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# MMM-mvgmunich [![GitHub license](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabiliries](]( [![Code Climate](](

MagicMirror² Module to monitor public transport (U-bahn, tram, bus, S-Bahn) in Munich - Germany.

## Example

|     |     |
| --- | --- |
|  **Stations names with arrival time**  | ![](.github/Example_1.png) | 
config: {
    haltestelle: "Hauptbahnhof",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: false,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": false,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": false,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
|     |     |
| --- | --- |
| **Stations names with icons and arrival time** | ![](.github/Example_3.png) |

config: {
    haltestelle: "Karlsplatz",
    maxEntries: 15,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": false,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": true              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: true,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative"    // format of the walking time
|     |     |
| --- | --- |
|  **Stations names with icons, arrival time and walking time** | ![](.github/Example_4.png) |
config: {
    haltestelle: "Karlsplatz",
    maxEntries: 15,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": true              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: true,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative"    // format of the walking time

|     |     |
| --- | --- |
| **Stations names with icons, arrival time and disruption marking** | ![](.github/Example_5.png) |
config: {
    haltestelle: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: false,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false

|     |     |
| --- | --- |
| **Stations names with icons, arrival time, disruption marking and disruptions details** (disruption details are not counted as new lines)| ![](.github/Example_6.png) |
config: {
    haltestelle: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: true,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false

|     |     |
| --- | --- |
| **Stations names with icons, arrival time, disruption marking and disruptions details** (disruption details are counted as new lines) | ![](.github/Example_7.png) |
config: {
    haltestelle: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: true,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: true

## Dependencies
* instance of [MagicMirror²](
* urlencode (linux: npm install urlencode)

## Installation
1. Clone this repository in your MagicMirror installation into the folder modules.
2. Rename plugin foler from 'MMM-mvgmunich' to 'mvgmunich'
3. Install dependencies in main MagicMirror folder
4. Add configuration block to your config.js:
    module: "mvgmunich",
    position: "bottom_left",
    header: "MVG",
    config: {
        haltestelle: "Hauptbahnhof",
        maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
        updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
        showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
        transportTypesToShow: {
            "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
            "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
            "bus": true,              // show bus route
            "regional_bus": true,     // show regional bus route
            "tram": true              // show tram route
        ignoreStations: [],         // lines with destination to which should not be shown
        lineFiltering: {
            "active": true,             // set this to active if filtering should be used
            "filterType": "whitelist",     // whitelist = only specified lines will be displayed, blacklist = all lines except specified lines will be displayed
            "lineNumbers": ["U1", "U3", "X50"] // lines that should be on the white-/blacklist
        timeToWalk: 10,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
        showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
        showTrainDepartureTime: true,             // show tran departure time
        trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",     // format of the train departure time
        walkingTimeFormat: "relative",            // format of the walking time
        showInterruptions: true,                    // show interruptions as gray-out rows
        showInterruptionsDetails: false,            // show details of interruptions in next line
        countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false,        // count interruptions details lines as a line shown

## Config Options
| **Option**        | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
| `haltestelle`     | Station for which you want to display data. <br> **Default:** `Hauptbahnhof` <br> **Source:** |
| `maxEntries`      | Number of items shown in table. <br> **Default:** `8` |
| `updateInterval`  | Update interval <br> **Default:** `60000` |
| `ubahn`           | Show data for U-Bahn. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `bus`             | Show data for Bus. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `regional_bus`    | Show data for regional Bus. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `tram`            | Show data for Tram. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `sbahn`           | Show data for S-Bahn. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `ignoreStations`  | Ignore destinations based on a array list. <br> **Possible values e.g.:** `["Feldmoching", "Hauptbahnhof"]` <br> **Default** `[]` |
| `timeToWalk`      | Time to walk to the station from your current location <br> **Default:** `0` minutes |
| `showWalkingTime`  | If the time to leave should be displayed which includes the walking time. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `false` |
| `showTrainDepartureTime` | If the time of train departure should be displayed. <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default:** `true` |
| `trainDepartureTimeFormat` | Train departure time format. Absolute: 21:10; Relative: in 8 min; <br> **Possible values:** `relative` or `absolute` <br> **Default** `relative` |
| `walkingTimeFormat` | Walking time format. Absolute: 21:08; Relative in 6 min; <br> **Possible values:** `relative` or `absolute` <br> **Default** `relative` |
| `showInterruptions` | Gray-out lines with interruptions; <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default** `false` |
| `showInterruptionsDetails` | Show interruptions details in a new line after the item with interruptions; <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default** `false` |
| `countInterruptionsAsItemShown` | Count interruption detail lines as line of a transport (number of lines will not explode in case of many interruptions; <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default** `false`  |
| `lineFiltering`.`active` | Flag to activate or deactivate line filtering <br> **Possible values:** `true` or `false` <br> **Default** `false`  |
| `lineFiltering`.`filterType` | Whitelist or blacklist option lines from `lineFiltering`.`lineNumbers` <br> **Possible values:** `whitelist` or `blacklist` <br> **Default** `blacklist` |
| `lineFiltering`.`lineNumbers` | lines that should be on the white-/blacklist <br> **Possible values** `["U1, U3, X50"]` <br> **Default value** `[]` |