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# coding: utf-8
# This file is a part of VK4XMPP transport
# © simpleApps, 2013 — 2016.

import re
import urllib
import time
from printer import *

VK_AUDIO_SEARCH_LINK = "[q]=%s&c[section]=audio"

PHOTO_SIZES = ("w", "z", "y", "x", "q", "p", "m", "o", "s")
STICKER_SIZES = (512, 352, 256, 128, 64)

ATTACHMENT_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?P<type>Photo|Document|Sticker|Audio message)\:\s(?P<name>“.+?”\s—\s)?(?P<url>http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+)$", re.UNICODE)

GLOBAL_USER_SETTINGS["parse_wall"] = {"value": 1, "label": "Parse wall attachments"}
GLOBAL_USER_SETTINGS["make_oob"] = {"value": 1, "label": "Allow OOB for attachments",
    "desc": "Attach incoming files as attachments,\nso they would be displayed by your client (if supported)"}

# The attachments that don't require any special movements
SIMPLE_ATTACHMENTS = {"doc": "Document: “%(title)s” — %(url)s",
    "link": "URL: %(title)s — %(url)s",
    "poll": "Poll: %(question)s",
    "page": "Page: %(title)s — %(view_url)s"}

timeFormat = lambda seconds: time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(seconds))

def parseAttachments(self, msg, spacer=""):
    “parses” attachments from the json to a string
    result = (MSG_APPEND, "")
    final_body = ""
    if "attachments" in msg:
        attachments = msg["attachments"]
        # Add new line and "Attachments" if there some text added
        if msg.get("text") and len(attachments) > 1:
            final_body += chr(10) + spacer + _("Attachments:")
        if spacer:
            final_body += "\n"
        elif msg.get("text"):
            final_body += "\n"

        for num, attachment in enumerate(attachments):
            body = spacer
            type = attachment.get("type")
            current = attachment[type]
            if num > 0:
                body = chr(10) + spacer

            if type == "wall":
                if self.settings.parse_wall:
                    tid = current.get("to_id", 1)
                    name_ = self.vk.getName(tid)
                    if tid > 0:
                        name = "%s's" % name_
                        name = "“%s”" % name_

                    body += "Post on %s wall:\n" % name
                    if current.get("text") or current.get("copy_text"):
                        body += spacer + uhtml(compile_eol.sub("\n" + spacer, current["text"] or current.get("copy_text"))) + "\n"
                    if current.get("attachments"):
                        body += spacer + parseAttachments(self, current, spacer)[1] + "\n" + spacer + "\n"
                body += spacer + ("Wall: %s" % WALL_LINK % current)

            elif type == "photo":
                sizes = current.get("sizes", [])
                found = False
                for key in PHOTO_SIZES:
                    for size in sizes:
                        if size.get("type") == key:
                            body += "Photo: %s" % size.get("url")  # No new line needed if we have just one photo and no text
                            found = True
                    if found:

            elif type == "audio":
                current["performer"] = uhtml(current.get("performer", ""))
                current["title"] = uhtml(current.get("title", ""))
                current["url"] = VK_AUDIO_SEARCH_LINK % urllib.quote(str("%(artist)s %(title)s" % current))
                current["time"] = timeFormat(current["duration"])
                body += "Audio: %(artist)s — “%(title)s“ (%(time)s min) — %(url)s" % current

            elif type == "audio_message":
                link = current.get("link_ogg") or current.get("link_mp3")
                body += "Audio message: %s (%s)" % (link, timeFormat(current["duration"]))

            elif type == "sticker":
                images = current.get("images", [])
                found = False
                for size in STICKER_SIZES:
                    for image in images:
                        if image.get("width") == size or image.get("height") == size:
                            body += "Sticker: %s" % image["url"]
                            found = True
                    if found:

            elif type == "wall_reply":
                # TODO: What if it's a community? from_id will be negative.
                # TODO: Remove "[idxxx|Name]," from the text or make it a link if XHTML is allowed
                current["name"] = self.vk.getName(current["from_id"])
                current["text"] = uhtml(compile_eol.sub("\n" + spacer, current["text"]))
                current["url"] = WALL_COMMENT_LINK % current

                body += "Commentary to the post on a wall:\n"
                body += spacer + "<%(name)s> %(text)s\n" % current
                body += spacer + "Post URL: %(url)s" % current

            elif type == "video":
                current["title"] = current.get("title", "Untitled")
                current["desc"] = ""
                if current.get("description"):
                    current["desc"] += uhtml(compile_eol.sub(" / ", "%(description)s, " % current))

                current["desc"] += "%(views)d views" % current
                current["time"] = timeFormat(current["duration"])

                body += "Video: %(title)s (%(desc)s, %(time)s min) —" % current

            elif type in SIMPLE_ATTACHMENTS:
                body += SIMPLE_ATTACHMENTS[type] % current

                body += "Unknown attachment: %s\n%s" % (type, str(current))
            final_body += body
            result = (MSG_APPEND, final_body)
    return result

def attachments_msg03(msg, destination, source):
    body = msg.getBody()
    if body:
        if msg.getType() == "groupchat":
            user = Chat.getUserObject(destination)
            user = Users.get(destination)
        if user and user.settings.make_oob:
            match = ATTACHMENT_REGEX.match(body.encode("utf-8"))
            if match:
                link ="url")
                oob = msg.setTag("x", namespace=xmpp.NS_OOB)
                oob.setTagData("url", link)

registerHandler("msg03", attachments_msg03)
registerHandler("msg01", parseAttachments)