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Test Coverage
- content_for :header, 'Visitor 1'


    %p Speak to the prisoner to check you’re on their visitor list (visitor identities will be checked)

    %h2 Your details

    = form_for visit, url: visitors_details_path, :html => { :autocomplete => 'off' } do |f|

      - if visit.errors.any? || visit.visitors.any? { |v| v.errors.any? }"alert" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="error-heading")
          %h2#error-heading You need to fix the errors on this page before continuing.

            - visit.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
              %li= msg
            -{|v|v.errors.any?}.each do |visitor|
              - visitor.errors.messages.each do |key, val|
                  - if key == :base
                    = val.join(', ').humanize
                  - else
                    = [(visitor.index == 0 ? "your" : "visitor #{visitor.index+1}"), key, val.join(' and ')].join(' ').humanize

        %legend.visuallyhidden Your details
        = f.fields_for visit.visitors[0], index: '' do |visitor_form|
          = render 'shared/visitors_details/visitor_fields', f: visitor_form, index: 0, visitor: visit.visitors[0], js_template: false

      %h2 Other visitors
      %p Seating arrangements at this prison allow 3 visitors over the age of #{prison_adult_age} plus 3 children under that age. Children may have to sit on your lap.

        %legend.visuallyhidden Other visitors
          %label(for="number_of_adults") How many other visitors?
          = select_tag 'visit[visitor][][number_of_adults]', options_for_select([['none',0],1,2,3,4,5], visit.visitors[0].number_of_adults.to_s), :class => 'number_of_visitors adults'

          - visit.visitors.each_with_index do |visitor, index|
            - next if index == 0
            = f.fields_for visitor, index: '' do |visitor_form|
              = render 'shared/visitors_details/visitor_fields', f: visitor_form, index: index, visitor: visitor, js_template: false

          = f.submit :name => 'next', :value => 'Continue', :class => 'button button-primary', :id => 'continue'
          = f.submit :name => 'next', :value => 'Add another visitor', :class => 'button hidden--js-enabled', :id => 'add-visitor'
        %p= link_to 'Cancel and delete all details', abandon_path, :'data-confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to cancel this visit request?\r\rThis will delete all the information you have entered"

    -# Repeat an empty instance of the visitor fields to append additional visitors on the client-side
    = form_for(, visitors: [,], slots: []), url: '', html: { id: 'template' }) do |f|
      = f.fields_for, index: '' do |visitor_form|
          = render 'shared/visitors_details/visitor_fields', f: visitor_form, index: '{{index}}', visitor:, js_template: true

    = render 'ad_help'