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# kerberosio-hooks WebHooks extensible module to be notified where you need if anything happens on you Kerberosio

## Requirements
To use this script you need a recent version of NodeJS (the 0.10.X is not supported). I suggest you to use the latest LTS version.
To install it on your RPi the easy way is using NVM (Node Version Manager

curl -o- | bash
nvm install --lts
nvm alias default <the lts version installed>
nvm use default

## Installation
Clone the project on your system:

git clone

Install all dependencies using npm:

cd kerberosio-hooks
npm install

## Configuration
To use this module you need to configure into the **config/default.json** file containing basic parameters and all the module's too.

  "server_port": 8080,
  "activated_plugins": ["pushbullet"],


* server_port: configure the listen port for the WebHook server_port
* activated_plugins: list of plugins you want to use (contained into the **plugins** folder)

### Pushbullet Configuration

  "pushbullet_key": "test",
  "device_id": "",
  "images_base_url": "'",
  "images_base_path": "/mnt/kerberosio/machinery/capture/",
  "image_method": "PATH"

* pushbullet_key: is the API key you can obtain on the Pushbullet website
* images_base_url: used as base image path to upload the image to Pushbullet (the url should be accessible from internet).
* images_base_path: local path where images are stored.
* image_method: which method you want to use to upload the image to pushbullet (PATH/URL). The default is the local PATH.
* device_id: If you want to notify only one device, you can configure the Pushbullet device id here.

## WebHook Usage
To start the WebHook Listener you can use the following command line:

node index.js

A webserver will be started on the configure port (by default **8080**).
Into the configuration you can then configure the URL of the server: **http://ip:port/kerberosio**
The sent message will contain some information about the detection (image url, time, ...).

## Init.d Service
You can start your service in background and configure to start it up automatically when the system starts up.

First of all you need to install *forever*

npm install -g forever

Then you can simply use (and configure) the sample init.d script placed in the root source folder (*webhook-init-d*).

sudo cp webhook-init-d /etc/init.d/webhook
sudo /etc/init.d/webhook start