet point list
            Copy and paste the formatting below then replace each item with the text you want
            * bullet point copy here
            * bullet point copy here
              * sub bullet point copy here
              * sub bullet point copy here

              Numbered list
            Copy and paste the formatting below then replace each item with the text you want
            1. point 1 copy here
            2. point 2 copy here
            3. point 3 copy here

              Line space
            To add a line space press enter

  - if @group.editable_parent?
      - if params[:group_id]
        = f.hidden_field :parent_id
      - else
          Team parent
          Change where in the organisation this team is located.

        -unless @group.new_record?
            - if @group.parent
                = breadcrumbs(@group.parent.path, show_links: false)
            = link_to 'Change team parent', '#', class: 'show-editable-fields'

        .editable-fields{ style: ('display:none' unless @group.new_record?) }
            = t('.team_selector_hint')
          - if @org_structure
            = render 'shared/org_browser', org_structure: @org_structure, form: f, field_name: :parent_id
            = link_to 'Done', '#', class: 'hide-editable-fields button-secondary'

    = f.submit class: 'button'

      - if @group.new_record?
        = link_to 'Cancel', :back
      - else
        = link_to 'Cancel', @group