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package moleculer

import (

    bus ""

    log ""

type ForEachFunc func(iterator func(key interface{}, value Payload) bool)

// Payload contains the data sent/return to actions.
// I has convinience methods to read action parameters by name with the right type.
type Payload interface {
    First() Payload
    Sort(field string) Payload
    Remove(fields ...string) Payload
    AddItem(value interface{}) Payload
    Add(field string, value interface{}) Payload
    AddMany(map[string]interface{}) Payload
    MapArray() []map[string]interface{}
    RawMap() map[string]interface{}
    Bson() bson.M
    BsonArray() bson.A
    Map() map[string]Payload
    Exists() bool
    IsError() bool
    Error() error
    ErrorPayload() Payload
    Value() interface{}
    ValueArray() []interface{}
    Int() int
    IntArray() []int
    Int64() int64
    Int64Array() []int64
    Uint() uint64
    UintArray() []uint64
    Float32() float32
    Float32Array() []float32
    Float() float64
    FloatArray() []float64
    String() string
    StringArray() []string
    Bool() bool
    BoolArray() []bool
    ByteArray() []byte
    Time() time.Time
    TimeArray() []time.Time
    Array() []Payload
    At(index int) Payload
    Len() int
    Get(path string, defaultValue ...interface{}) Payload
    //Only return a payload containing only the field specified
    Only(path string) Payload
    IsArray() bool
    IsMap() bool
    ForEach(iterator func(key interface{}, value Payload) bool)
    MapOver(tranform func(in Payload) Payload) Payload

// ActionSchema is used by the validation engine to check if parameters sent to the action are valid.
type ActionSchema interface {

type ObjectSchema struct {
    Source interface{}

type Action struct {
    Name        string
    Handler     ActionHandler
    Schema      ActionSchema
    Settings    map[string]interface{}
    Description string

type Event struct {
    Name    string
    Group   string
    Handler EventHandler

type ServiceSchema struct {
    Name         string
    Version      string
    Dependencies []string
    Settings     map[string]interface{}
    Metadata     map[string]interface{}
    Hooks        map[string]interface{}
    Mixins       []Mixin
    Actions      []Action
    Events       []Event
    Created      CreatedFunc
    Started      LifecycleFunc
    Stopped      LifecycleFunc

type Mixin struct {
    Name         string
    Dependencies []string
    Settings     map[string]interface{}
    Metadata     map[string]interface{}
    Hooks        map[string]interface{}
    Actions      []Action
    Events       []Event
    Created      CreatedFunc
    Started      LifecycleFunc
    Stopped      LifecycleFunc

type TransporterFactoryFunc func() interface{}
type StrategyFactoryFunc func() interface{}

type Config struct {
    LogLevel                   string
    LogFormat                  string
    DiscoverNodeID             func() string
    Transporter                string
    TransporterFactory         TransporterFactoryFunc
    StrategyFactory            StrategyFactoryFunc
    UpdateNodeMetricsFrequency time.Duration
    HeartbeatFrequency         time.Duration
    HeartbeatTimeout           time.Duration
    OfflineCheckFrequency      time.Duration
    OfflineTimeout             time.Duration
    NeighboursCheckTimeout     time.Duration
    WaitForDependenciesTimeout time.Duration
    Middlewares                []Middlewares
    Namespace                  string
    RequestTimeout             time.Duration
    MCallTimeout               time.Duration
    RetryPolicy                *RetryPolicy
    MaxCallLevel               int
    Metrics                    bool
    MetricsRate                float32
    DisableInternalServices    bool
    DisableInternalMiddlewares bool
    DontWaitForNeighbours      bool
    WaitForNeighboursInterval  time.Duration
    Created                    func()
    Started                    func()
    Stopped                    func()

    Services map[string]interface{}

var DefaultConfig = Config{
    LogLevel:                   "INFO",
    LogFormat:                  "TEXT",
    DiscoverNodeID:             discoverNodeID,
    Transporter:                "MEMORY",
    UpdateNodeMetricsFrequency: 5 * time.Second,
    HeartbeatFrequency:         5 * time.Second,
    HeartbeatTimeout:           15 * time.Second,
    OfflineCheckFrequency:      20 * time.Second,
    OfflineTimeout:             10 * time.Minute,
    DontWaitForNeighbours:      true,
    NeighboursCheckTimeout:     2 * time.Second,
    WaitForDependenciesTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
    Metrics:                    false,
    MetricsRate:                1,
    DisableInternalServices:    false,
    DisableInternalMiddlewares: false,
    Created:                    func() {},
    Started:                    func() {},
    Stopped:                    func() {},
    MaxCallLevel:               100,
    RetryPolicy: &RetryPolicy{
        Enabled: false,
    RequestTimeout:            3 * time.Second,
    MCallTimeout:              5 * time.Second,
    WaitForNeighboursInterval: 200 * time.Millisecond,

// discoverNodeID - should return the node id for this machine
func discoverNodeID() string {
    hostname, err := os.Hostname()
    if err != nil {
        hostname = "node-" + util.RandomString(2)
    return fmt.Sprint(hostname, "-", util.RandomString(5))

type RetryPolicy struct {
    Enabled  bool
    Retries  int
    Delay    int
    MaxDelay int
    Factor   int
    Check    func(error) bool

type ActionHandler func(context Context, params Payload) interface{}
type EventHandler func(context Context, params Payload)
type CreatedFunc func(ServiceSchema, *log.Entry)
type LifecycleFunc func(BrokerContext, ServiceSchema)

type LoggerFunc func(name string, value string) *log.Entry
type BusFunc func() *bus.Emitter
type isStartedFunc func() bool
type LocalNodeFunc func() Node
type InstanceIDFunc func() string
type ActionDelegateFunc func(context BrokerContext, opts ...Options) chan Payload
type EmitEventFunc func(context BrokerContext)
type ServiceForActionFunc func(string) []*ServiceSchema
type MultActionDelegateFunc func(callMaps map[string]map[string]interface{}) chan map[string]Payload
type BrokerContextFunc func() BrokerContext
type MiddlewareHandlerFunc func(name string, params interface{}) interface{}
type PublishFunc func(...interface{})
type WaitForFunc func(...string) error
type MiddlewareHandler func(params interface{}, next func(...interface{}))

type Middlewares map[string]MiddlewareHandler

type Middleware interface {
    CallHandlers(name string, params interface{}) interface{}
type Node interface {
    GetID() string
    ExportAsMap() map[string]interface{}
    IsAvailable() bool
    GetIpList() []string
    GetPort() int
    IsExpired(timeout time.Duration) bool
    Update(id string, info map[string]interface{}) (bool, []map[string]interface{})
    UpdateInfo(info map[string]interface{}) []map[string]interface{}
    HeartBeat(heartbeat map[string]interface{})
    Publish(service map[string]interface{})
    GetUdpAddress() string
    GetSequence() int64
    GetCpuSequence() int64
    GetCpu() int64
    IsLocal() bool
    GetHostname() string

type Options struct {
    Meta   Payload
    NodeID string

type Context interface {
    //context methods used by services
    MCall(map[string]map[string]interface{}) chan map[string]Payload
    Call(actionName string, params interface{}, opts ...Options) chan Payload
    Emit(eventName string, params interface{}, groups ...string)
    Broadcast(eventName string, params interface{}, groups ...string)
    Logger() *log.Entry

    Payload() Payload
    Meta() Payload

type ForEachNodeFunc func(node Node) bool
type Registry interface {
    GetNodeByID(nodeID string) Node
    AddOfflineNode(nodeID, hostname, ipAddress string, port int) Node
    DisconnectNode(nodeID string)
    RemoteNodeInfoReceived(message Payload)
    GetLocalNode() Node
    GetNodeByAddress(host string) Node

type BrokerContext interface {
    Call(actionName string, params interface{}, opts ...Options) chan Payload
    Emit(eventName string, params interface{}, groups ...string)

    ChildActionContext(actionName string, params Payload, opts ...Options) BrokerContext
    ChildEventContext(eventName string, params Payload, groups []string, broadcast bool) BrokerContext

    ActionName() string
    EventName() string
    Payload() Payload
    Groups() []string
    IsBroadcast() bool
    Caller() string

    //export context info in a map[string]
    AsMap() map[string]interface{}

    SetTargetNodeID(targetNodeID string)
    TargetNodeID() string

    ID() string
    RequestID() string
    Meta() Payload
    Logger() *log.Entry

    WaitFor(services ...string) error

// Needs Refactoring..2 broker interfaces.. one for regiwstry.. and for for all others.
type BrokerDelegates struct {
    InstanceID         InstanceIDFunc
    LocalNode          LocalNodeFunc
    Logger             LoggerFunc
    Bus                BusFunc
    IsStarted          isStartedFunc
    Config             Config
    MultActionDelegate MultActionDelegateFunc
    ActionDelegate     ActionDelegateFunc
    EmitEvent          EmitEventFunc
    BroadcastEvent     EmitEventFunc
    HandleRemoteEvent  EmitEventFunc
    ServiceForAction   ServiceForActionFunc
    BrokerContext      BrokerContextFunc
    MiddlewareHandler  MiddlewareHandlerFunc
    Publish            PublishFunc
    WaitFor            WaitForFunc