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Test Coverage
** Please read the guidelines below. **
   The PR title should:

   * Incorporate the Target Process story ID
   * Avoid technical and non-MAS acronyms
   * Some MASisms are fine
   * Write a complete sentence
   * Write in the present tense
   * Keep it as short as is practical but no shorter

   The PR description should include clear explanations of what the PR delivers.


**Target Process ticket**


Brief description of the ticket.

**Examples (optional)**
Before / after images of any visual / ui updates.

**QA / Testing**
Testing notes / guidelines if necessary.


Make sure that when your PR is good to be reviewed you check the below checks:

+ [ ] Tests passed.
+ [ ] Rubocop is passing for this PR (or any other lint like JShint).
+ [ ] Code Climate passed for this PR.
+ [ ] Commit history reviewed (clear commit messages).