from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from hexapod.models import VirtualHexapod, Hexagon
from hexapod.points import (
from settings import ASSERTION_ENABLED, PRINT_IK
def recompute_hexapod(dimensions, ik_parameters, poses):
# make the hexapod with all angles = 0
# update the hexapod so that we know which given points are in contact with the ground
old_hexapod = VirtualHexapod(dimensions)
old_hexapod.update_stance(ik_parameters["hip_stance"], ik_parameters["leg_stance"])
old_contacts = deepcopy(old_hexapod.ground_contacts)
# make a new hexapod with all angles = 0
# and update given the poses/ angles we've computed
new_hexapod = VirtualHexapod(dimensions)
new_contacts = deepcopy(new_hexapod.ground_contacts)
# get two points that are on the ground before and after
# updating to the given poses
id1, id2 = find_two_same_leg_ids(old_contacts, new_contacts)
old_p1 = deepcopy(old_hexapod.legs[id1].ground_contact())
old_p2 = deepcopy(old_hexapod.legs[id2].ground_contact())
new_p1 = deepcopy(new_hexapod.legs[id1].ground_contact())
new_p2 = deepcopy(new_hexapod.legs[id2].ground_contact())
# we must translate and rotate the hexapod with the pose
# so that the hexapod is stepping on the old predefined ground contact points
old_vector = vector_from_to(old_p1, old_p2)
new_vector = vector_from_to(new_p1, new_p2)
_, twist_frame = find_twist_to_recompute_hexapod(new_vector, old_vector)
new_hexapod.rotate_and_shift(twist_frame, 0)
twisted_p2 = new_hexapod.legs[id2].foot_tip()
translate_vector = vector_from_to(twisted_p2, old_p2)
new_hexapod.move_xyz(translate_vector.x, translate_vector.y, 0)
might_sanity_check_points(new_p1, new_p2, old_p1, old_p2, new_vector, old_vector)
return new_hexapod
def make_contact_dict(ground_contact_list):
# map index in ground_contact_list
contact_dict = {}
for contact in ground_contact_list:
left_or_right, front_mid_back, _ = contact.name.split("-")
leg_placement = left_or_right + "-" + front_mid_back
leg_id = Hexagon.VERTEX_NAMES.index(leg_placement)
contact_dict[leg_id] = leg_placement
return contact_dict
def find_two_same_leg_ids(old_contacts, new_contacts):
same_ids = []
old_contact_dict = make_contact_dict(old_contacts)
new_contact_dict = make_contact_dict(new_contacts)
print("In recomputing hexapod:")
print("...old contacts:", old_contact_dict)
print("...new_contacts: ", old_contact_dict)
for leg_id in old_contact_dict:
if leg_id not in new_contact_dict:
if len(same_ids) == 2:
return same_ids[0], same_ids[1]
raise Exception(
f"Need at least two same points on ground.\n\
old: {old_contact_dict}\n new: {new_contact_dict}"
def find_twist_to_recompute_hexapod(a, b):
twist = angle_between(a, b)
z_axis = Vector(0, 0, -1)
is_ccw = is_counter_clockwise(a, b, z_axis)
if is_ccw:
twist = -twist
twist_frame = rotz(twist)
return twist, twist_frame
def should_be_on_ground_msg(point):
return f"Vector should be on the ground:\n{point}, z != 0"
def might_sanity_check_points(new_p1, new_p2, old_p1, old_p2, new_vector, old_vector):
print("Sanity check on hexapod.ik_solver.recompute_hexapod")
assert np.isclose(new_p1.z, 0, atol=1), should_be_on_ground_msg(new_p1)
assert np.isclose(new_p2.z, 0, atol=1), should_be_on_ground_msg(new_p2)
assert np.isclose(old_p1.z, 0, atol=1), should_be_on_ground_msg(old_p1)
assert np.isclose(old_p2.z, 0, atol=1), should_be_on_ground_msg(old_p2)
assert new_p1.name == old_p1.name, f"Should be the same name:\n{old_p1}\n{new_p1}"
assert new_p2.name == old_p2.name, f"Should be the same name:\n{old_p2}\n{new_p2}"
assert np.isclose(
length(new_vector), length(old_vector), atol=1.0
), f"Should be same length.\nnew_vector:{new_vector}\n old_vector:{old_vector}"