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# Build Environment
We have a docker-based build environment which helps you to build the checkmake binary on a system that has no golang, etc. installed.

# Generate Build Environment
cd buildenv
docker build -t checkmake/buildenv:latest .
cd ..
to generate a build environment (docker image). This docker images can be used to build your checkmake binary. 

# Build Checkmake Binary
docker run --rm -e BUILDER_NAME="Your Name" -e BUILDER_EMAIL="" -v $(pwd):/data --workdir /data checkmake/buildenv:latest make
to generate the checkmake binary. (Replace "Your name" with your name and "" with your email address)

An alternative is to define the variables on your host system an then pass it to docker:
export BUILDER_NAME="Your Name"
docker run --rm -e BUILDER_NAME -e BUILDER_EMAIL -v $(pwd):/data --workdir /data checkmake/buildenv:latest make

Output is similar to:
Checking the programs required for the build are installed...
install -d .d
echo "checkmake: $(go list -f '{{ join .Deps "\n" }}' cmd/checkmake/main.go | awk '/github/ { gsub(/^\/[a-z]*\/[a-z]*\//, ""); printf $0"/*.go " }')" > .d/checkmake.d
go build -ldflags "-X 'main.version=0.1.0-22-g42f1561' -X 'main.buildTime=2020-02-23T16:02:51Z' -X 'main.builder= <>' -X 'main.goversion=go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64'" -o checkmake cmd/checkmake/main.go
sed "s/REPLACE_DATE/February 23, 2020/" man/man1/ | pandoc -s -t man -o checkmake.1

# Test Checkmake Binary
Run checkmake binary:
./checkmake --version
to test the binary. Output should be similar to:
checkmake 0.1.0-22-g42f1561 built at 2020-02-23T16:02:51Z by Your Name <> with go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64